

BICeBé International Poster Call 2023 BICeBé 2023 年國際海報徵集


BICeBé International Poster Call 2023 BICeBé 2023 年國際海報徵集

Published works.
Category A Cultural posters
Category B Social posters
Category C Advertising or commercial posters
Category E Motion Design Poster. Free Topic.
Unpublished works.
Category D Unpublished posters on the topic: EARTH OVERSHOOT DAY
Category F Students Only (18 to 25 years old) unpublished posterson the topic: TECNOLOGY AND MENTAL HEALTH.
Category D and F we will only accept originals & unpublished, not previously printed or published posters (including social networks, blogs, websites or other contests).



D 類未發表的主題海報:地球超調日
F 類僅限學生(18 至 25 歲)未發表的主題海報:技術和心理健康。

D 類和 F 類我們將只接受原件和未發表的、以前未印刷或發表的海報(包括社交網絡、博客、網站或其他競賽)。

Contestants may be design students, graphic designers, plastic artists, photographers and graphic producers in general, of any age and nationality, having posters printed between April 2021 and April 2023, except for those submitting as Category D and Category F that must be unpublished posters.
參賽者可以是設計專業的學生、平面設計師、造型藝術家、攝影師和平面製作人,任何年齡和國籍,海報印刷時間為 2021 年 4 月至 2023 年 4 月,但作為 D 類和 F 類提交的必須是未發表的海報.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 2023 | (23:59 pm -04:00GMT)
The oficial announcement of selected posters will be on WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 2023 in our website and social networks.
The winners will be announced during the Main Ceremony at Santa Cruz de la Sierra, on Wednesday, November 22, 2023.
提交截止日期:2023 年 4 月 21 日,星期五 | (格林威治標準時間下午 23:59 -04:00)
選定海報的官方公告將於 2023 年 5 月 31 日星期三在我們的網站和社交網絡上公佈。

獲獎者將於 2023 年 11 月 22 日星期三在聖克魯斯德拉謝拉舉行的主儀式上宣布。

Each contestant can submit up to ten (10) postersin categories A, B, C, D and F. Categories D and F does not accept series. Series are not counted as a single poster. Category E will accept up to two (2) motion design posters per designer.
Design technique is free. For Categories D and F design format must be 70 x 100 cm. VERTICAL. In Category E Motion Design Poster, proposals must have the following specs: size: 1080 x 1920 (square pixels), time: 20 seconds (30 fps), format: MP4 (h.264 / high bitrate)Maximum weight 30MB
每位參賽者最多可以提交十 (10) 份A、B、C、D 和 F 類海報。D類和F類不接受系列。系列不計為單張海報。E 類將接受每位設計師最多兩 (2) 個運動設計海報。

設計技術是免費的。對於 D 類和 F 類,設計格式必須為70 x 100 厘米。垂直的。在 E 類動態設計海報中,提案必須具有以下規格:尺寸:1080 x 1920(方形像素),時間:20 秒(30 fps),格式:MP4(h.264 / 高比特率)最大重量 30MB
The jury will be composed by a panel of prestigious national and international guest designers who will determine the winners, during the week of activities of BICeBé 2023.
Posters will be evaluated and selected by a design and visual arts committee.
評審團將由一群著名的國內和國際客座設計師組成,他們將在 2023 年 BICeBé 活動週期間確定獲獎者。


A Diploma of Honor and Medal will be awarded to the First, Second and Third Place of all categories. Likewise, Special Recognitions to the Best Bolivian Poster of all categories; to the Best Bolivian Poster of Category D and to the Best Poster of Category F for Students. Awards will be announced on the way to the main event.
所有類別的第一名、第二名和第三名將頒發榮譽證書和獎章。同樣,特別表彰所有類別的最佳玻利維亞海報;獲得 D 類最佳玻利維亞海報和 F 類學生最佳海報。獎項將在前往主賽事的途中宣布。

主辦單位:Bienal del Cartel Bolivia BICeBé. Bolivia Poster Biennial BICeBé
聯絡人:Bienal del Cartel Bolivia BICeBé. Bolivia Poster Biennial BICeBé
比賽網站 : https://www.bicebebolivia.com/poster-call
