

Arch20 photography challenge 2nd edition Arch2O攝影挑戰賽


Arch20 photography challenge 2nd edition Arch2O攝影挑戰賽

Arch2O Photography Challenge
The growing obsession with visual documentation is giving us a chance to learn more about our architectural context. After we build, the Architecture rebuilds and frames our stories. Taking a photo of a building might be easy, but telling a story through it is quite challenging!


It is required to submit one photograph that conveys the sense of its place – whether through capturing how a building or a group of buildings exist within their context, or how people and objects experience and interact with these buildings. The photograph can be taken anywhere in the world, at any scale, and from whichever angle. It can, as well, frame a group of buildings, a whole building, or close-up architectural details. Any photo that portrays architecture as its main element is eligible. Your photograph should be submitted alongside a short description that does not exceed 150 words.
需要提交一張能夠傳達其場所氛圍的照片 ,無論是捕捉一整棟建築物或一組建築物在其環境中的存在方式,還是人和物體如何體驗這些建築物並與之互動。這張照片可以是在世界任何地方,以任何比例和任何角度拍攝。它還可以是一組建築物,整個建築物或特寫建築細節。任何以建築作為其主要元素的照片都符合條件。您的照片應與不超過150字的簡短說明一起提交。


Early Bird Registration早鳥報名:2022/07/30
Regular Registration定期報名:2022/10/30
Late Registration延期報名:2023/01/15

1 image with a minimum width of 2000 pixels (max. file size 10mb) in JPEG format, and a 150-word accompanying description. The single image should portray an existing building, interior space, architectural detail, or a group of buildings, and can be taken using any camera or camera phone.
1 張照片最小寬度為 2000 像素(最大檔大小為 10mb)的 JPEG 格式圖像,以及 150 字的隨附說明。單個圖像應描繪現有建築物,內部空間,建築細節或一組建築物,可以使用任何相機或手機拍攝。


1st Prize :1000 USD
2nd Prize :700 USD
3rd Prize :300 USD

The 100 finalists will be selected by Arch2O’s team of competition jurors. Then Top 2 photos will be selected by our expert jury from these shortlisted entries.


Public Voting 公眾投票:2023/02/15
Jury / Winners Announced 評審團/獲獎者公佈 :April 2023

About – Arch2O Awards
※ 詳細規定,以主辦單位官方公佈為主
