

Bauwelt Award 2023 建築世界獎


Bauwelt Award 2023 建築世界獎

For the twelfth time the Bauwelt Award “First Works” will be tendered this year – from 1st October on you can submit your first work. The Bauwelt Award (consisting of 6 awards of 5000 Euros each) applies to all categories of “First Work” – from transformation projects to prototypal constructions, from public housing projects to the sustainable development of public space and to temporary interventions. Qualified for submission is every first work the submitter has realized on his or her own responsibility and which has
been completed after January 1st, 2018. The closing date of the digital submission is December 31st, 2022.
Bauwelt 獎“第一部作品”今年將第 12 次招標——從 10 月 1 日起,您可以提交您的第一部作品。 Bauwelt 獎(由 6 個獎項組成,每個獎項 5000 歐元)適用於所有類別的“首次工作”——從改造項目到原型建築,從公共住房項目到公共空間的可持續發展和臨時干預。 有資格提交是提交者根據他或她自己的責任實現的每一個第一個作品,並且已經於 2018 年 1 月 1 日之後完成。數字提交的截止日期為 2022 年 12 月 31 日。

The Bauwelt Awardapplies to all categories of “First Work” – from transformation projects to prototypal constructions, from public housing projects to the sustainable development of public space and to temporary interventions.
Bauwelt 獎適用於所有類別的“首次工作”——從改造項目到原型建築,從公共住房項目到公共空間的可持續發展和臨時干預。

Eligible to participate are architects, interior designers, urban planners and landscape architects from all over the world, individuals as well as working teams.

You can submit projects for the Bauwelt Award 2023 until December 31, 2022, 11:59 pm.
您可以在 2022 年 12 月 31 日晚上 11:59 之前提交 2023 年 Bauwelt 獎的項目。

The submitted work is to be presented on four sheets in A3 landscape format. Participants may freely design the sheets at their own discretion, but should note the following the guideline for the submission:
1. On the first sheet, the project should be presented with a single photo only.
2. Please put down all relevant information about the project in writing on the second sheet. In addition to the author‘s details and key data on the project, the project should be briefly explained here. The explanatory report should not count more than 400 words. Competition languages are German and English.You can supplement the text with pictures and drawings.
On the 3. and 4. page you should present your work in drawing and photos comprehensively and clearly in its entirety and in detail. Expected are the important floor plans and sections as well as photos of the project.
Legal recourse is excluded.
提交的作品將以 A3 橫向格式呈現在四張紙上。 參賽者可自行決定自由設計表格,但應注意以下提交指南:

1. 在第一張紙上,項目應該只展示一張照片。

2. 請在第二張紙上寫下有關項目的所有相關信息。 除了作者的項目細節和關鍵數據外,這裡應該對項目進行簡要說明。 解釋性報告不應超過 400 字。 比賽語言為德語和英語。您可以用圖片和圖畫補充文字。

在 3. 和 4. 頁面上,您應該全面、清晰地完整、詳細地展示您的繪畫和照片作品。 預計是重要的平面圖和部分以及項目的照片。


Anne Femmer Summacumfemmer Architekten, Leipzig
Jan Friedrich Bauwelt, Berlin
Martin Haas haas cook zemmerich, Stuttgart
Simona Malvezzi, Kuehn Malvezzi, Berlin
Dorte Mandrup Dorte Mandrup A/S, Kopenhagen (angefragt)
Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei, Stuttgart
Peter Cachola Schmal DAM Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt a. M.
Henrike Wehberg-Krafft WES LandschaftsArchitektur, Berlin
The prize money consists of 30,000 Euros. For each of the six prizes, 5000 Euros will be awarded to the winner. The jury is entitled to split the sum differently.
獎金包括 30,000 歐元。 對於六個獎項中的每一個,獲勝者將獲得 5000 歐元的獎金。 陪審團有權以不同的方式分配金額。

聯絡人信箱: josepha.landes@bauwelt.de
聯絡電話:+49 30 8841060
