

 總獎金: 14680000(CNY)

最高獎金: 12550000(CNY)

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2020-07-27

主辦單位: 深圳市人民醫院

主辦單位電話: +86-86-0755-86250922


項目定位 Project Positioning

深圳市人民醫院( 下文簡稱“人民醫院” )建院於1946年,發展至今已成為一所集醫療、科研、教學、保健為一體的三級綜合醫院。作為廣東省高水平醫院建設“登峰計畫”中首批重點建設之一,人民醫院肩負著帶動提升全省特別是基層醫療服務水平、打造“頂天立地”廣東醫療衛生大格局的重要使命。

Shenzhen People’s Hospital, a 3A hospital that integrates the functions of medical treatment, research, teaching and healthcare, was built in 1946. Selected as one of the first key construction units of Peak Plan, an initiative to build high-level hospitals in Guangdong, it holds the lofty mission of improving basic healthcare and medical service in the region.


The current site area of the hospital is about 94,000 sqm, with a total building floor area of 288,916 sqm and 2,500 beds. The reconstruction and extension project is about to roll out. The master plan should be appropriate, scientific, progressing, and pioneering.

為把人民醫院建設成科學、領先、綠色、節能的智慧型三級甲等綜合醫院,建設方本次開展『深圳市人民醫院改擴建工程( 一期 )急診綜合樓項目方案設計及建築專業初步設計招標』,以國際化視野、前瞻性思維、創造性設計,完成本項目的高水平規劃和高標準建設。

In order to build a green, energy-conserving and pioneering 3A hospital, take the Tender for Schematic Design and Architectural Design Development for PhaseⅠReconstruction and Extension of the Emergency Building of Shenzhen People’s Hospital soon. The project is expected to be conducted under high-level and high-standard planning and construction with global perspective, forward-looking mindset, and creative design.

項目概況 Project Overview




Shenzhen People’s Hospital is situated at No. 1017 Dongmen North Rd., Luohu District, and is close to Cuizhu Subway Station. The plot is adjacent to Dongmen North Rd. in the south, Cuizhu Rd. in the east, Tianbei 1st Rd. in the north, Yayuan Interchange on the west, near the Qingshui River-Suigang Area. It is 1.5 kilometers away from Luohu CBD and 7.2 kilometers away from Futian CBD.

1.遠期願景規劃: Long-term planning vision:

( 1 ) 深圳市人民醫院遠期願景規劃總用地面積約11.9萬平方米,願景規劃總建築面積約758315平方米,其中:地上建築面積610785平方米,地下建築面積147530平方米,院區總床位數:3200張,總車位數2560個。本次改擴建工程規劃範圍為整個醫院遠期願景規劃用地範圍。

The total site area of the long-term planning of Shenzhen People’s Hospital is 119,000 sqm. The planned scope of the reconstruction and extension project covers the entire long-term planning zone. The total building floor area of hospital’s long-term planning is approximately 758,315 sqm, including GFA above ground of 610,785 sqm, underground area of 147,530 sqm. The number of beds will reach 3,200 and there will be 2,560 parking spots in total.

( 2 ) 院區遠期願景規劃內容:擬保留外科住院大樓、內科住院大樓、1號樓( 門診樓 ),合計建築面積:240831平方米,床位數:2200張,車位數597個;新建建築面積517484平方米,其中:地上建築面積422334平方米,地下建築面積95150平方米,床位數:1000張,車位數480個,包括:急診綜合樓( 地上面積:9.64萬平方米、地下面積:2.01萬平方米,床位數:700張 )、醫技綜合樓( 地上面積:111934平方米、地下面積:3.13萬平方米 )、科研大樓( 地上面積:5.3萬平方米、地下面積:5000平方米 )、教學大樓( 地上面積:4.5萬平方米、地下面積:1.125萬平方米 )、行政教學樓( 地上面積:2萬平方米、地下面積:5000平方米 )、門診綜合樓( 地上面積:6萬平方米、地下面積:1.5萬平方米 )及口腔中心( 地上面積:3萬平方米、地下面積:7500平方米 )。

Long-term planning content of the hospital: the hospital plans to reserve 240,831 sqm ( with 2,200 beds and 597 parking spots ) for Surgical Inpatient Building, Medical Inpatient Building, and Building 1# ( Outpatient Building ). The new Emergency Building ( GFA above ground: 96,400 sqm, underground area: 20,100 sqm, no. of beds: 700 ), Medical Technology Building ( GFA above ground: 111,934 sqm, underground area: 31,300 sqm ), Scientific Research Building ( GFA above ground: 53,000 sqm, underground area: 5000 sqm ), Teaching Building ( GFA above ground: 45,000 sqm, underground area: 11,250 sqm ), Administrative Teaching Building ( GFA above ground: 20,000 sqm, underground area: 5000 sqm ), Outpatient Building ( GFA above ground: 60,000 sqm, underground area: 15,000 sqm ) and Oral Health Centre ( GFA above ground: 30,000 sqm, underground area: 7,500 sqm ) will occupy the total building floor area of 517,484 sqm, including the GFA above ground of 422,334 sqm, and the underground area of 95,150 sqm. There will be 1,000 beds and 480 parking spots added to the plot.

