

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2022-02-28

主辦單位: 國立臺南藝術大學

主辦單位電話: 06-693-0100分機1251



各地方民間音樂研究發展地方知識(local knowledge)與歷史經驗的當代發展與探討。




Issue No.24

【As Musical Practice toward Local Knowledge】—

Contemporary development and analysis of local knowledge and historical experience

within the study of different folk music traditions.

“Music” is a cultural practice through an art form. It has been universal among every known civilization, an essential part of the daily life of human beings from past to present, albeit under changing guises depending on the time and place. Music is an aural experience based on sound arrangements. It evolved into an art form through which people could express their thoughts and feelings or social realities. Nonetheless, the understanding of expressive methods and their connotations vary widely among different cultures and societies. “Place” is a relative concept demarcated by a region and extent. “Local studies” is a term that encompasses natural sceneries, cultural buildings, social customs, and local traditions, both tangible and intangible. Its chief defining feature is that research is focused on knowledge of the environment, geographic area, and society. It consists of a textual description close to people’s everyday lives, knowledge of the essence of history, and the origins of civilization. This issue centers on “A musical practice toward local knowledge”. It offers an analysis, study, and discussion on the contemporary development of local knowledge and historical experience within the study of different folk music traditions.

The June issue deadline: 30th February, 2022.

《南藝學報》ARTISTICA TNNUA 2022 稿約

一、 宗旨為發展文博(藝術史學、古物維護、博物館學)、視覺、音像與音樂等各藝術領域特色、提昇學術研究水準,以藝術研究為關懷核心。

二、 一般稿件全年徵稿,每年 6 月及 12 月出刊。惟【專題徵稿】於每期出刊前4 個月截稿。

三、 第 24 期專題【【音樂的地方學】—各地方民間音樂研究發展地方知識(local knowledge)與歷史經驗的當代發展與探討】徵稿至 2022 年 2 月 28 日截止,預定 2022 年 6 月出刊。

四、 本學報以中文或英文發表為原則,接受稿件包括「研究論文」、「評論」與「回應」等。

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