




暑假就快到,最啱就係一家一齊出動!大嶼山嘅美景數之不盡,除咗有壯麗嘅山徑,仲有好多特色景點。依家參加「大嶼山親子攝影比賽」,捕捉大自然美麗時刻,即有機會嬴走纜車門票 + 作品刊登成廣告 + 參加國家地理雜誌得獎攝影師千紅嘅親子攝影工作坊!

👍即Like 昂坪360專頁 + 留言「想參加」獲取參加詳情!

冠軍 (1名) - 刊登於港鐵廣告牌及國家地理雜誌得獎攝影師千紅親子攝影工作坊名額2個、來回纜車車票(水晶車廂) 4套

亞軍 (1名)-刊登於港鐵廣告牌及國家地理雜誌得獎攝影師千紅親子攝影工作坊名額2個、來回纜車車票(水晶車廂) 2套

季軍 (1名)-刊登於港鐵廣告牌及國家地理雜誌得獎攝影師千紅親子攝影工作坊名額2個、來回纜車車票(標準車廂) 2套


– DIY萬花筒一個

– 由昂坪360及香港經濟日報《TOPick新聞》簽發之電子證書乙張。

【#NgongPingGiveaway|Join Lantau family photo contest 📸】

As the summer holiday approaches, there’s nothing better than a family adventure to the scenic island of Lantau. Take part in the Lantau Family Photo Contest to capture the magnificence of Lantau’s nature, and win a chance to get free round-trip tickets and join family photography workshop hosted by Nat Geo photo contest-winning photographer. Winning entries will also be published at MTR ad spaces.

👍 Like the Facebook page of Ngong Ping 360 and leave the comment “Join” to receive more information.

Champion (1 winner) – entry to be published at MTR ad spaces + 2 places for family photography workshop by Nat Geo photo contest-winning photographer + 4 round-trip cable car tickets (crystal cabin)

First runner-up (1 winner) – entry to be published at MTR ad spaces + 2 places for family photography workshop by Nat Geo photo contest-winning photographer + 2 round-trip cable car tickets (crystal cabin)

Second runner-up (1 winner) – entry to be published at MTR ad spaces + 2 places for family photography workshop by Nat Geo photo contest-winning photographer + 2 round-trip cable car tickets (standard cabin)

Prize for everyone:

– DIY kaleidoscope x 1

– e-Cert issued by Ngong Ping 360 and TOPick

#昂坪360 #NP360 #NgongPing360 #昂坪市集 #NgongPingVillage #大嶼山親子攝影比賽 #Photocontest
