ICT Startup Award 資訊科技初創企業獎 Introduction of Leading Organiser 籌辦機構簡介 Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association ( WTIA ) Found in 2001, WTIA is a non-profit trade association and an industry support body focusing on promoting the development, adoption and awareness of wireless technology and application in Hong Kong. WTIA has been collaborating with government, indu ...
2021香港資訊科技初創企業獎 截止報名:2021.07.16。 旨在鼓勵及表揚本地出色的軟件、硬件和社會創新領域的初創公司,根據其發展、創新、創意力、功能性、市場潛力及比表現褒獎其傑出的發展。 1. 授予金/銀/銅獎之獎座; 2. 授權在宣傳物品上展示香港資訊及通訊科技獎的標誌;