

國際當代陶瓷藝術雙年展—法恩札獎 2025 International Biennial of Contemporary Ceramic Art – Faenza Prize


國際當代陶瓷藝術雙年展—法恩札獎 2025 International Biennial of Contemporary Ceramic Art – Faenza Prize

The Biennale Internazionale della Ceramica d’Arte Contemporanea (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is organized by the Fondazione Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza (hereinafter referred to as the MIC Foundation) and is open to individual or associated artists with no thematic or age restrictions.
For collective works, artists must name one person to act as their representative at each stage of the Competition.
Participation can also be organized by Ministries, Cultural Institutions, Associations or others.
Each contestant may submit a maximum of two works with a maximum size of 3 m³.
Execution with any ceramic technique is allowed. The works may involve the use of other materials, albeit not predominantly.
Artists are required to declare that these are their own works, created within the last two years and not submitted to other competitions. If it appears that these requirements are lacking, the Jury and the MIC Foundation reserve the right to exclude the work from the exhibition and, in the case of a prize, to cancel the award itself.
Preference will be given to works of a sculptural or installation nature that present a character of innovation and convey a marked contemporary connotation. Indeed, the Faenza Prize has been characterized over the years by a path of avant-garde, topical and contemporary choices, and such must be the mission to pursue.
The Competition is divided into two separate sections: one reserved for artists under 35 years of age (as of December 31, 1989), the other for artists over 35 years of age.
The Jury, in making its judgment of merit for eligibility for the final stage of the Competition, may have access to the resumes of the entrants.
Entry in the Competition implies acceptance of this Call for Entries.
國際當代陶瓷藝術雙年展(以下簡稱競賽)由法恩札國際陶瓷博物館基金會(以下簡稱 MIC 基金會)主辦,對個人或聯合藝術家開放,不限主題或年齡限制。





藝術家必須聲明這些作品是他們自己的作品,是在過去兩年內創作的,沒有提交給其他比賽。如果似乎缺乏這些要求,評審團和 MIC 基金會保留將作品排除在展覽之外的權利,如果獲獎,則取消獎項本身。





Open to all
30/09/2024 online enrollment opening
17/12/2024 announcement deadline
28/02/2025 selected communication
30/04/2025 delivery of work to MIC
31/05/2025 communication of winners
29/06/2025 exhibition opening
30/10/2025 work donation communication
16/11/2025 exhibition closure
2025 年 2 月 28 日選定的通訊
2025 年 4 月 30 日向 MIC 交付工作
On the page dedicated to the International Competition(iscrizione.premiofaenza.it for Italian-language entries, and iscrizione.premiofaenza.it/en/ for English-language entries) is the Call for Entries.
On the Application page the user will find a form divided into three sections: Master, Work, Summary.
1) Personal data
Personal data of the artist or collective are requested here.
In addition to the fields to be filled in, an ID document (image/pdf format) is required to be uploaded.
There is also a field where you can upload a resume (text/pdf format) and any additional notes.
2) Work
In addition to general information (title, description, materials and techniques), it is mandatory to upload at least one photograph of the work.
The year of completion and the value of the work, expressed in euros, is also required.
When finished, it is possible to move on to the summary or nomination of a second work.
3) Summary
As the last section, there is a summary of all the information entered. By agreeing to the provisions of these regulations and the privacy policy, you can submit and complete the application process.
Should the artist encounter any difficulties in handling and entering the required data, please report it to the following e-mail address: elisabettaalpi@micfaenza.org.
國際競賽專用頁面(義大利文參賽作品為 iscrizione.premiofaenza.it,英文參賽作品為 iscrizione.premiofaenza.it/en/),設有參賽作品徵集頁面。


1) 個人資料

除了要填寫的欄位外,還需要上傳身分證件(圖片/pdf 格式)。

還有一個字段,您可以在其中上傳簡歷(文本/pdf 格式)和任何其他註釋。

2) 工作





First degree selection
The jury, by January 31st, 2025 , will make the selection of works to be admitted to the Competition.
The list of accepted works will be posted on the Museum’s website at: www.micfaenza.org.
Works accepted through the image selection may not be substituted by others, under penalty of exclusion from the event, and must be received, in Delivery Duty Paid, by April 30th, 2025. Admission to the Competition and submission details will be communicated to artists via e-mail by February 28th, 2023.
Second degree selection
By May 15th, 2025 , the Jury will review the submitted works and award the Prizes. All works admitted to the second grade will be displayed in the exhibition from Julne 29th to November 16th, 2025.
The judgment of the Jury is final.


透過圖像選擇接受的作品不得被其他作品替代,否則將被排除在活動之外,並且必須在2025 年4 月30 日之前以完稅後的方式收到。給藝術家2023 年 2 月 28 日前發送電子郵件。



Cash prizes are intended to be gross of statutory withholding taxes if due.
Faenza Prize for artists over 35 worth €25,000.00 offered by Fondazione del Monte and Cassa di Risparmio Faenza.
Faenza Prize for artists under 35 worth €5,000.00 offered by Edi.Cer. S.p.a., Sassuolo.
The young artist will also be offered a 2-month residency in Faenza with the possibility of creating works to be exhibited at MIC in a special event in fall 2025.
Various Honor Awards without cash contribution.
The winning works of the Faenza Prizes over and under 35 will become part of the contemporary collections of the International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza.

法恩扎獎由 Fondazione del Monte 和 Cassa di Risparmio Faenza 為 35 歲以上藝術家頒發,價值 25,000 歐元。

Edi.Cer 為 35 歲以下藝術家頒發法恩扎獎,價值 5,000 歐元。 S.p.a.,薩索洛。

這位年輕藝術家還將獲得在法恩扎為期 2 個月的駐留機會,並有可能創作出在 2025 年秋季在 MIC 舉辦的特別活動中展出的作品。



主辦單位:MIC Foundation International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza – Onlus
聯絡人:Monica Gori
聯絡人信箱: concorso@micfaenza.org
比賽網站 : https://iscrizione.premiofaenza.it/en/regulations/
