The conference will take place in Taipei, TAIWAN from November 3 to 4, 2017.
Submitted Paper languages: Formosan Languages, Chinese, and English. English paper body text should not exceed 3000 words, not including abstracts and references.
研討會議題(Conference Theme)
- 數理師資培育中的原住民族教育意識的研究與課程規劃
- 原住民族知識體系為本的數理教材開發
- 發展檢測原住民族學生真實能力的評量工具
- 提昇原住民學童閱讀能力之研究
Conference Theme: Indigenous Educational Research in Science/Mathematics Teaching and Learning
- Research on the Educational Consciousness of Aboriginal People in the Cultivation of Science and Mathematics Teachers and Curriculum Planning
- The development of science and mathematics teaching materials based on the indigenous national knowledge system
- Developed an authentic instruments for assessing the real ability of indigenous students
- A Study on Improving the Reading Ability of Indigenous Children
重要日期(Important Dates)
- 論文收稿截止日 Due Date for Paper Submission:2017/10/1 (Oct. 1, 2017)
- 論文錄取通知日Notification of abstract acceptance:2017/10/5 (Oct. 5, 2017)
- 研討會日期Conference:2017/11/3~4 ( Nov. 3-4, 2017)
- 稿件請於截止日前,統一以word格式(請依「論文徵稿格式說明」),檔名-「(第一作者姓名)-(篇名)」,併填附件之「投稿者基本資料表」,逕寄聯絡人信箱e-mail: lin0935691070@gmail.com或研討會網站上之投稿連結。
2017年原住民族科學與數學教育學術研討會 網址:
中文事務連絡人:林永盛 089-360047;089-318855 分機2501;lin0935691070@gmail.com
2017 Indigenous Educational Research in Science/Mathematics Teaching and Learning Conference
Tel: +886-89-8360045
Contact persons:
Prof. Hsiung, T. H., thhsiung1022@gm.nttu.edu.tw ; Tel: +886-89-318855 ext. 2500
Prof. Chen, S. F., sfnttu200@gmail.com ; Tel: +886-89-318855 ext. 3314
Project Assistant:
Mr. Lin lin0935691070@gmail.com
National Taitung University
Research Center for Indigenous Education and Social Department
Projects Promotion Office of Indigenous Science Education
Taitung Campus: 684, Sec. 1,Chunghua Rd., Taitung, Taiwan, R.O.C.