2021 9th Architizer A+ Architecture Awards

2021 9th Architizer A+ Architecture Awards

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2021-04-23

主辦單位: Architizer




2020 9th Architizer A+ Architecture Awards



A+ Awards 在16個“住宅”參賽組別下設置了32個獎項( 每個類別分別頒發1個“評委特別獎”和1個“大眾評選獎” ),歡迎當今世界各種規模和類型的住宅設計作品參與報名。這些參賽類別涵蓋了私人住宅、公共住宅、多單元住宅與室內設計、低成本設計,以及與細節和特定材料運用等方方面面。




BDA Bushman Dreyfus Architects事務所設計的“市中心複式公寓”( Downtown Loft )斬獲2020年“公寓”組別評委特別獎/大眾評選獎

自世紀之交以來,城市化進程大大加快。隨著城市人口密度的不斷增加,對公寓住宅的需求呈爆炸式增長。然而,居住在大城市的人們並不想妥協——他們尋求時尚的住宅佈局、充足的採光和高質量的裝潢,以實現一種與居於私人住宅一樣的高端生活品質。於是,建築師試圖通過創新性的公寓改造與新建的公寓樓應對這一挑戰。A+Awards的“最佳公寓”類別是歷年競爭最為激烈的獎項之一。去年,由美國弗吉尼亞洲夏洛茨維爾BDA Bushman Dreyfus Architects事務所設計的“市中心複式公寓”( Downtown Loft )一舉奪得該組別的雙料大獎,其成就或將不易被超越——您的公司是否有如此優秀的項目能與之比肩、一較高下呢?



Daluz Gonzalez Architekten事務所設計的Casa Mi項目斬獲2020年“大型私人住宅”評委特別獎

隨著私人住宅在世界不同地區的持續演變,最佳私人住宅的獎項數量設置也有所增加,從而為打造各類規模住宅的設計公司創造了更多的獲獎機會。新設立的“小戶型私人住宅( 建築面積小於1000平方英呎 )”參賽類別旨在表彰設計精緻小巧住宅的建築師。儘管大型住宅呈現了世界上那些令人歎為觀止且恢弘大氣的現代人居,更易受到國際認可,但不可否認的是,小戶型的住宅在當今樓市也越發受到人們的追捧。從以往來看,“私人住宅”類別的獲獎者在所有A+ Awards獲獎者中最受關注,大概是住宅特有的美學效應所致。今年的住宅作品勢必再度吸引大眾的眼球。



2020年低層多單元住宅( 1-4層 )評委特別獎獲獎項目:XS House,由Interface Studio Architects LLC事務所設計


最佳公共住宅( 2021年新增 )

2020年“中高層多單元住宅”類別入圍項目:RISD North Hall,由 NADAAA事務所設計




2020年“住宅室內”類別大眾評選獎獲獎項目:Christos Pavlou Architecture事務所設計的都市花園住宅( The Garden House in the City )

室內設計師的作品同樣值得表彰,尤其是在2021年。因為在去年整個新冠疫情流行期間,全世界的民眾在室內待的時間比以往多得多。今年,A+Awards力邀小型住宅室內項目( 建築面積小於3000平方英呎 )參賽,同時大型住宅室內項目、改造項目和新建成項目也符合參賽資格。此外,大賽還設立一些專門的室內類別,包括辦公室( 大小規模不限 )及機場、火車站、公交站、渡輪碼頭等交通設施室內項目。



2020年“未建成-多單元住宅( 超過10層 )”大眾評選獎獲獎項目:A31 Architecture事務所設計的Nonagriam Twins 住宅

由於2020年新冠疫情的影響,全世界的建築師都面臨項目能否如期竣工的挑戰。但佳音也如期而至,A+Awards為概唸作品及建造中的作品設立了種類繁多的獎項類別,包括一直廣受歡迎的未建成住宅。每年,該組別下提交的一些最引人注目的作品由大賽主辦方精心展示給大眾。簡言之,無論您的作品只是處在圖紙( 或效果圖 )階段,或離完工還有一半工期,均可報名參賽“未建成住宅”組別。歡迎提交您出色的建築視覺作品,為我們描繪未來的住宅藍圖,並激發世界人民的想像力。


