

OneBeat Virtual #4 OneBeat 虛擬 #4


OneBeat Virtual #4 OneBeat 虛擬 #4

OneBeat is accepting applications for OneBeat Virtual #4 which will digitally convene approximately 20 musicians from up to 50 eligible countries and territories. This fully virtual residency program will take place from July 10 – September 4, 2023. During this 8-week period, OneBeat Fellows will investigate new forms of virtual collaboration, and work together to write, produce, and perform new musical works. The fellowship involves 28 working days over 8-weeks to allow for both online connection and asynchronous offline project development time. Selected Fellows will attend virtual masterclasses and open-studios, participate in online workshops, and produce a final presentation for a global audience.
OneBeat Virtual offers a unique opportunity for Fellows to incubate ideas for new forms of virtual collaboration engaging communities around the world, supported by mentorship and collaborative exchange. Past participants have developed projects that foster diversity and inclusion, develop new technologies, broaden access to education, encourage economic empowerment, engage with issues like climate change, and build community resilience.
Musicians, sound artists, and sonic explorers, ages 19-35, from eligible countries and territories (link to current list) are invited to apply. Fellows will receive a $1,500 USD honorarium and a modest per diem for their online participation. OneBeat Virtual is an initiative of the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in collaboration with the groundbreaking New York-based music organization Bang on a Can's Found Sound Nation.
OneBeat 正在接受 OneBeat Virtual #4 的申請,它將以數字方式召集來自多達 50 個符合條件的國家和地區的大約 20 名音樂家。這個完全虛擬的駐留計劃將於 2023 年 7 月 10 日至 9 月 4 日舉行。在這 8 週的時間裡,OneBeat Fellows 將研究虛擬協作的新形式,並共同創作、製作和表演新的音樂作品。該獎學金涉及 8 週的 28 個工作日,以允許在線連接和異步離線項目開發時間。選定的研究員將參加虛擬大師班和開放式工作室,參加在線研討會,並為全球觀眾製作最終演示文稿。

OneBeat Virtual 為研究員提供了一個獨特的機會,可以在指導和協作交流的支持下,為世界各地參與社區的虛擬協作的新形式孵化想法。過去的參與者開發了促進多樣性和包容性、開發新技術、擴大受教育機會、鼓勵經濟賦權、參與氣候變化等問題以及建立社區復原力的項目。

歡迎來自符合條件的國家和地區(鏈接到當前列表)的 19-35 歲的音樂家、聲音藝術家和聲音探索者申請。研究員將獲得 1,500 美元的酬金和少量的在線參與津貼。OneBeat Virtual 是美國國務院教育和文化事務局與總部位於紐約的開創性音樂組織 Bang on a Can's Found Sound Nation 合作的一項舉措。

Musicians from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply, with or without formal musical training. We welcome music of all genres, including but not limited to: traditional/folk, hip hop, experimental, electronic, jazz, classical, sound design, beat-making, multimedia art, or any combination of these styles. In addition to full-time professional musicians, we invite adventurous musicians who are civic leaders, instrument builders, writers, videographers, musicologists, educators, storytellers, dancers, shadow-puppeteers, and more.
OneBeat Virtual is a residency and exchange program. Fellows are expected to attend all online sessions during the eight week period, including virtual masterclasses, full group and elective online workshops and the final public streaming events. The fellowship involves 28 working days over 8-weeks to allow for both online connection and asynchronous offline project development time. See FAQ’s for details on time commitment.
Collaboration is central. OneBeat offers musicians the opportunity to collaborate on new projects and to explore new musical traditions. Rather than showcasing solo talent, OneBeat musicians will work together across stylistic and cultural divides in pursuit of new musical possibilities.
OneBeat Virtual is socially engaged. We are looking for musicians who have a strong commitment to their communities and who are seeking new ways to engage in youth development, music education, music therapy, conflict resolution, a global dialogue through music, and other ways of working towards more egalitarian and democratic societies.

OneBeat Virtual 是一個駐留和交流項目。預計研究員將在八週內參加所有在線課程,包括虛擬大師班、完整的小組和選修在線研討會以及最後的公共流媒體活動。該獎學金涉及 8 週的 28 個工作日,以允許在線連接和異步離線項目開發時間。有關時間承諾的詳細信息,請參閱常見問題解答。

協作是核心。OneBeat 為音樂家提供了合作新項目和探索新音樂傳統的機會。OneBeat 音樂家們將不再展示獨奏才華,而是跨越風格和文化分歧共同努力,追求新的音樂可能性。

OneBeat Virtual 具有社會參與性。我們正在尋找對社區有堅定承諾的音樂家,他們正在尋找新的方式來參與青年發展、音樂教育、音樂治療、衝突解決、通過音樂進行全球對話,以及其他努力實現更平等和民主的方式社團。

