2018 台南英語友善店家EASY GO 影片競賽

2018 台南英語友善店家EASY GO 影片競賽

 總獎金: 47000

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2018-11-05

一、 活動主旨:

為使外籍人士造訪臺南時,能在具備英語友善環境的店家享受到貼心的服務,臺南市政府第二官方語言辦公室近年積極協助店家製做雙語菜單並建置線上地圖指引。今年度,市府特別舉辦「臺南英語友善店家Easy Go影片競賽活動」,期透過該活動使英語有善店家獲得更多曝光度,影片也可放在網路上讓即將前往消費的外籍人士,對店家/餐廳有更多的了解,藉此宣傳本市打造英語友善城市之成果,並吸引更多外籍人士到臺南遊玩。

二、 主辦單位:

指導單位: 臺南市政府第二官方語言專案辦公室

主辦單位: 南臺科技大學

協辦單位: 長榮大學 / 台南應用科技大學 / 崑山科技大學

活動贊助單位: 財團法人富樂夢教育基金會

三、 參賽資格:


四、 競賽時程:

  1. 1. 網路徵件期間:即日起~107/11/5(一)23時59分止。
  2. 2. 初審評比階段:107/11/6(二)~107/11/7(三)。
  3. 3. 決審評比階段:107/11/7(三)~107/11/14(三)。
  4. 4. 入圍名單公布:107/11/15(四)下午五點前公布
  5. 5.頒獎典禮:107/11/19(一),入圍者須出席,當日公布獎項。

五、 競賽獎項:


  • Ÿ金牌獎,獲獎金新臺幣10,000元整,獎狀乙紙,共 1 名
  • Ÿ銀牌獎,獲獎金新臺幣8,000元整,獎狀乙紙,共 2 名
  • Ÿ銅牌獎,獲獎金新臺幣5,000元整,獎狀乙紙,共 3 名
  • Ÿ佳作,獲獎金新臺幣2,000元整,獎狀乙紙,共 3 名

六、 競賽評選方式:

  1. 1. 主題詮釋(20%) → 達到英語友善店家推廣效果
  2. 2. 影片技巧(20%) → 拍攝技巧、剪輯能力、鏡頭語言、音效後製
  3. 3. 創意表達(20%) → 主題及創意串連性
  4. 4. 傳達能力(40%) → 影片傳達及英文表達能力

七、 徵件主題:


英語友善店家頁面: http://oeasol.tainan.gov.tw/ef-store/index.php?inter=ef&smid=1

八、 報名辦法

活動表單: https://goo.gl/cWK8h6

九、 參賽作品繳交說明:

  1. 影片創作形式:不限(可真人演出、動畫製作或以照片錦集等方式呈現,惟切記影片須有可辨識店家之特徵或資訊)。
  2. 影片呈現內容不得含有不雅文字與錯誤影射之情形,違者不予評分。
  3. 影片繳交格式:
    1. 高畫質AVI、MOV檔案(此為無字幕、「廣告」字樣、「活動標語」版本)
    2. WMV檔案或MP4檔案(此版本須附字幕,並於影片右下角持續標示「臺南市政府廣告」字樣,片尾須顯示本單位提供之「標語」,此版本為評審版本)
    3. 兩種版本的檔案大小皆限制在500MB以內
    4. 兩種檔案請上傳至雲端空間,並將共用模式設定為「知道連結者均可檢視」,於報名表中貼上連結提供主辦單位下載
    5. 附字幕版請上傳至Youtube網站並設為「公開」,上傳名稱須為:2018 台南英語友善店家EASY GO 影片競賽活動-「店家名稱」-「影片名稱」
  4. 影片解析度: 1920*1080dpi (1080p HD畫質)(含)以上
  5. 影片長度:1~3分鐘內,如時間超過者自動喪失參賽資格,不予評分。
  6. 須於影片標註:
    • 影片右下方,需加入附件圖一「廣告」字樣
    • 影片結尾處,需加入附件圖二「活動標語」,並停留3秒。
  7. 選用背景音樂:可為以下各項通路,並出具授權書或授權證明:
    1. 自行創作。
    2. 選用以「創用CC(Creative Commons,reativecommons.org.tw)」授權之音樂,並依作品授權方式與標示方法,下載使用。
    3. 其它合法取得授權之音樂。

十、 著作授權規範與注意事項:

