

Flint Municipal Center Design Competition 弗林特市政中心設計競賽


Flint Municipal Center Design Competition 弗林特市政中心設計競賽

The AIA Flint 2022 Design Competition focuses on the existing City of Flint Municipal Center Campus located in the heart of Downtown Flint on Saginaw Street between Fifth Street and the I-69 & I-475 interchange. The 23-acre campus is split between seven government office buildings on the North side of Stevens Street, with a gas station, pawn shop, and vacant office building on the South side of the street. Currently the site is underutilized and much of the interior space of the buildings is unoccupied. The focus of the competition is to develop the site into a vibrant, mixed use, walkable community that will spur greater public use and bring further investment to the downtown area. While the AIA acknowledges the site was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2019 for its representation of "International Style" architecture, this should not limit the designer as to their proposal. The participant should propose a design solution that they think makes the best use of the site to accommodate the design requirements, whether that is through renovation of the existing buildings or redevelopment of the entire campus. If historic rehabilitation of the existing buildings is proposed, refer to the National Park Services’ Rehabilitation Standards and Guidelines webpage.

AIA 弗林特 2022 設計競賽的重點是現有的弗林特市市政中心校區,該校區位於第五街和 I-69 和 I-475 交匯處之間的薩吉諾街弗林特市中心。佔地 23 英畝的校園分為史蒂文斯街北側的七座政府辦公大樓,街道南側設有加油站、當舖和空置辦公樓。目前,該場地未得到充分利用,建築物的大部分內部空間都未被佔用。競賽的重點是將場地發展成一個充滿活力、混合用途、適合步行的社區,這將刺激更多的公共用途,並為市中心地區帶來更多投資。雖然 AIA 承認該網站因其“國際風格”的代表而被列入 2019 年國家史蹟名錄 建築,這不應該限制設計師的提議。參賽者應提出一個他們認為最能利用場地來滿足設計要求的設計解決方案,無論是通過翻新現有建築物還是重新開發整個校園。如果提議對現有建築物進行歷史修復,請參閱國家公園服務處的修復標準和指南網頁。


To demonstrate a concept of how a city's municipal center can be supported and maintained with the revenues generated through creating a vibrant live / work / entertainment experience. With the use of Architectural Design, provide a creative visual expression to achieve a state-of-the-art experience for the future.



~ 2022/7/31


Projects must include: a 500 word (max.) narrative describing the proposed solution and a full color overall site plan scaled to 1” = 80’-0”. Enlarged area plans and 3D renderings are encouraged but are not required. Participant information (Company or University logo and name of individual or team) is to be located in the bottom right hand corner on each board, in an area equal to 16” squared. This area will be covered during judging but will be on display for the awards ceremony.

項目必須包括:描述建議解決方案的 500 字(最多)敘述和縮放為 1” = 80'-0” 的全彩色總體場地平面圖。鼓勵擴大區域平面圖和 3D 渲染,但不是必需的。參與者信息(公司或大學徽標以及個人或團隊的名稱)位於每塊板的右下角,面積等於 16 平方英寸。該區域將在評審期間進行覆蓋,但將在頒獎典禮上展出。


Prizes will be awarded in the following amounts: 1st Place – $4000, 2nd Place – $2000, 3rd Place – $1000, Honorable Mentions will be publicly recognized.

獎品將按以下金額頒發:第 1 名 – 4000 美元,第 2 名 – 2000 美元,第 3 名 – 1000 美元,榮譽獎將被公開承認。


A panel of five distinguished guests will be selected to judge the competition based on the following criteria: Creativity, Practicality, Benefits to the City of Flint, Representation of Ideas.



The submissions will be reviewed and the results announced during a public ceremony to take place at the “Greater Flint Arts Council” located at 816 Saginaw St, Flint, MI on August 12th, 2022 between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM. The winning submissions will remain on display until September 2nd, 2022. All project boards will be collected and stored at THA Architects Engineers until September 9th, 2022 for any entrant that wants to pick up their boards.

提交的作品將在 2022 年 8 月 12 日下午 5:00 至下午 6:00 在位於密歇根州弗林特薩吉諾街 816 號的“大弗林特藝術委員會”舉行的公開儀式上進行審查並公佈結果。獲獎作品將一直展出至 2022 年 9 月 2 日。所有項目板將被收集並存儲在 THA Architects Engineers 直到 2022 年 9 月 9 日,以供任何想要領取其板的參賽者使用。



※ 詳細規定,以主辦單位官方公佈為主