Age:Applicants must be 19 or older by the time of the program (February 17, 2023) and 35 or younger at the end of the program (February 17, 2023).
Eligible Countries and Territories:Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bolivia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Colombia, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Senegal, Serbia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United States, Uzbekistan, Venezuela
English Proficiency:Applicants should be able to converse in and understand basic English, as it will be the common language of the OneBeat Virtual program.
年齡:申請人必須在計劃開始時(2023 年 2 月 17 日)年滿 19 歲,在計劃結束時(2023 年 2 月 17 日)必須年滿 35 歲或以下。

符合條件的國家和地區:阿爾巴尼亞、阿爾及利亞、孟加拉國、白俄羅斯、玻利維亞、波斯尼亞黑塞哥維那、巴西、柬埔寨、中國、哥倫比亞、古巴、剛果民主共和國、厄瓜多爾、埃及、洪都拉斯、印度、印度尼西亞、伊拉克、約旦、哈薩克斯坦、肯尼亞 、科索沃、吉爾吉斯斯坦、黎巴嫩、馬來西亞、墨西哥、蒙古、黑山、摩洛哥、尼泊爾、尼日爾、尼日利亞、巴基斯坦、巴勒斯坦領土、菲律賓、波蘭、俄羅斯、塞內加爾、塞爾維亞、南非、斯里蘭卡、蘇丹、台灣、塔吉克斯坦、 突尼斯、土耳其、烏克蘭、美國、烏茲別克斯坦、委內瑞拉
英語水平:申請人應該能夠用基本的英語交談並理解,因為它將成為 OneBeat 虛擬程序的通用語言。

DEADLINE:Applications are due by February 17, 2023 5:00 PM EST.
NOTIFICATION:Applicants will be notified of the review panel decision by the end of May 2023.
PROGRAM:OneBeat 2023 will take place July 10, 2023 – September 4, 2023.
截止日期:申請截止日期為美國東部標準時間 2023 年 2 月 17 日下午 5:00。

通知:申請人將在 2023 年 5 月底之前收到審查小組決定的通知。

計劃:OneBeat 2023 將於 2023 年 7 月 10 日至 2023 年 9 月 4 日舉行。

All applications will be reviewed by a OneBeat Selection Committee made up of OneBeat staff, U.S. Department of State staff, and accomplished musicians. Selected Fellows will be notified by the end of May 2023, and will have two weeks to confirm their participation in the program.
所有申請都將由 OneBeat 工作人員、美國國務院工作人員和有成就的音樂家組成的 OneBeat 遴選委員會進行審查。選定的研究員將在 2023 年 5 月底之前收到通知,並將有兩週的時間來確認他們是否參與了該計劃。

Musical Excellence – A high level of performance, composition, improvisational, production and/or technological skill. Ideally OneBeat Virtual musicians will be innovating stylistically, lyrically, or technologically within their musical worlds.
Collaboration – Applicants’ willingness to reach across cultural and musical divides in creating original music or re-interpreting traditional music, while respecting the essence of each tradition. Applicants should be prepared to try new things musically.
Social Engagement – Musicians who have used music to serve their communities or greater societies. This might consist of guiding young people in music education, addressing social or political issues through musical content, reviving dying musical traditions, and more.
Digital Fluency – Applicants who have experience working, creating and collaborating in digital spaces, demonstrate skill in creating digital media, or show promise engaging and encouraging others engagement in web-based collaboration.
音樂卓越 – 高水平的表演、作曲、即興創作、製作和/或技術技能。理想情況下,OneBeat Virtual 音樂家將在他們的音樂世界中進行風格、歌詞或技術創新。


社會參與 – 使用音樂為社區或更大社會服務的音樂家。這可能包括指導年輕人接受音樂教育、通過音樂內容解決社會或政治問題、復興垂死的音樂傳統等等。

數字流暢性 – 具有在數字空間中工作、創建和協作經驗的申請人,展示了創建數字媒體的技能,或表現出承諾參與和鼓勵他人參與基於網絡的協作。

OneBeat exchange programs are not paid gigs; rather international cultural exchanges supported by the U.S. Department of State. Fellows will receive a $1,500 stipend for participation in the virtual exchange. OneBeat Virtual will also provide a per diem for the scheduled synchronous (online) sessions. While we do not pay performance fees, OneBeat Virtual offers selected Fellows a chance to create new material, establish lifelong musical partnerships and friendships, learn new marketable skills, and develop professional connections.
OneBeat 交換計劃不是付費演出;而是美國國務院支持的國際文化交流。參與虛擬交流的研究員將獲得 1,500 美元的津貼。OneBeat Virtual 還將為預定的同步(在線)會話提供每日津貼。雖然我們不支付表演費,但 OneBeat Virtual 為選定的研究員提供了創作新材料、建立終生音樂夥伴關係和友誼、學習新的適銷對路的技能以及發展專業聯繫的機會。