  1. 作品須為參賽者創作,不得有冒借、抄襲、仿冒之行為,違者遭檢舉將公佈取消其獎項,並追回獎品,遺缺不予遞補。影音內容之人物,應獲當事人拍攝同意,以免侵害肖像權。
  2. 得獎者之得獎作品著作財產權,須同意轉讓予主辦單位(臺南市政府第二官方語言辦公室),對於得獎作品,主辦單位擁有所有改作、剪輯重製或相關使用之權利,得獎者不得對主辦單位主張著作人格權。
  3. 若有將他人製作出版之音樂作剪輯重製,得獎者須於領獎前先行取得著作權財產人之授權,否則視同放棄得獎資格;公佈得獎後若遭檢舉將取消其獎項,並追回獎品,遺缺不予遞補。
  4. 作品不符徵選規格及違反善良風俗者,不予收錄,主辦單位不再另外通知不予收錄理由。
  5. 參賽者須詳閱活動辦法相關規範與說明,若有參賽資格不符、作品不實、違反著作權法、違反其他規定與法令者,除自負法律責任外,主辦單位得取消其參賽、入圍或得獎資格,並自平台移
  6. 除、追回其已領取之獎金與獎狀,參賽者均不得有異議,同時名額不遞補。如因此造成第三者之權益損失及所產生之法律責任,參賽者須負完全之法律責任。

十一、 其他

  1. 若為得獎作品,參賽者應同意機關另重新剪輯製作成30秒宣導短片(影片仍會標示原創者姓名),作為行銷推廣使用。
  2. 依所得稅法規定,得獎金額超過新臺幣2萬元(含)以上之得獎者,需由執行單位代扣10%稅金(非中華民國境內居住者,不論得獎金額多寡皆代扣20%稅金),承辦單位將依法開立扣(免)繳憑單,另涉及有關其他法令規定須先行扣繳者,則依其規定辦理。
  3. 主辦單位保留修改活動內容之權利,如有活動相關異動事項,將公告於台南市政府第二官方語言辦公室官網中。

十二、 聯絡方式

活動窗口:賴先生 06-2222149


2018 Tainan English-Friendly Store EASY GO Video Competition

I. Subject

To enable foreign visitors to enjoy considerate services in an English-friendly environment when visiting Tainan, the Office of English as the Second Official Language of Tainan City Government, in recent years, has actively assisted stores to produce bilingual menus and set up online maps as guidance. This year, the Tainan City Government has organized the 2018 Tainan English-Friendly Store EASY GO Video Competition to increase the visibility of these English-friendly stores. The videos will be uploaded online so that foreign visitors can gain a better understanding of the stores/restaurants. This activity also promotes the outcomes of Tainan as an English-friendly city and attracts more foreign visitors to come to visit Tainan.

II. Organizers

Adviser: Office of English as the Second Official Language, Tainan City Government

Organizer: Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Co-organizer: Chang Jung Christian University/Tainan University of Technology/Kun Shan University

Sponsor: Flomo Education Foundation

III. Qualifications

  1. Participants: Contestants of all nationalities and ages are allowed to participate in the competition.
  2. Participants can register as an individual or as a team with each a maximum of five members per team. Each person can submit up to three videos.
  3. Submissions should be unpublished, never have been used in other competitions, never have received any awards, and never have been authorized to a third party for use.
  4. Each team can have up to two, if any, instructors.

IV. Important Dates

  1. Online Submission: As of today-17:00 Tue., Oct. 30, 2018.
  2. Primary Review: Wed., Oct. 31, 2018-Mon., Nov. 5, 2018.
  3. Final Review: Mon., Nov. 5, 2018-Mon., Nov. 12, 2018.
  4. Shortlist Announcement: By 17:00 Tue., Nov. 13, 2018 (announcements will be made on the official website of the Office of English as the Second Official Language, Tainan City Government).

Award Ceremony: Sat., Nov. 17, 2018; all nominees are required to attend.

V. Awards

Each award will be rewarded with a prize and a certificate.

  • Gold Medal Award: NT $10,000 and a certificate; one in total.
  • Silver Medal Award: NT $ 8,000 and a certificate; two in total.
  • Bronze Medal Award: NT $ 5,000 and a certificate; three in total.
  • Work of Excellence: NT $ 2,000 and a certificate; three in total.

VI. Selection Method

  1. Subject Interpretation (20%) → Achieve the effect of promoting English-friendly stores.
  2. Video Techniques (20%) → Filming techniques, editing skills, camera language, sound effects and post-editing.
  3. Creative Expression (20%) → Connectivity of subject and creativity.
  4. Communication Skills (40%) → Video communication and English communication skills.

VII. Submission Theme

Participants should pick and introduce a store from the list of English-friendly stores on the website of the Office of English as the Second Official Language, Tainan City Government. There is no limitation on the style of presentation; however, there should be English subtitles for the introduction content, and English dialogues or narratives are preferred with bilingual menus shown. Videos should also contain the connection between the products of the store and English. If the same store is introduced in more than one video, only one team will be chosen as the awarded work. All submissions are eligible to be uploaded to the page of English-friendly stores of the organizer’s website to promote and advertise the stores.

