

 總獎金: 164000(CNY)

最高獎金: 80000(CNY)

報名時間: 2020-08-01 ~ 2020-09-28

主辦單位: 中國服裝設計師協會杭州市下城區人民政府

主辦單位電話: +86-0571-85173727、+86-0571-85102259




中國國際女裝設計師大獎賽已經成功舉辦了13屆,是國內最具權威和頂尖的創意設計選拔賽事之一。本次大賽以“雲尚天地 · 數創下城”為主題,徵稿時間為期兩個月,你準備好了嗎?!




第十四屆中國國際女裝設計大獎賽徵集 The 14th China International Women’s Wear Design Grand Prix

徵稿時間 Contributions solicitation time


From August 2020 to mid-late September 2020

舉辦時間與地點 Time and place


August-November2020, Xiacheng District, Hangzhou City, China

大賽命題 Proposition

雲尚天地 數創下城

Fashion in Xiacheng, Cloud,Digital and Creative

參賽對象 Participant

職業組:具備服裝生產供應鏈能力的國內外( 含港澳台 )企事業單位、設計工作室設計師及有校企合作項目的服裝院校師生;
Professional Team: Domestic and foreign enterprisesand institutions ( including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan ) with the capacity of garment production supply chain, designers from design studios, and teachersand students of garment colleges and universities with university-enterprise cooperationprojects;

學生組:國內外( 含港澳台地區 )服裝院校及相關培訓機構學生。
Student Team: Students from domestic and foreign garmentcolleges and universities and related training institutions ( including HongKong, Macao and Taiwan ).

組織機構 Organizations


Sponsors: China Fashion Association、ThePeople’s Government of Xiacheng District, Hangzhou


Organizers: HangzhouXiacheng District Cultural and Creative Industry Development Center、Hangzhou Fashion Designer Association、Zhejiang WenchuangGroup、DongxinSub-district Office of the People’s Government of Xiacheng District


Co-organizers: Hangzhou Cultural and Creative Association、HangzhouFashion Federation、HangzhouTextile and Apparel E-Commerce Industry Association

大賽目的 Purpose


The 14th ChinaInternational Women’s Wear Design Grand Prix is to be held with mission of further expandingthe economic scale and weight industry advantages of the design serviceindustry in Xiacheng District, enhancing the influence of “Design from Xiacheng” and establishing the target highland of “China women’s wear inHangzhou and Hangzhou women’s wear in Xiacheng”. Throughthis event, it is expected to enable Xiacheng District to win and attract outstanding designers, Internet celebrities, live streaming institutions and incubation platformsin the context of the growing live streaming economy so as to create anall-around ecology of digital fashion, boost the fashion industry in XiachengDistrict, and make cultural contributions to the district’s playing the role ofa pacesetter of “important window” and “leading wild goose”.

參賽要求 Requirements


1.Design originally the 2020autumn and winter series of women’s wear and complete corresponding designrenderings according to the theme of the competition:

( 1 )職業組為7套服裝設計作品( 其中創意款2套,市場款5套 )。職業組可提交作品成衣照片替代效果圖。

( 1 )7 suits for the professional team ( including 2 creative suits and 5 suits for marketing ).Those in the professional team may submit photos of ready-made garments instead of renderingsfor their designs.

( 2 )學生組為5套服裝設計作品( 創意款為主 )。

( 2 )5 suits for the student team ( mainly creative ).

2、參賽者遞交完整的參賽材料( 設計方案:包括系列作品效果圖或成衣照片+200字以內的設計說明、參賽報名表、身份證照片 ),參賽材料電子檔格式發送至大賽官方郵箱。
2. Participants should submit complete materials ( design: including rendering or ready-makegarment photo for the series design plus design description of less than 200 Chinese characters, entry form, photo of ID card ) in electronic format by sending them to the official e-mail address of the competition ( chinafdc2007@163.com );

3.Entries for competition must be original designs of the participants. Should there be any plagiarizedones, the participants shall be disqualified for competition or awards;


4.Personalin formation and certificates submitted together with entries must be authenticand valid. Those who submit false ones will be disqualified for the completionor awards and will be reported to relevant departments.


5.Participants must observe the rules of the competition strictly and follow the schedules and arrangements.


6.The right of final interpretation to this competition shall be held by the organizing committee.

參賽辦法 Ways of participation

作品大小為A3紙尺寸:含作品效果圖、平面結構圖、200字以內設計說明、面料小樣( 8×8CM )、報名表( 粘貼2吋證件照 )、身份證複印件,所有作品資料請於2020年9月20日前以電子版格式發送到組委會指定郵箱,郵箱: chinafdc2007@163.com 。大賽組委會設在杭州市服裝設計師協會,凡入圍的外地選手,參賽期間的食宿費用由組委會承擔。

Entriesare required to be realized on an A3 paper: including rendering, plane structure drawing, design descriptionof less than 200 Chinese characters, fabric swatch ( 8×8 CM ), entry form ( with 3.5*5.3cmphoto for certificate ), and photocopy of the ID card. All materials arerequired to be sent to the e-mailaddress designated by the organizing committee in electronic format as of 20 September 2020. Public e-mail: chinafdc2007@163.com.The organizing committee is located in Hangzhou Fashion Designer Association. Board and lodging expenses during the competition of non-localparticipants, whose entries are selected for the competition, will be paid bythe organizing committee.

郵箱: chinafdc2007@163.com

Public e-mail: chinafdc2007@163.com


Address: Room407, Building 2, Paradise E Valley, No. 33 Xinwen Road, Gongshu District,Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province,

中國國際女裝設計大獎賽組委會 郵編:310015
Organizing Committee of China International Women’s Wear Design Grand Prix,P.C.: 310015

Tel: 0571-85173727,85102259

賽程安排 Schedule


1. Launch & Announcement
Time: From August 2020 to mid-late September 2020

2、初賽評審( 電子稿評審 )
內容:邀請國內外著名服裝院校教授、國內外著名服裝設計師、國內知名專家等組成初賽專家評審團,對參賽作品進行電子稿評分,評選出前30組( 職業組、學生組各15組 )入圍複賽。

2. Preliminary review
Time: At the end of September 2020
Place: Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Description: Professorsfrom overseas and domestic renowned fashion institutes, well-known fashiondesigners at home and abroad, and renowned domestic experts will be invited to thepanel of experts for preliminary review, to score the electronic draft ofentries. The top 30 sets of works will be selected for the semi-final ( 15 setseach for professional team and student team ).

3、複賽評審( 視頻面試考核 )
內容:邀請國內外著名服裝院校教授及服裝設計師組成專家評審團,對參賽作品設計師進行視頻面試考核並打分,評選產生20組作品入圍決賽( 職業組、學生組各10組 )。

3. Semi-final review ( videointerview assessment )
Time: Early to mid-October 2020
Place: Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Description: Professors from overseas anddomestic renowned fashion institutes and well-known fashion designers at homeand abroad will be invited to the panel of experts for video interviewassessment of entry’s designers and give scores. The top 20 sets of works willbe selected for the final ( 10 sets each for professional team and student team ).


4. The public review
Time: From the end of October 2020 to late November 2020
Description: The selection criteria for best commercial value award for professional team’sworks is the sales volume of live streaming and e-commerce, and the salesvolume will be included in the final result; and, the selection criteria for bestnew media popularity award for student team’s work is online voting with theirvideos, and the voting result will be included in the final result.


5. The final
Time: At the end of November 2020
Description: Expert panel will score the comprehensive performances of runway show of 20 final ready-to-wear works, and setthe awards in combination with their scores in assessments.

獎項設置 Awards






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