( 3 ) 院區遠期願景規劃包含保健辦原址拆除新建工程( 地上面積:2萬平方米、地下面積:5000平方米 )。

The long-term planning of the hospital includes the demolition and reconstruction of the Health Office ( GFA above ground: 20,000 sqm, underground area: 5,000 sqm ).

* The above-mentioned functional zoning, floor planning and the values of floor area are only for bidders’reference and are subject to proper adjustment. As for the ultimate planning and design specification, the official tender documents shall prevail.

2.一期急診綜合樓項目規模: Project scale of the PhaseⅠ Emergency Building:

深圳市人民醫院改擴建工程( 一期 )包含急診綜合樓及醫技綜合樓,總用地面積約2.84萬平方米,新建建築面積259734平方米,總投資估算215909.21萬元。

The area of the Reconstruction and Extension of Shenzhen People’s Hospital ( PhaseⅠ ) involves the Emergency Building and the Medical Technology Building. The total site area of the project is estimated to be 28,400 sqm, with newly-built construction area of 259,734 sqm. The total investment is estimated to be 2.1590921 billion yuan.


The site area of the Emergency Building involved in the tender is about 13,600 sqm, with the total building floor area of 116,500 sqm, including the GFA above ground of 96,400 sqm, underground area of 20,100 sqm and dismantled area of 3,420 sqm. 700 beds will be added upon completion.

招標範圍 Bidding Scope


The bidding will determine the architectural scheme of the project. The awarded bidder shall be responsible for the architectural design within the long-term planning scope, including optimized urban design, master plan conceptual design, schematic design and preliminary construction design of the emergency building, and other related designs.

設計內容 Design Content

深圳市人民醫院改擴建工程( 一期 )急診綜合樓項目設計內容:協調院區遠期願景規劃用地範圍進行整合規劃設計,分期設計,分期建設。本次招標範圍為院區遠期願景規劃及急診綜合樓單體設計。

The design content of the PhaseⅠReconstruction and Extension of Shenzhen People’s Hospital project involves phased design and phased construction incorporated with the long-term vision planning in the designated land area. The bidding scope includes long-term vision planning of the hospital and monolithic design of the Emergency Building.


The long-term vision planning shall cover the optimized urban design and conceptual design of the master plan. As for the monolithic design of the Emergency Building, the working scope shall include schematic design, preliminary design, and coordination for construction drawing design and the subsequent interior and outdoor decoration projects.

招標規則 Bidding Rules

1. 資格預審階段 Prequalification Stage


The prequalification evaluation committee should review the tender documents such as company’s qualification, achievements, performance of the proposed project team, conceptual proposals submitted by the bidders. 9 non-ordered bidders and 2 sorted candidates would be determined from the prequalification evaluation and 9 units would be confirmed to enter the second phase of design bidding stage.


Requirements on the conceptual proposals for the prequalification:

( 1 ) 需根據項目設計任務書中的項目定位、建設內容等信息的解讀,理清規劃設計與建築單體設計的設計目標。

In the prequalification stage, the overall planning and the design of the monolithic building shall be based on the comprehensive understanding of the project positioning, construction content and other detailed information stated in the Design Brief.

( 2 ) 通過總平面圖、分析圖、效果圖等表達設計構思、設計依據與特色,梳理項目方案設計的關鍵點。

Leverage on the site plan, analysis diagrams, renderings, etc. to illustrate design basis, ideas, features and other key issues.

( 3 ) 同時在醫療類改擴建項目發展的新趨勢、項目設計中面臨的核心痛點及解決新思路、如何實現新建建築與老院區之間的傳承與發展等問題上提出獨特見解及構思。

Meanwhile, the trend, pain points, new solutions of the alike hospital reconstruction and extension project shall be illustrated. Unique insights on the transition and inheritance, the development and integration of the old and new buildings are expected.

2.設計競標階段Design Bidding Stage


Prequalified bidders shall deliver documents in compliance with the Design Brief. The tenderee should constitute a bid evaluation committee and open votes will be adopted to select 3 shortlisted candidates. The awarded bidder would be finally confirmed by the bid determination committee formed by the tenderee.

3. 設計定標階段Bid Determination Stage

( 1 ) 定標方式:一次票決法

Calibration method: One vote.

( 2 ) 由招標人依法依規組建方案評標委員會,並從方案評標委員會推薦的3名中標候選人中確定1名中標人。

The tenderee shall constitute the bid evaluation committee according to applicable laws, and select the awarded bidder from the top three candidates recommended by the committee.

報名要求 Application Requirements


The applicant must be registered enterprise or organization.


Application as a joint group is allowed in this tender. Individuals or teams of individuals are unaccepted. Requirements for joint groups are as below:

( 1 ) 聯合體成員不得超過2名。

The number of joint group members should be no more than 2.