List of English-friendly stores: http://oeasol.tainan.gov.tw/ef-store/index.php?inter=ef&smid=1

VIII. Application Details

  • During the online submission period, fill out the Application Form (Appendix I), Copyright License Agreement (Appendix II), scan and upload the files along with your work to the Cloud and name the folder “Store Name_Video Name” (Set the sharing mode of the folder to “anyone with the link can view”). Then, go to the Activity Sheet and fill out relevant information.
  • Activity Sheet: https://goo.gl/cWK8h6

IX. Submission Details

  1. Video Creation Form: No limitation (can be performed by people, can be animated, or presented by photo collage, but remember to show identifiable features or information of the stores).
  2. Content presented should not contain indecent words and false insinuation; otherwise they will not be rated.

3. Video Submission Format:

  1. High-quality AVI, MOV files (for video files with no subtitles, the word “advertisement,” and the event slogan).
  2. WMV file or MP4 file (for video files containing subtitles, the words “Tainan City Government Advertisement” at the bottom right of the video, and “slogan” provided by the organizer at the end of the video. This version is for the judges).
  3. The file size for both versions should be within 500MB.
  4. Both files should be uploaded to the Cloud, and sharing settings should be set to “anyone with the link can view.” Share the link on the application form for the organizer to download.
  5. Videos with subtitles should also be uploaded to YouTube and the privacy settings should be set as “public”. The name of the video should be: 2018 Tainan English-Friendly Store EASY GO Video Competition-“Store Name”-“Video Name”.
  1. Video Resolution: 1920*1080dpi (1080p HD picture quality) or above
  2. Video Length: Within 1-3 minutes. Videos that do not comply with this limit will be disqualified and will not be rated.
  3. Please mark in the video:
  • At the bottom right of the video, add the word “advertisement” as shown in Figure 1.
  • At the end of the video, add the event slogan for three seconds as shown in Figure 2.
  1. Select background music: background music can be chosen from the following channels, with relevant license agreements and certificates provided.
  1. Self-created.
  2. Licensed music chosen from “Creative Commons (creativecommons.org.tw).” Download the music for use according to the methods of authorization and marking.
  3. Other legally licensed music.

X. Authorization Specifications and Notices

  1. The work must be created by the participants. There should be no act of borrowing, plagiarism, or counterfeiting. Violators will be made public and awards will be canceled with prizes revoked. Vacancies will not be filled. Persons featured in the video should agree to be filmed by the party to avoid infringement of personality rights.
  2. The recipient of the award agrees to license the copyright of the awarded work to the organizer (Office of English as the Second Official Language, Tainan City Government). The organizer holds the rights to alter, edit and reproduce, or to apply to other use. Recipients of the award shall not claim the moral rights of the work to the organizer.
  3. If the music is re-edited after production by others, the recipient of the award should obtain the license from the copyright owner before receiving the award; otherwise, the recipient will be disqualified. If such circumstances are reported by a third party after the announcement of awards, the award will be canceled and the prize will be revoked. Vacancies will not be filled.
  4. Works that do not meet the required specifications or violate good morals will not be included in the competition. Reasons for non-inclusion will not be further notified.
  5. Participants should read closely relevant regulations and details of the competition. In the event of ineligibility, untruthful works, copyright violations, or other regulation violations, the participant should take full legal responsibility. The organizer may cancel his/her qualifications of participation, nomination, and award; remove the work from the platform; and recover the prize and certificate given. Participants shall have no objections and vacancies will not be filled. Participants should take full legal responsibility if such infringements incur legal responsibilities or cause subsequent damage to the rights of a third party.
  6. If the level of participants’ works does not meet the awarded standards, awards may remain vacant.

XI. Others

  1. If awarded, participants shall agree to have the organizer to re-edit the video into a 30-second promotional clip (the original owner’s name will still be indicated) for advertisement and promotion.
  2. According to regulations of the Income Tax Act, 10% of the total shall be deducted by the executive agency as tax for prizes over NT $20,000 (20,000 included) (for non-residents, 20% of the total will be deducted regardless of the amount of the prize). Income withholding (exemption from withholding) certificates will be provided by the organizer. Other pre-deduction conditions shall be conducted according to relevant regulations.
  3. The organizer reserves the right to adjust the content of the activity. Any changes relevant to the activity will be announced on the official website of the Office of English as the Second Official Language of Tainan City Government.

XII. Contact

Contact Person: Mr. Lai 06-2222149

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