

Anja Niedringhaus Courage in Photojournalism Award 2023 Anja Niedringhaus 新聞攝影勇氣獎


Anja Niedringhaus Courage in Photojournalism Award 2023 Anja Niedringhaus 新聞攝影勇氣獎

Anja Niedringhaus' approach to photojournalism was best said herself, “I do my job simply to report people’s courage with my camera and with my heart.”
The Anja Niedringhaus Courage in Photojournalism Award was created to honor the life and work of Pulitzer Prize-winning AP photographer and IWMF Courage in Journalism Award winner Anja Niedringhaus (1965-2014), with a generous $1 million gift from the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. With this Award, the IWMF celebrates the courageous work of women photojournalists like Anja who inspire us to take action and better understand the world. This courageous work manifests in many different forms which may include but is not limited to conflict or frontline reporting.
Recipients of the Courage in Photojournalism Award will receive a cash prize of $20,000 and have their work showcased during an award ceremony. The IWMF will accept applications and third-party nominations in English until March 3, 2023. Please read the eligibility criteria and nomination guidelines, listed below, carefully before submitting a nomination. Entrants must be full-time women, nonbinary or gender non-conforming photojournalists of any nationality.
Applications are not accepted based on length of work or engagement in conflict areas. No matter your level of experience, you have a story to tell; if you are dedicated to your work in journalism and passionate about your content, apply!
Anja Niedringhaus 對新聞攝影的態度對她自己說得最好,“我的工作只是用我的相機和我的心來報導人們的勇氣。”
Anja Niedringhaus 新聞攝影勇氣獎的設立是為了紀念普利策獎獲得者美聯社攝影師和 IWMF 新聞勇氣獎獲得者 Anja Niedringhaus(1965-2014 年)的生活和工作,霍華德 G 巴菲特基金會慷慨捐贈了 100 萬美元. 通過這個獎項,IWMF 表彰像 Anja 這樣的女性攝影記者的勇敢工作,她們激勵我們採取行動,更好地了解世界。這項勇敢的工作以許多不同的形式表現出來,其中可能包括但不限於衝突或前線報告。

新聞攝影勇氣獎的獲得者將獲得 20,000 美元的現金獎勵,並在頒獎典禮上展示他們的作品。IWMF 將在 2023 年 3 月 3 日之前接受英文申請和第三方提名。請在提交提名之前仔細閱讀下面列出的資格標準和提名指南。參賽者必須是任何國籍的全職女性、非二元性別或不符合性別標準的攝影記者。


The Anja Niedringhaus Courage in Photojournalism Award was created to honor the life and work of Pulitzer Prize-winning AP photographer and IWMF Courage in Journalism Award winner Anja Niedringhaus (1965-2014), with a generous $1 million gift from the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. With this Award, the IWMF celebrates the courageous work of women photojournalists like Anja who inspire us to take action and better understand the world. This courageous work manifests in many different forms which may include but is not limited to conflict or frontline reporting.
Anja Niedringhaus 新聞攝影勇氣獎的設立是為了紀念普利策獎獲得者美聯社攝影師和 IWMF 新聞勇氣獎獲得者 Anja Niedringhaus(1965-2014 年)的生活和工作,霍華德 G 巴菲特基金會慷慨捐贈了 100 萬美元. 通過這個獎項,IWMF 表彰像 Anja 這樣的女性攝影記者的勇敢工作,她們激勵我們採取行動,更好地了解世界。這項勇敢的工作以許多不同的形式表現出來,其中可能包括但不限於衝突或前線報告。

The award is open to women, nonbinary and gender nonconforming journalists.
The candidate must be working as a journalist full-time, and journalism must be their primary profession.
Both freelance journalists and those affiliated with media organizations are eligible.



The IWMF will accept applications and third-party nominations in English until March 3, 2023.
IWMF 將在 2023 年 3 月 3 日之前接受英文申請和第三方提名。

The required work samples are 12 photographs that best represent the scope and style of the candidate's work, within the context of challenging reporting environments.
The submission cannot include videos, art photography, illustrations, images with watermarks, photo grids (multiple photos within one image), text overlaid onto or next to the photograph, and photographs not taken by the photographer. Submissions with these elements will not be considered.
Image size: minimum 1500px on the longest dimension (22.5 inches @ 72 dpi, JPG format)
Each photograph must be accompanied by a caption describing the date, place, and situation captured.
Six (6) of the photos must have been taken within the past two years (2021-2023). The other six can be taken at any time during the candidate's career.
Limit one award submission per photographer.
所需的工作樣本是在具有挑戰性的報告環境中最能代表候選人工作範圍和風格的 12 張照片。


圖片尺寸:最長尺寸最小 1500 像素(22.5 英寸 @ 72 dpi,JPG 格式)
每張照片必須附有描述拍攝日期、地點和情況的 說明。

其中六 (6) 張照片必須是在過去兩年(2021-2023 年)內拍攝的。其他六個可以在候選人的職業生涯中隨時參加。


Quality of photography
Composition of portfolio
Storytelling ability
Conditions under which the journalist worked
Candidate statement
Reflection of Anja Niedringhaus’s values
對 Anja Niedringhaus 價值觀的反思
One winner will receive a $20,000 cash prize.
一名獲勝者將獲得 20,000 美元的現金獎勵。

主辦單位:Taylor Moore
聯絡人:Taylor Moore
比賽網站 : https://site.picter.com/2023-iwmf-anja-niedringhaus-award