• 建築+色彩

• 建築+可持續性

• 建築+社會公益

• 建築+木材

• 建築+樓梯

• 建築+立面


頂好設計獎項庫2021 第9屆 美國 Architizer A+獎小程序




About the A+Awards

This Awards Program Is Different

The Architizer A+Awards is the largest awards program focused on promoting and celebrating the year’s best architecture and products. Its mission is to nurture the appreciation of meaningful architecture in the world and champion those products that are integral to bringing great buildings to life. Imagine your work in front of a global audience of 400+ million.

Your Work on the Global Stage

The A+Awards live at Architizer.com, the largest online community of architects in the world, with an audience 7+ million strong. But the awards are bigger than just the architectural community. Entries are judged by distinguished luminaries from fields as diverse as design, technology, real estate, fashion, and more. Finalists and winners are recognized in as the year’s most influential visionaries online and in print — and the buzz is huge.

Two Ways To Win

Our reputable judges nominate five finalists within each award category. These finalists are then presented online where design practitioners and enthusiasts from around the globe vote for their favorites during a highly publicized campaign. The winners of the A+ Popular Choice Awards are honored alongside Jury Winners. In 2020, we received over 400,000 public votes.


In addition to inclusion on the A+Awards Winners Gallery and publication on Architizer.com, all Winners receive the A+Awards Trophy. We want to give our winners a truly remarkable showpiece. That’s why we worked closely with some of the world’s best awards designers to create a bespoke trophy that reflects our winners’ outstanding design ethos and achievements. In addition to the A+Awards Trophy, select Winners are featured in the annual A+Awards compendium The World’s Best Architecture ( published by Phaidon ). Special Honorees each season receive bespoke coverage on Architizer.com.

The A+Awards Book

Architizer: The World’s Best Architecture is an annual compendium of the world’s most inspiring architecture, published in partnership with Phaidon. Featuring select A+Awards winners, who are chosen by our illustrious jury from thousands of entries around the globe, A+Architecture is the definitive guide to the year’s best buildings and spaces. Featured works from the 8th Annual A+Awards include: Beijing Daxing International Airport, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, Olympic House, by 3XN, and MIRA, by Studio Gang, along with more than 130 other projects. See the 2020 book here.


Below is a timeline of the upcoming 2020 A+Awards program:

  • 9th Annual A+Awards Opens – January 4, 2021
  • Early Entry Deadline – January 29, 2021
  • Final Entry Deadline – March 12, 2021
  • Extended Entry Deadline– April 23, 2021
  • Jury Voting – May 2021
  • Public Voting – June 2021
  • Winners Announced – June 2021

Architecture for a Changing World

The world around us never stops evolving, but in 2020, the rate of change accelerated on all fronts. Our environment, our social landscape, and our daily lives were upended, giving rise to immense challenges across the globe. For designers, these turbulent times provide rich opportunities for innovation. Pioneering architecture is not just a thing of beauty — it can transform society, making it more resilient, empowered, and prepared for what the future might hold. The 2021 A+Awards will celebrate those architects designing for a changing world.

About Architizer

Architizer’s core mission is to Empower Architects, via our marketplace connecting architects and building-product manufacturers, and via our inspiring content, awards program, and global reach spotlighting the world’s best architecture. We connect architects with the tools they need to build better buildings, better cities, and a better world.

Become A Partner

Interested in sponsoring the world’s largest award program celebrating architecture and building products? Opportunities include Category Sponsorship, Voting Recognition, Custom Trophy Fabrication, in-person Activations and more! To learn more about becoming a partner, email David@Architizer.com




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