

Future Generation Art Prize 2023 未來一代藝術獎


Future Generation Art Prize 2023 未來一代藝術獎

The Future Generation Art Prize is a biannual global contemporary art prize to discover, recognize and give long-term support to a future generation of artists. Established by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation in 2009, the Prize supported the artistic development and production of new works of over 100 artists in exhibitions at the PinchukArtCentre in Kyiv and as official collateral events at the Venice Biennale in 2011, 2013, 2017 and 2019.
未來一代藝術獎是一年兩次的全球當代藝術獎,旨在發現、表彰和長期支持未來一代的藝術家。該獎項由 Victor Pinchuk Foundation 於 2009 年設立,支持 100 多位藝術家在基輔 Pinchuk 藝術中心的展覽中的藝術發展和新作品的製作,並作為 2011 年、2013 年、2017 年和 2019 年威尼斯雙年展的官方附屬活動。

All artists aged 35 or younger from anywhere in the world, working in any medium are invited to apply for the Prize.
來自世界各地的所有 35 歲或以下的藝術家,無論使用何種媒介,均可申請該獎項。

Participants must be between 18 and 35 years of age at the time of application
參賽者在申請時必須在 18 至 35 歲之間
Till April 30, 2023:Applications Accepted
TBA:Jury and selection committee announced
Early July, 2023:Shortlist announcement
End of October, 2023:Opening of the exhibition of shortlisted artists at the PinchukArtCentre
December, 2023:Future Generation Art Prize 2023 Award ceremony
May – August, 2024:Future Generation Art Prize 2023 @ Venice
至 2023 年 4 月 30 日:接受申請
2023 年 7 月上旬:入圍名單公佈
2024 年 5 月至 8 月:2023 年未來一代藝術獎@威尼斯
A distinguished international jury determines the main prize and special prizes winners at their meeting in Kyiv during the Future Generation Art Prize exhibition at the PinchukArtCentre. They award the prizes at a ceremony on the day of the meeting.
在 Pinchuk 藝術中心舉行的未來一代藝術獎展覽期間,一個傑出的國際評審團在基輔的會議上決定了主要獎和特別獎的獲得者。他們在會議當天的儀式上頒獎。

Main Prize
The main prize winner receives US$ 100,000 split between a $60,000 cash prize and a $40,000 investment in their practice.
Special Prizes
Up to 5 special prizes are awarded at the discretion of the jury. A total amount of US$ 20,000 will be awarded to special prize winners for supporting projects that develop their artistic practice.
主要獲獎者將獲得 100,000 美元的獎金,分為 60,000 美元的現金獎勵和 40,000 美元的實踐投資。

評審團可酌情決定頒發最多 5 個特別獎。 特別獎獲得者將獲得總計 20,000 美元的獎金,以支持發展其藝術實踐的項目。

主辦單位:Future Generation Art Prize
聯絡人:Future Generation Art Prize
比賽網站 : https://futuregenerationartprize.org/
