

Personality: Contemporary Portraiture Photography Competition 個性:當代人像攝影大賽


Personality: Contemporary Portraiture Photography Competition 個性:當代人像攝影大賽

Portraiture emerged as one of the most prominent genres of depictive media early in the history of the visual arts, and the tacit or explicit rules, conventions and cultural expectations have always influenced the ways by which artists approached the genre. Photography is no exception; numerous different and characteristic styles of portraiture emerged throughout the history of the medium. Today we live in an exciting new era for portraiture. There has never been a time in human history when so many portraits and self-portraits were produced day after day as in the era of digital technologies. Photographers have responded to the cultural, social and technological changes by reinterpreting the age-old genre of portraiture, and it is always an exciting and rewarding task to organize an exhibition for some of the recent achievements in the field.
肖像畫成為視覺藝術史上最傑出的描繪媒體類型之一,默契或明確的規則、慣例和文化期望一直影響著藝術家處理這一類型的方式。 攝影也不例外。 在整個媒介的歷史中出現了許多不同且具有特色的肖像畫風格。 今天,我們生活在一個激動人心的肖像畫新時代。 人類歷史上從來沒有像數字技術時代那樣日復一日地製作出如此多的肖像和自畫像。 攝影師通過重新詮釋古老的肖像畫類型來應對文化、社會和技術變革,為該領域的一些近期成就組織展覽總是一項令人興奮和有益的任務。

PH21 Gallery invites photographers to submit their work for a group exhibition themed Personality: Contemporary Portraiture.
PH21 Gallery 邀請攝影師提交他們的作品,參加以“個性:當代肖像”為主題的群展。

All photographers 18 years or older worldwide may enter the competition by submitting their own, original work.
全球所有年滿 18 歲的攝影師都可以通過提交自己的原創作品參加比賽。

Early bird deadline: January 30, 2023
Final deadline: February 6, 2023
Exhibition dates: April 6–29, 2023
早鳥截止日期:2023 年 1 月 30 日
最終截止日期:2023 年 2 月 6 日
Images must follow the following format: 8 bit JPEG; Adobe RGB or sRGB; longest dimension maximum 1280 pixels (preferred width for landscape orientation: 1000 pixels; preferred height for portrait orientation: 775 pixels); 72 dpi; maximum 1 MB.
File names: lastname_title or lastname_title_number. File names of maximum 40 characters should only contain letters of the English alphabet and underscores. Please do not use spaces and foreign characters in the file names. Titles may be shortened (please avoid very long file names), and they should be given without spaces in the file name. No spaces in the file names, please. (The image titled A Little Cottage in the Rain by Maria Martínez would have this file name: Martinez_LittleCottage.jpg; the third untitled image by Huan Lee: Lee_Untitled_3.jpg; the second photograph of the series "Surface" by Lena Petrovich: Petrovich_Surface_2.jpg)
圖片必須遵循以下格式:8 位 JPEG; Adobe RGB 或 sRGB; 最長尺寸最大 1280 像素(橫向的首選寬度:1000 像素;縱向的首選高度:775 像素); 72dpi; 最大 1 MB。

文件名:lastname_title 或 lastname_title_number。 最多 40 個字符的文件名只能包含英文字母和下劃線。 請不要在文件名中使用空格和外來字符。 標題可能會被縮短(請避免使用非常長的文件名),並且文件名中不應包含空格。 請在文件名中不要有空格。 (Maria Martínez 題為“雨中小屋”的圖片的文件名是:Martinez_LittleCottage.jpg;Huan Lee 的第三張無標題圖片:Lee_Untitled_3.jpg;Lena Petrovich 的“表面”系列的第二張照片:Petrovich_Surface_2。 圖片)
We are looking for submissions from all photographers who are interested in this genre, and who would like to share their work with a wider international audience through the exposure of PH21 Gallery. The theme is broadly construed; from traditional fine art portraits to selfies, people may be portrayed in countless unique ways. Indeed, we are interested in all possible creative photographic interpretations of the theme.
我們正在尋找所有對這一類型感興趣的攝影師提交的作品,他們希望通過 PH21 Gallery 的曝光與更廣泛的國際觀眾分享他們的作品。 主題被廣泛地解釋; 從傳統的美術肖像到自拍,人們可以用無數種獨特的方式來描繪。 事實上,我們對主題的所有可能的創造性攝影解釋感興趣。

One curator’s choice and up to three honourable mentions will be announced. The juror’s choice receives three free entries for any upcoming themed group exhibition calls at PH21 Gallery. (Each free entry includes up to 15 images.)
將宣布一位策展人的選擇和最多三項榮譽提名。 陪審員的選擇將獲得三個免費參賽作品,以參加 PH21 畫廊即將舉行的任何主題團體展覽電話會議。 (每個免費參賽作品最多包含 15 張圖片。)
主辦單位:PH21 Gallery
聯絡人:PH21 Gallery
