

Wells Art Contemporary Awards 2023 威爾斯當代藝術獎


Wells Art Contemporary Awards 2023 威爾斯當代藝術獎

Wells Art Contemporary (WAC) is an international art competition giving artists the opportunity to exhibit their work in Wells Cathedral and receive a wide range of prizes.
Now in its 13th year, WAC’s next exhibition will take place in August 2023. This annual showcase is a highlight of Wells cultural life and attracts thousands of visitors each summer. Selected artists’ works will be seen by a significant and attentive audience. Submissions can be in any medium or style.
The competition draws artists from around the world, wishing to show in such an inspirational, prestigious and unusual space. Its international reach and reputation has grown significantly in recent years through the exhibition’s online platform and WAC’s ongoing association with eminent artists. An Antony Gormley sculpture is currently installed in niche 338 on the Cathedral’s West front.
WAC provides two ways for artists to exhibit and sell work: the Gallery show, where artworks are shown in a temporary white-wall gallery within the Cathedral cloisters; and the Installation Show which showcases site-specific installations in the main body of the Cathedral and its grounds. Both shows run concurrently.
Wells Art Contemporary (WAC)是一項國際藝術競賽,讓藝術家有機會在 Wells Cathedral 展示他們的作品並獲得廣泛的獎項。

現在已經是第 13 個年頭,WAC 的下一次展覽將於 2023 年 8 月舉行。這個年度展覽是威爾斯文化生活的一大亮點,每年夏天都會吸引成千上萬的遊客。被選中的藝術家的作品將被重要且細心的觀眾看到。提交內容可以採用任何媒介或風格。

比賽 吸引了來自世界各地的藝術家,他們希望在這樣一個鼓舞人心、享有盛譽和不尋常的空間中進行展示。近年來,通過展覽的在線平台和 WAC 與知名藝術家的持續合作,其國際影響力和聲譽顯著提高。Antony Gormley 雕塑目前安裝在大教堂西側的壁龕 338 中。

WAC 為藝術家提供兩種展示和銷售作品的方式:畫廊展,在大教堂迴廊內的臨時白牆畫廊中展示藝術品;以及展示大教堂主體及其場地特定地點裝置的裝置展。兩個節目同時進行。

Submissions can be in any medium or style..

All artists based in the UK or internationally, who are over the age of 18 on the 1st January 2023 are invited to apply. Entry is by online submission via this website.
誠邀所有在 2023 年 1 月 1 日年滿 18 歲的英國或國際藝術家申請。參賽作品通過本網站在線提交。

Online submission opens February 2023
Submissions deadline Wednesday 10 May 2023, 5pm
Artists Notified of Results Tuesday 30 May 2023
Selected Gallery artwork accepted for London storage (Art Moves of Chelsea) Saturday 15 & Thursday 20 July (12 noon – 3pm on both days)
Selected Gallery artworks delivered to WAC at Wells Cathedral Friday 21 & Saturday 22 July 2023
Private View Friday 4 August 2023
Cathedral Show opens to the Public Saturday 5 August to Saturday 2 September 2023
Virtual exhibition opens Saturday 5 August 2023
Collection of unsold works from Wells Cathedral 3 and 4 September 2023
Collection of unsold works from London storage (Art Moves of Chelsea) Wednesday 6 and Saturday 9 September (12 noon to 3pm on both days)
在線提交將於 2023 年 2 月開放
提交截止日期 2023 年 5 月 10 日,星期三,下午 5 點
藝術家通知結果 2023 年 5 月 30 日星期二
7 月 15 日星期六和 20 日星期四(兩天中午 12 點至下午 3 點)接受倫敦存儲的精選畫廊藝術品(切爾西的藝術運動)
精選畫廊藝術品於 2023 年 7 月 21 日星期五和星期六在威爾斯大教堂交付給 WAC
私人觀看 2023 年 8 月 4 日星期五
大教堂表演於 2023 年 8 月 5 日星期六至 2023 年 9 月 2 日星期六向公眾開放
虛擬展覽將於 2023 年 8 月 5 日星期六開幕
威爾斯大教堂未售出作品集 2023 年 9 月 3 日至 4 日
9 月 6 日星期三和 9 月 9 日星期六(兩天中午 12 點至下午 3 點)從倫敦倉庫收集未售出的作品(切爾西的藝術運動)
Maximum dimensions for an individual work are 3.5m wide x 2.5m high x 2m deep
Video artists must supply their own display equipment
Artists may enter up to four works
You must supply an image of your work (no more than 1MB) plus its title, medium, dimensions and price (provide edition sizes if copies or prints of the artwork are available). Note WAC’s commission of 40% on sales.
單件作品的最大尺寸為 3.5m 寬 x 2.5m 高 x 2m 深
您必須提供作品的圖像(不超過 1MB)及其標題、媒介、尺寸和價格(如果有藝術品的副本或印刷品,請提供版本尺寸)。注意 WAC 的 40% 的銷售佣金。

