

報名時間: 2023-08-01 ~ 2023-09-25

主辦單位: 教育部

主辦單位電話: 02-2796-2666分機1114(金小姐)


一、 參賽資格:


報名團隊中新住民身分者須至少達 3 分之 1,報名團隊僅 1 人者,須為新住民;2 人者須至少 1 名為新住民身分。

報名團隊中新住民身分者達 3 分之 2 或以上,將由大會於比賽總分進行加分。(依人數進行總分 1 至 4 分加分,詳細情形請參考加分表) 若個人戶籍地為澎湖、金門、馬祖、綠島、蘭嶼地區新住民;或團隊中參賽者超過 2 分之 1,戶籍地為澎湖、金門、馬祖、綠島、蘭嶼地區新住民,則直接參與決賽。


A. Eligibility:

New residents who shall hold the ID cards or legal residence permits of the Republic of China.

The New residents’ status in the registration group must be at least up to 1/3, if the registration team with only 1 people, it’s must be new resident status, and the registration team with only 2 people must have at least 1 qualification of the new resident status.

If 2/3 or more of the registered team members are new residents , the organizer will add points to the total score of the competition. (2 to 4 points will be added according to the number of people. For details, please refer to the bonus points table)

If the individual’s household registration is a new resident of Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, Green Island, or Lanyu; or more than 1/2 of the participants in the team are new residents of Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, Green Island, or Lanyu, then directly to the finals.

The new residents’ registration must be accompanied by a Household Registration Transcript, or a photocopy of Household Certificate for qualification review. On the day of the contest, please be sure to bring relevant identification documents to verify your identity information.

二、 比賽組別:

以人數區分為A組(1 至 3 人)、B組(4 至 20 人)。若 3 年內曾於「決賽」獲獎者,進入甲組。

(一) 甲組: (3 年內曾於決賽獲獎)


(二) 乙組:

  • 乙-A組:參加人數1至3人。
  • 乙-B組:參加人數4至20人。

B. Competition groups:

Divide them into groups A (1~3 people) and B (4~20 people) according to the number of people.

Those who have won the “Final” within 3 years will enter Group 甲.

(1) Group 甲: (Awarded in the final within 3 years) Group 甲- A: 1 to 3 participants.

Group 甲- B: 4 to 20 participants.

(2) Group 乙:

  • Group 乙- A: 1 to 3 participants.
  • Group 乙- B: 4 to 20 participants.

三、 比賽辦法:

(一) 舞蹈類型:以新住民母國民族舞蹈為主。

(二) 參賽者須自備服裝、舞具、音樂。

(三) 請註明舞作名稱、舞作內容、編創者、演出者。

(四) 演出時間(含進退場):

  • A 組:以 3 至 5 分鐘為限。
  • B 組:以 5 至 7 分鐘為限。

(五) 初賽每區評選 A、B 組各 3 至 5 隊晉級全區決賽。

C. Contest Regulation:

(1) Types of dance: The new residents mainly bring in their original (mother) nation dance.

(2) Contestants must bring their own clothing, dance equipment, and music.

(3) Please indicate the dance title, content, the creator, and the performer (e.g., dancers).

(4) Performance time (including entry and exit):

  • Group A: limited to 3 ~ 5 minutes.
  • Group B: limited to 5 ~ 7 minutes.

(5) In the opening round, 3 to 5 teams from Groups A and B will be selected to advance to the regional finals.

四、 報名須知:

(一) 報名時間:112 年 08 月 01 日(星期二)起至 112 年 09 月 25 日(星期一)止。

(二) 報名方式:可紙本郵寄、傳真報名、E-mail 報名、網路報名。請填妥個人報名表及參賽同意書(附件一),並備妥個人基本身分證件影本(有新住民身分之參賽者須附戶籍謄本影本或戶口名簿影本以利資格審查)。

洽詢電話:02-27962666#1114 金小姐

 紙本郵寄:標記「新住民舞蹈比賽」,寄至臺北市內湖區內湖路二段 177 號 國立臺灣戲曲學院/秘書室金小姐。

 傳真報名:02-27900289/02-27909386

 E-mail 報名: cyt0108@gm.tcpa.edu.tw

 網路報名: https://www.surveycake.com/s/llG1L

(三) 賽程公佈時間初賽:中區 10 月 13 日(星期五) 北區 10 月 20 日(星期五) 南區 11 月 10 日(星期五) 決賽:全區 12 月 01 日(星期五) 將 於 上 述 時 間 公 佈 於 活 動 粉 絲 頁 https://www.facebook.com/NIDC2017/?ref=settings不會另以電話通知

D. Registration Requirement:

(1) Registration Time: From August 1 (Tuesday) 2023 to September 25 (Monday) 2023.

(2) Registration Way: paper documents、fax、E-mail or log in online.

 Please complete the personal Registration Form and Contest Consent Form (Appendix1) for paper registration, and prepare a copy of your basic identity certificate (e.g., the participants with the new resident status must attach a photocopy of their Household Registration Transcripts or Household Certificates for qualification review).

Registration by paper documents: No. 177, Sec. 2, Neihu Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City , Taiwan (R.O.C.)

 Registration by fax: 02-27900289 / 02-27909386

 E-mail registration: cyt0108@gm.tcpa.edu.tw

 you may log in online to register via https://www.surveycake.com/s/llG1LIf you have any questions, please contact Miss Chin ( 02-27962666 # 1114 )

(3) Contest Schedule Announcement Time: Opening Round:Central District 10/13 (Fri.) North District 10/20 (Fri.) South District 11/10 (Fri.)

Final Round: 12/01 (Fri.) We will announce the above on the event fan page, https://www.facebook.com/NIDC2017/?ref=settingsWe won’t notify you by phone, either.

五、 評分標準:

主題表現佔 20%,音樂佔 20%,服飾佔 20%,舞蹈藝術佔 40%。

E. Grading Criteria:

There are thematic performance which accounts for 20%, music accounts for 20%, costume accounts for 20%, and dance art accounts for 40%.

六、 比賽獎勵:

(一) 甲-A 組、甲-B 組、乙-A 組、乙-B 組(共 4 組)分別頒發優選三名,佳作三名,決賽優選及佳作獲獎者(組)將獲頒獎杯一座,獎狀一紙。

(二) 所有參賽者皆可獲得參加證明一紙。

F. Contest Rewards:

(1) Both 甲 and 乙 Groups A and B teams will be awarded with three prizes and three masterpieces. The final top winners and masterpieces (groups) will be each awarded with a trophy and a piece of paper for certificate of merit.

(2) All participants can get a certificate of participation.

七、 本比賽將遵行個資法規定以保護參賽者(組)之個人資料,避免外洩。

G. This competition will comply with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law to protect the personal information of the participants (groups) and avoid leakage.

八、 如有未盡之事項,以主辦單位說明為準,並保留補充及變更之權利。

H. If there are any unresolved matters, it will depend on our organizer’s description, keep the right for supplement, and reserve any change for the event.













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