

Harvard GSD Wheelwright Prize for early-career architects 哈佛 GSD Wheelwright 早期職業建築師獎


Harvard GSD Wheelwright Prize for early-career architects 哈佛 GSD Wheelwright 早期職業建築師獎

Established in 1935 in memory of Arthur W. Wheelwright, Class of 1887, the Wheelwright Prize was originally entitled the Arthur W. Wheelwright Traveling Fellowship. Over the following decades, the fellowship afforded extraordinary experiences for generations of Harvard GSD alumni. The fellowship was conceived at a time when foreign travel was out of reach for many. The prize enabled several early Wheelwright fellows—including Paul Rudolph (1937–38), Eliot Noyes (1939–40), William Wurster (1942–43), and I. M. Pei (1950–51)—to embark on expeditions that largely followed the tradition of the Grand European Tour.
Wheelwright 獎成立於 1935 年,以紀念 1887 屆的 Arthur W. Wheelwright,最初名為 Arthur W. Wheelwright 旅行獎學金。在接下來的幾十年裡,該獎學金為幾代哈佛 GSD 校友提供了非凡的經歷。該獎學金是在許多人無法出國旅行的時候構思的。該獎項使幾位早期的 Wheelwright 研究員——包括 Paul Rudolph (1937-38)、Eliot Noyes (1939-40)、William Wurster (1942-43) 和 IM Pei (1950-51)——開始了在很大程度上遵循大歐巡賽的傳統。

The Wheelwright Prize is dedicated to advancing original architectural research that shows potential to make a significant impact on architectural discourse. We seek individual applicants who are accomplished but emerging, who are resourceful and risk-taking, and who can make the most of this extraordinary opportunity to advance a research project that will have a significant impact on his or her own professional development, and on the discipline of architecture as a whole.
Wheelwright 獎致力於推進原創的建築研究,這些研究顯示出對建築話語產生重大影響的潛力。我們尋找有成就但正在嶄露頭角、足智多謀和敢於冒險的個人申請者,他們能夠充分利用這個非凡的機會來推進一項將對他或她自己的專業發展和職業發展產生重大影響的研究項目。整個建築學科。

(Materials must be in English.)
Current CV.
Portfolio (maximum of 10 images); each uploaded file should contain a single image, not spreads of multiple images. Each image must be dated and captioned. The jury is looking for personal work that demonstrates design talent; student projects may be included. If work is collaborative and/or generated by a firm, the applicant’s contribution to the work must specifically involve conceptual development and/or design, and the applicant’s role must be precisely identified.
The portfolio may be supplemented by published articles or research papers written by applicant. Authored works should appear in their original format, with publication name and date clearly indicated (maximum 3, each clipping to be saved as a separate PDF). If original publication is not in English, please attach an English-language summary (maximum 2,500 characters) as an addendum to each PDF. If the clipping exceeds 15 pages, please create a compact PDF (no more than 10 pages) including a cover, sample pages, and brief summary (2,500 characters) of the text.
A written description of proposed research project (maximum 6,000 characters). Applicants should articulate the relevance of their proposed research to the contemporary discipline of architecture. What are the consequences of the research project? How might it impact practice? Applicants should describe their proposed methodology and special insight, ability, and skill to execute your proposal. Strong proposals will demonstrate how the resources of the Wheelwright Prize will enable the project to be successful.
List of three professional references (full name, affiliation, contact information, and relationship to the applicant). Letters are not required at this time.

作品集(最多 10 張圖片);每個上傳的文件應該包含一個圖像,而不是多個圖像的傳播。每張圖片都必須註明日期和標題。評審團正在尋找能夠展示設計才能的個人作品;可能包括學生項目。如果工作是協作的和/或由公司產生的,則申請人對工作的貢獻必須具體涉及概念開發和/或設計,並且必須準確地確定申請人的角色。

作品集可以由申請人撰寫的已發表文章或研究論文進行補充。撰寫的作品應以其原始格式出現,並清楚地標明出版物名稱和日期(最多 3 個,每個剪輯保存為單獨的 PDF)。如果原始出版物不是英文的,請附上英文摘要(最多 2,500 個字符)作為每個 PDF 的附錄。如果剪輯超過 15 頁,請創建一個緊湊的 PDF(不超過 10 頁),包括封面、示例頁和文本的簡要摘要(2,500 個字符)。

擬議研究項目的書面說明(最多 6,000 個字符)。申請人應闡明他們提出的研究與當代建築學科的相關性。研究項目的後果是什麼?它如何影響實踐?申請人應描述他們提
的方法以及執行您的提案的特殊洞察力、能力和技能。強有力的提案將展示 Wheelwright 獎的資源將如何使該項目取得成功。


cycle: Graduates prior to January 2008 are ineligible.) Holders of multiple degrees may apply, provided they received their professional degrees between January 2008 and January 2023. Applicants need not be registered or licensed.
Applicants may not have received the Arthur Wheelwright Traveling Fellowship previously.
Winners of the Wheelwright Prize may not hold other fellowships concurrently.
The Wheelwright Prize is available to individual entrants only; teams or firms will not be considered.
Current Harvard GSD faculty, instructors, and staff are not eligible.
For winners based in the United States, some amount of research must be undertaken outside the country.
The Wheelwright Prize is intended for independent study and may not be applied to university tuition. However, the grant may be applied to fees for workshops and conferences.
申請人必須在過去 15 年內畢業於 專業認可的建築學位課程。(對於 2023 年周期:2008 年 1 月之前的畢業生沒有資格。)擁有多個學位的人可以申請,前提是他們在 2008 年 1 月至 2023 年 1 月期間獲得了專業學位。申請人無需註冊或獲得許可。


Wheelwright 獎的獲得者不得同時持有其他獎學金。

Wheelwright 獎僅適用於個人參賽者;團隊或公司將不予考慮。

目前的哈佛 GSD 教職員工、講師和工作人員不符合資格。


Wheelwright 獎旨在用於獨立學習,可能不適用於大學學費。但是,贈款可用於研討會和會議的費用。

The 2023 Wheelwright Prize application cycle will close on Sunday, January 29, 2023. A winner will be announced in late spring 2023.
2023 年 Wheelwright 獎申請週期將於 2023 年 1 月 29 日星期日結束。獲勝者將於 2023 年春末宣布。

The winner of the Wheelwright Prize will receive:
$100,000 prize to support the proposed research project
Invitation to lecture at Harvard GSD
Possibility to publish research in a Harvard GSD publication
Wheelwright 獎的獲得者將獲得:

100,000 美元的獎金用於支持擬議的研究項目
受邀在哈佛 GSD 演講
在哈佛 GSD 出版物上發表研究的可能性
主辦單位:The President and Fellows of Harvard College
聯絡人:The President and Fellows of Harvard College
