Bina Agarwal Prize for Young Scholars in Ecological Economics Bina Agarwal 生態經濟學青年學者獎
The International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) announces the Bina Agarwal Prize for Young Scholars in Ecological Economics, to be awarded biennially for outstanding contributions to Ecological Economics.
The field of Ecological Economics is of critical importance to enhance human well-being and environmental sustainability, with social justice. This international prize has been established by ISEE to honor young scholars who have made pioneering intellectual contributions in this interdisciplinary field, especially those relating to developing countries and least-developed countries.
國際生態經濟學會 (ISEE) 宣布頒發Bina Agarwal 生態經濟學青年學者獎,該獎每兩年頒發一次,以表彰對生態經濟學做出的傑出貢獻。
生態經濟學領域對於提高人類福祉和環境可持續性以及社會正義至關重要。該國際獎項由 ISEE 設立,旨在表彰在這一跨學科領域做出開創性智力貢獻的年輕學者,尤其是那些與發展中國家和最不發達國家有關的學者。
This international Prize will be conferred biennially in recognition of outstanding research contributions in the field of Ecological Economics by scholars aged 45 or below. The Prize is being established by ISEE to honor pioneering intellectual contributions in the field of Ecological Economics, which is of critical importance today in global efforts to enhance human well-being and environmental sustainability, with social justice. The Prize will honor young scholars who have contributed significantly to this interdisciplinary field, primarily focusing on developing and least-developed countries.
該國際獎項每兩年頒發一次,以表彰 45 歲或以下的學者在生態經濟學領域的傑出研究貢獻。該獎項由 ISEE 設立,旨在表彰生態經濟學領域的開創性智力貢獻,該領域在當今全球努力提高人類福祉和環境可持續性以及社會正義方面至關重要。該獎項將表彰為這一跨學科領域做出重大貢獻的年輕學者,主要關注發展中國家和最不發達國家。
The nominee should have made substantial and original contributions in the field of Ecological Economics, broadly defined to include environmental social sciences and environmental history. The contributions should include a notable body of published research of excellence (in terms of authored books and papers) in Ecological Economics, mainly as it relates to developing countries. Additional weight can be given to nominees whose work also shows demonstrated impact beyond academia, including on policy change.
Nominees can be based anywhere in the world and belong to any discipline or nationality.
Deadline for receipt of nominations: 15th May 2023
接收提名的截止日期:2023 年 5 月 15 日
The selection will be made by an international jury.
The Prize will carry an honorarium of USD 1000 (One thousand US dollars) and a Citation, with additional supplementary funds of up to USD 1500, if needed, for the prize recipient’s travel & accommodation to receive the prize. ISEE may invite the prize recipient to make a keynote presentation at the award event to be held this year at ISEE’s 2023 Biennal Conference in Santa Marta, Colombia.
該獎項將附有 1000 美元(一千美元)的酬金和一張獎狀,如果需要,還有高達 1500 美元的額外補充資金,用於獲獎者領取獎項的差旅和住宿。ISEE 可能會邀請獲獎者在今年於哥倫比亞聖瑪爾塔舉行的 ISEE 2023 雙年展上舉行的頒獎活動中發表主題演講。
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