

SSF Hub Photo Contest 2022 SSF Hub 攝影比賽


SSF Hub Photo Contest 2022 SSF Hub 攝影比賽

SSF Hub Photo Contest 2022 SSF Hub 攝影比賽

Small-scale fisheries are critical to the livelihoods and cultures of millions of people around the world. To celebrate small-scale fisheries, highlight their importance throughout 2022, the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA), and share stories and experiences using photography, the SSF Hub is hosting its first annual photo contest, an event open to the public. The photo contest aims to highlight the diversity of small-scale fishing communities and celebrate their contributions across the seven pillars of the IYAFA Global Action Plan, in line with the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) —photo submissions that demonstrate the diversity of people, gender, fishing techniques, and traditional practices in small-scale fisheries are encouraged.

小規模漁業對全世界數百萬人的生計和文化至關重要。為了慶祝小規模漁業,在 2022 年國際手工漁業和水產養殖年 (IYAFA) 中強調其重要性,並分享使用攝影的故事和經驗,SSF Hub 將舉辦首屆年度攝影比賽,這是一項向公眾開放的活動. 攝影比賽旨在突出小規模漁業社區的多樣性,並根據《糧食安全和貧困背景下保障可持續小規模漁業自願準則》,慶祝他們對 IYAFA 全球行動計劃七大支柱的貢獻根除(SSF 指南) — 鼓勵提交展示小規模漁業中的人、性別、捕魚技術和傳統做法的多樣性的照片。


The photo contest includes several contest categories that highlight the critical importance of small-scale fisheries to livelihoods and culture. These contest categories are described below:


Contest Categories


Description 描述

Fishing in Action


Small-scale fishers use different gears, types of vessels, and unique strategies and traditions—the photos in this category celebrate the techniques, technology, innovations, and activities of fishers.


Catch of the Day


Small-scale fisheries target a wide array of species—the photos in this category showcase harvested catches and the people who caught them.


People, Culture, and Community


The photos in this category highlight the people that benefit from and/or participate in small-scale fisheries. Photos may show the traditions and culture in small-scale fishing communities and governance, tenure, participation, and management of small-scale fisheries.


Nourishing Nations


Small-scale fisheries are critical to food security and nutrition to millions of people in inland and coastal communities—the photos in this category highlight the contributions of small-scale fisheries as a food source. Submissions highlighting traditional food/cooking styles/processing are encouraged.


Value Chains, Post-Harvest, and Trade


Each part of the value chain, from pre- to post-harvest plays an important role in small-scale fisheries—the photos in this category feature the people and locations along the value chain.


IYAFA Creative Capture

IYAFA 創意捕捉

Submit a picture that connects to one or more of the seven Pillars of IYAFA as defined by the Global Action Plan (GAP).

提交與全球行動計劃 (GAP) 定義的 IYAFA 七個支柱中的一個或多個支柱相關聯的圖片。


~ 2022/7/20


Entry to the photo contest is free and open to the public.

Each person may submit up to 5 photos.

Captions of up to 15 words, including photographer and location, are required for each photo submission.

Amateur and professional photographers are eligible to compete.

Submitted photos without information on the photographer and a brief caption will not be considered.

All contest entries must be received by 11:59 PM (U.S. Pacific Time) on July 20, 2022.

By submitting your entry to this photo competition you acknowledge:

You are the sole owner and creator of the image(s) submitted.

Photos do NOT contain obscene, provocative, sexually explicit or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate content.

Photos do NOT violate any rules or regulations in your country of residence.

Photos are ethically sourced.

You have received permission to picture any persons depicted in the photo.

You are giving the SSF Hub permission to use the photo for other purposes, such as on our website, on social media, at in-person and online events, and in publications. We will provide credit to photographers whenever we use any of the photos.

The SSF Hub reserves the right to modify these rules at our discretion.


每人最多可提交 5 張照片。

每張提交的照片都需要最多 15 個單詞的標題,包括攝影師和位置。



所有參賽作品必須在 2022 年 7 月 20 日晚上 11:59(美國太平洋時間)之前收到。







您授權 SSF Hub 將照片用於其他目的,例如在我們的網站、社交媒體、現場和在線活動以及出版物中。每當我們使用任何照片時,我們都會向攝影師提供信用。

SSF Hub 保留自行決定修改這些規則的權利。


The winner's photos will be included and acknowledged in the FAO's IYAFA 2022 Year-End Report and will receive a prize kit including some or all of the following IYAFA 2022 and SSF Hub branded items: tote bag, t-shirt, water bottle and mug.

獲勝者的照片將被收錄在糧農組織的 IYAFA 2022 年終報告中並得到認可,並將獲得一套獎品,其中包括以下部分或全部 IYAFA 2022 和 SSF Hub 品牌物品:手提袋、T 卹、水瓶和杯子。


A panel of judges with representatives from SSF Hub Partner and/or Supporter organizations will review all photo entries received by the deadline and determine three finalists per category. Photos entries will be judged on the following criteria:


Adherence to respective category



Technical execution (exposure/lighting, depth of field, etc.)

Once the three finalists for each category are selected, the public voting period will begin. After this period, SSF Hub members will determine the overall winner and runner-up winner. All votes must be received by 11:59 PM (U.S. Pacific Time) on August 24, 2022.

由 SSF Hub合作夥伴和/或支持者組織代表組成的評審團將審查截止日期前收到的所有照片參賽作品,並確定每個類別的三名決賽入圍者。照片參賽作品將根據以下標准進行評判:






一旦選出每個類別的三名決賽選手,公眾投票期將開始。在此期間之後,SSF Hub 成員將確定總冠軍和亞軍。所有選票必須在 2022 年 8 月 24 日晚上 11:59(美國太平洋時間)之前收到。


Contest opens: June 8, 2022

Deadline for submissions: July 20, 2022

Finalist selection: August 3, 2022

Finalist voting: August 24, 2022

Contest winner(s) announced: Week of September 5, 2022

比賽開始時間:2022 年 6 月 8 日

提交截止日期:2022 年 7 月 20 日

入圍名單:2022 年 8 月 3 日

入圍投票:2022 年 8 月 24 日

比賽獲勝者宣布:2022 年 9 月 5 日當週



※ 詳細規定,以主辦單位官方公佈為主