( 2 ) 聯合體成員不得再單獨或以其他名義與其他設計單位組成其他聯合體參與報名。

Members of a joint group should not re-apply for the bid independently in the name of their own or other joint group constituted with other design institutes.

( 3 ) 聯合體合作方需簽署具法律效用的《聯合體協議》,並明確牽頭單位,雙方的分工劃分方式和設計費用的分攤比例、分配方式等。

A Joint Group Agreement with legal effect is required to clarify the leading member, equity share, proposed working responsibilities, division of work and so on.

設計費&優秀方案補償費 Design Fee & Compensation


The total design fee is tentatively fixed at RMB 14.68 million and the basic unit price is controlled at RMB 107.7 per square meter. The design fee covers the following three parts:

1. 基本設計費1255萬元。

Basic design fee: RMB 12.55 million.

2. BIM設計費暫定價為63萬元。

BIM design fee: RMB 0.63 million ( TBC )

3. 未中標優秀方案補償費:150萬元。其中:進入定標階段但未中標的2家單位各補償30萬元人民幣,進入評標階段但未進入定標階段的6家單位各補償15萬元人民幣。

Compensation fee: RMB 1.5 million, including RMB 0.3 million for each of the two bidders entering the bid determination phase but fail to win the bid, and RMB 0.15 million for each of the 6 units entering the bid evaluation phase but not the determination phase.

招標日程 Tender Schedule

階段 時間 事項
1. 公開報名及資格預審
Open Application and Prequalification 
July 7, 2020 – July 27, 2020
Issuance of prequalification announcement and accept application
2020.7.13 ( 17:00前 )
17:00, July 13, 2020
書面質疑截止( 電子郵件形式 )
Deadline for query in writing ( through email )
2020.7.17 ( 17:00前 )
17:00, July 17, 2020
Deadline for clarification, amendment and answering in writing
2020.7.27 ( 17:00前 )
17:00, July 27, 2020
Deadline for the submission of prequalification documents
2020.8.6( 暫定 )
August 6, 2020 ( TBC )
Issuance of the results for prequalification evaluation
2020.8.10( 暫定 )
August 10, 2020 ( TBC )
投標人遞交《投標確認函》蓋章原件( 接受電子簽章 )
Submission of the original copy of Bidding Confirmation Letter with official seal ( e-signature is accepted )
2. 設計投標階段
Design Bidding Stage
2020.8.11-2020.9.18( 暫定 )
August 11, 2020 – September 18, 2020 ( TBC )
Issuance of Design Brief
2020.8.14( 暫定 )
August 14, 2020 ( TBC )
踏勘答疑會( 組織形式另行通知 )
Site survey and Q&A meeting ( organization form to be notified accordingly )
2020.8.28( 暫定 )
August 28, 2020 ( TBC )
書面質疑截止( 電子郵件形式 )
Deadline for query in writing ( through email )
2020.9.2( 暫定 )
September 2, 2020 ( TBC )
書面答疑( 電子郵件形式 )
Answering in writing ( through email )
2020.9.18( 暫定 )
September 18, 2020 ( TBC )
Submission of deliverable
2020.9.22( 暫定 )
September 22, 2020 ( TBC )
方案評審會( 暗標 )
Bid evaluation meeting ( sealed bid )
3. 定標階段
Bid Determination Stage
2020.9.29( 暫定 )
September 29, 2020 ( TBC )
Determination of the awarded bidder
Announcement of the bidding result
Note: All the time mentioned above is subject to Beijing time. The tenderee reserves the right to adjust the schedule.

招標信息發佈平台 Tender Announcement Platform


The tender will be officially announced soon, and the specific bidding content and tendering schedule are subject to the official tender announcement.



Link to the tender announcement: https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jyw/jyw/zbGongGao_View.do?ggguid=2c9e8ac2730f31020173220dfb270cba


https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jy-toubiao/ 提前進行登記;以聯合體報名的各個成員單位都需要進行網上註冊登記。

Intended participants shall start preparation for the bidding by registering at the Shenzhen Electronic Tendering Bidding Transaction Platform:


each member/unit of the joint group shall register separately.



Please click here to download the manual for conducting online enterprise information registration: https://w.url.cn/s/AsKJ9IZ .

招標方及招標協助方 Tenderee And Service


Tenderee: Engineering Design Management Center of Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality


User: Shenzhen People’s Hospital


Service: ATUChina

諮詢郵箱: atuchina@126.com

Enquiry Email: atuchina@126.com

諮詢電話:吳工+86-0755-86250922( 北京時間週一至週五9:00-12:00,14:00-18:00 )

Hotline: Miss Wu +86-0755-86250922

( Monday – Friday ( UCT+8 ) 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00 )

微信/Wechat: 18566744737

All project information herein is subject to the tendering announcement published on Shenzhen Construction Engineering Transaction Service Website.





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