

Google.org Impact Challenge on Climate Innovation Google.org 氣候創新影響挑戰賽


Google.org Impact Challenge on Climate Innovation Google.org 氣候創新影響挑戰賽

Google.org Impact Challenge on Climate Innovation Google.org 氣候創新影響挑戰賽
At Google, we believe that when it comes to solving a problem as big and urgent as climate change, we get more done when we work together.
We want to support the work of nonprofits, experts, and organizations around the world that will accelerate advances in climate information and action. We are looking for solutions that help the global community illuminate previously opaque climate challenges and enable collective climate actions. Past Google.org supported initiatives help map emissions on a global scale, restore ecosystems, and enable small businesses to understand their carbon footprint.
Applications for the Google.org Impact Challenge on Climate Innovation will close on November 30, 2022.

我們希望支持世界各地的非營利組織、專家和組織的工作,以加速氣候信息和行動的進步。我們正在尋找能夠幫助全球社會闡明以前不透明的氣候挑戰並促成集體氣候行動的解決方案。過去 Google.org 支持的計劃有助於繪製全球範圍內的排放圖、恢復生態系統並使小型企業能夠了解其碳足跡。

Google.org 氣候創新影響挑戰賽的申請將於 2022 年 11 月 30 日截止。


Building off of Google.org’s Impact Challenge on Climate in 2020, we are looking for solutions that expand our understanding of climate change through data, thereby informing our actions and strategies – projects that map emissions on a global scale; that show people the most effective places to restore ecosystems; that help small businesses understand their carbon footprint.
以 Google.org 的 2020 年氣候影響挑戰為基礎,我們正在尋找解決方案,通過數據擴大我們對氣候變化的理解,從而為我們的行動和戰略提供信息——在全球範圍內繪製排放圖的項目;向人們展示恢復生態系統最有效的地方;幫助小企業了解他們的碳足跡。


~ 2022/11/30

The Challenge is open to any not-for-profit charity, other not-for-profit organization, public or private academic or research institution, or for-profit social enterprise company with a project that has an explicit charitable purpose. Your organization must have a registered office in your country of residence. Organizations located in Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, the so-called Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) and Luhansk People's Republic (LNR), or Syria and projects in those countries are not eligible to apply. Unfortunately, individuals without organizational affiliation are ineligible.
Applications must be submitted in English. We are able to work with organizations with varying levels of English ability throughout the review and selection process, but please note that post-funding support for selected organizations will be in English.
挑戰賽向任何非營利慈善機構、其他非營利組織、公共或私人學術或研究機構,或具有明確慈善目的的項目的營利性社會企業公司開放。您的組織必須在您居住的國家/地區設有註冊辦事處。位於克里米亞、古巴、伊朗、朝鮮、俄羅斯、所謂的頓涅茨克人民共和國 (DNR) 和盧甘斯克人民共和國 (LNR) 或敘利亞的組織和這些國家的項目沒有資格申請。不幸的是,沒有組織隸屬關係的個人沒有資格。



Selected organizations will receive $5M in funding and Google and its partners will provide customized support to help bring projects to life.
選定的組織將獲得 500 萬美元的資金,谷歌及其合作夥伴將提供定制支持,以幫助將項目變為現實。


We are looking for transformational solutions that have potential for global impact. While your idea does not need to immediately reach millions of people globally, you should articulate how it could ultimately do so. We encourage collaboration between multiple organizations, as coalitions may be helpful for achieving the scale of solutions we’re hoping to support.
Projects should drive tangible, real world impact for both the climate and people. The proposal should explain how it will tackle climate change and/or the extent to which it will support others to do so too. Successful applications will be grounded in data and research.
Innovative use of technology
Ideas should apply technology by creating or enabling new solutions and approaches. Applications can also propose innovative applications of existing technology – solutions that apply AI and machine learning are encouraged!
Successful proposals will have well-developed and realistic execution plans supported with the resources and expertise needed for implementation. Taking on big, scalable ideas with technology at their core is difficult, and we look for teams that are equipped to implement the proposed project.





We will accept applications beginning on 23 June 2022 until 30 November 2022. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
我們將接受 2022 年 6 月 23 日至 2022 年 11 月 30 日期間的申請。申請將滾動審核。


Please contact us at climateinnovation-challenge@google.com.
※ 詳細規定,以主辦單位官方公佈為主
