Collection of World War "Epidemic" Public Welfare Posters 世界戰“疫”公益海報徵集 The novel coronavirus epidemic is a global public health event, which threats and changes to all over the world. In the face of the epidemic, all countries in the world are a community of common destiny, and fighting the epidemic requires the people of the world to make joint efforts and work together. The ...
CLD國際藝術設計理事會世界戰「疫」公益海報徵集 新冠肺炎疫情是全球衛生公共事件,是對全人類的威脅和挑戰。疫情面前,世界各國是休戚與共的命運共同體,抗擊疫情需要全世界人民共同努力,攜手合作。 疫情無國界,CLD國際藝術設計理事會發起世界戰“疫”公益海報徵集活動,為世界抗擊新冠肺炎疫情注入堅定決心和力量,堅信世界人民一定能戰勝疫情,早日恢復社會生活秩序。