

Summer Residency at the Block House 2023 Block House 夏季住宿


Summer Residency at the Block House 2023 Block House 夏季住宿

The Institute for Public Architecture (IPA) welcomes applications for the Summer Independent Projects Residency, based at the historic Block House on Governors Island. The IPA uses design to challenge social and physical inequities in our cities. We address urgent issues of design and policy by mobilizing our network of design activists, professionals, and community stakeholders.
Emerging and mid-career architects, urbanists, policymakers, artists, and those committed to the public realm in all disciplines are invited to apply. Applicants will bring their own interests and projects to the program and will receive opportunities to present their work to the public on Governors Island over the course of the Residency. Each Fellow also receives invaluable project support through access to subject matter experts and resources relevant to their project.
The 2023 Summer Residency follows upon the success of last year’s inaugural Residency at the Block House, whose Fellows were among the first civilian residents on the Island since the Coast Guard’s exit in 1996. This year’s Fellows will enjoy unparalleled historic, natural, and urban resources with direct access to Downtown Manhattan and waterfront Brooklyn neighborhoods via ferry.
The IPA is one of more than twenty arts, cultural, educational, and environmental nonprofit organizations-in-residence on the Island, which form a unique community that connects with a diverse and growing audience of nearly one million annual visitors.
公共建築研究所 (IPA) 歡迎申請夏季獨立項目駐地項目,該項目位於總督島歷史悠久的 Block House。IPA 使用設計來挑戰我們城市中的社會和物質不平等。我們通過動員我們的設計活動家、專業人士和社區利益相關者網絡來解決緊迫的設計和政策問題。


2023 年夏季駐留項目是繼去年布洛克豪斯首屆駐留項目成功舉辦之後的又一次舉辦,自 1996 年海岸警衛隊撤離以來,布洛克豪斯的研究員是島上第一批平民居民。今年的研究員將享受無與倫比的歷史、自然和城市資源可通過渡輪直接前往曼哈頓市中心和布魯克林海濱社區。

IPA 是島上常駐的二十多個藝術、文化、教育和環境非營利組織之一,這些組織形成了一個獨特的社區,與每年近一百萬的多樣化和不斷增長的觀眾聯繫在一起。

This program is designed to support Fellows with research and design projects at any stage of development who would benefit from sharing their work in the collective, interdisciplinary context of the Residency. To that end, time will be set aside throughout the Summer for Fellows to present and discuss their work with the cohort, IPA staff, guests, and members of the public.
During the Residency, Fellows’ work can be presented in any format: academic papers, articles, and/or book chapters, film, installations, drawings, models, macquettes, among others. The program will culminate in an exhibition of work at the Block House, and eventually a publication.
該計劃旨在支持處於任何發展階段的研究和設計項目的研究員,他們將受益於在駐地的集體跨學科背景下分享他們的工作。為此,將在整個夏季留出時間,讓研究員與隊列、IPA 工作人員、客人和公眾介紹和討論他們的工作。

在駐留期間,研究員的作品可以以任何形式呈現:學術論文、文章和/或書籍章節、電影、裝置、繪畫、模型、模型等。該計劃最終將在 Block House 展出作品,並最終出版。

The Summer Residency program is open to applicants from diverse backgrounds, educations, experiences, and aspirations. Applicants may be architects, urbanists, policymakers, and/or artists, working in either theoretical or practical disciplines. The program is best suited to applicants with a clearly developed focus and/or approach who need time and space to work independently.
暑期實習計劃向來自不同背景、教育、經驗和抱負的申請人開放。申請人可以是建築師、城市規劃師、政策制定者和/或藝術家,從事理論或實踐學科的工作。 該計劃最適合具有明確發展重點和/或方法的申請人,他們需要時間和空間來獨立工作。

Applications due March 12, 2023
Duration:June 1 – August 18, 2023 (11 weeks)
申請截止日期為 2023 年 3 月 12 日
持續時間:2023 年 6 月 1 日至 8 月 18 日(11 週)
Applicants should submit the following documentation through the online form:
Statement of interest: Address (1) how you would use your time at the Residency, (2) the relevance of New York City to your proposed project, and (3) how living/working on Governors Island may benefit your work. (maximum 500 words)
Research proposal: Summary of the research work or design proposal to be developed during the Residency program. Work can be an ongoing or new endeavor. (maximum 500 words)
References: Two references with full name and current email addresses. Recommendation letters are not required.
CV: Curriculum vitae. (PDF format, maximum 5MB)
Work samples: Relevant research or work samples and/orportfolio. (PDF format, maximum 10MB)

意向書:說明 (1) 您將如何利用在駐地期間的時間,(2) 紐約市與您提議的項目的相關性,以及 (3) 在加弗納斯島生活/工作對您的工作有何好處。 (最多 500 字)
研究計劃:在居住計劃期間要開發的研究工作或設計計劃的摘要。 工作可以是一項持續的或新的努力。 (最多 500 字)
參考資料:兩個參考資料,包括全名和當前電子郵件地址。 不需要推薦信。

CV:簡歷。 (PDF 格式,最大 5MB)
工作樣本:相關研究或工作樣本和/或作品集。 (PDF格式,最大10MB)
This program offers Fellows the opportunity to bring their own interests and projects to New York City, with its vast network of expertise and leadership in the fields of architecture, urbanism, and design. Fellows will be asked to present the progress of their work to the public in a series of Open [Block] House events on Governors Island. Each Fellow will also receive invaluable project support through the IPA’s network of subject matter experts and resources.
Programming includes:
Open [Block] House: A series of public events at the Block House invites visitors to engage in conversation with Fellows about their work.
Weekend Open Library: The Block House library and gallery is open to the public on weekends. Fellows are invited to interact with visitors and share the progress of their work.
Dinner Parties: A series of curated evenings are held throughout the Summer with guests and former fellows invited to dine with the cohort.
Cohort Activities: Fellows are invited to join a series of urban walking tours, field trips, museum and archive visits, and events on Governors Island and the larger New York City region.
該計劃為研究員提供了將自己的興趣和項目帶到紐約市的機會,紐約市在建築、城市化和設計領域擁有廣泛的專業知識和領導力網絡。 研究員將被要求在加弗納斯島的一系列開放 [Block] House 活動中向公眾展示他們的工作進展。 每位研究員還將通過 IPA 的主題專家和資源網絡獲得寶貴的項目支持。


Open [Block] House:Block House 的一系列公共活動邀請參觀者與研究員就他們的工作進行對話。

週末開放圖書館:Block House 圖書館和畫廊在周末向公眾開放。 邀請研究員與參觀者互動並分享他們的工作進展。



主辦單位:Institute for Public Architecture
聯絡人:Institute for Public Architecture
聯絡電話:+1 646-734-0196
比賽網站 : https://blockhouseresidency.org/