Works in the Gallery show are chosen by a panel of established and well-known artist selectors and installed by our experienced team. They will also appear in WAC’s Virtual Exhibition and online shop. The decision of WAC is final with regards to the selection and placing of any artwork.
Gallery 展覽中的作品由知名藝術家選擇小組挑選,並由我們經驗豐富的團隊安裝。 它們還將出現在 WAC 的虛擬展覽和在線商店中。 WAC 對任何藝術品的選擇和放置具有最終決定權。

Howden Art Award: £2,000 awarded to one artist
NG Art Creative Residency*: The NG Art Creative Residency Prize aims to discover and celebrate emerging and established creative talents from a variety of disciplines. The Prize Winner will receive a free two-week placement at the NG Art Creative Residency in Provence. This includes board and lodging, studio space, mentorship and residency-related outings.
JGM Gallery Prize*: The winner of the JGM Gallery Prize will be featured on the gallery’s own website and social media channels. A selection of the winner’s works will be on display and for sale on the gallery website and promoted across their social media – including an artist interview to be posted on their Youtube channel.
Student Prize: £1,000 awarded to a current fine art student aged under 26 enrolled on a recognised Bachelor or Masters Fine Arts course. Generously donated by Tracey Grace.
Parker Harris Mentoring Prize*: Parker Harris will give a one-to-one mentoring session covering all aspects of professional development to a selected artist.
Somerset Art Works Mentoring Prize: one-to-one mentoring session covering all aspects of professional development to a selected artist.
St Cuthberts Mill Award: 20 sheets of Saunders Waterford 300gsm worth over £120 will be awarded to an artist who works on paper.
People’s Choice Prize: £500 will be awarded to the artwork which received the most public votes.
豪頓藝術獎:授予一位藝術家 2,000 英鎊
NG Art Creative Residency *:NG Art Creative Residency Prize 旨在發現和慶祝來自各個學科的新興和成熟的創意人才。獲獎者將在普羅旺斯的NG Art Creative Residency獲得為期兩週的免費實習機會。這包括食宿、工作室空間、指導和與居住相關的郊遊。

JGM 畫廊獎*:JGM 畫廊獎的獲獎者將在畫廊自己的網站和社交媒體渠道上展示。獲獎者的精選作品將在畫廊網站上展出和出售,並在他們的社交媒體上進行推廣——包括將在他們的 Youtube 頻道上發布的藝術家訪談。

學生獎: 1,000 英鎊獎勵給 26 歲以下就讀公認的美術學士或碩士課程的在讀美術學生。Tracey Grace 慷慨捐贈。

Parker Harris 指導獎*:Parker Harris 將為選定的藝術家提供涵蓋專業發展各個方面的一對一指導課程。


St Cuthberts Mill 獎:20 張價值超過 120 英鎊的 Saunders Waterford 300gsm 將頒發給在紙上創作的藝術家。

人民選擇獎: 500 英鎊將頒發給獲得最多公眾選票的藝術品。

主辦單位:Wells Art Contemporary
聯絡人:Wells Art Contemporary
聯絡電話:020 3653 0896
比賽網站 : https://new.artopps.co.uk/opportunities/Wells-Art-Contemporary2023
