2020 iD 國際新銳設計師獎

2020 iD 國際新銳設計師獎

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2020-01-31

主辦單位: iD Dunedin Fashion



iD Dunedin是一家非營利性慈善組織,致力於在但尼丁和紐西蘭發展可持續時尚產業。這是一個真正獨特的特殊活動,結合了前沿設計,創新和技術。此活動得到了城市,社區和商業合作夥伴的支持,由經營團隊負責營運,並由慈善委員會註冊的慈善組織iD Dunedin Fashion Inc負責管理。此活動籌集的資金將用於為明年的活動提供資金。


1. 參賽者必須在過去五年內畢業。
2. 參賽者於獲得被認可之學位文憑,時尚相關之學士碩士,或時尚相關課程的最後一年。


  • 報名方式為作品集,以展現欲報名之作品,內容項目須符合比賽的要求,且以PDF呈現。
  • 一旦被選為決賽入圍者,則還必須提供A4尺寸的高分辨率300dpi圖像,並親自至現場出席參加決選(機票須自行負擔)。
  • 參加作品同時有機會獲得贊助商的獎項,取得獎金及實習機會。

截止日期: 2020年1月31日

Enter the iD International Emerging Designer Awards 2020

As Australasia’s only international emerging designer competition, the iD International Emerging Designer Awards is your opportunity to boost your career by being seen on the world stage.

Since being established in 2004 the competition attracts hundreds of entries from young fashion designers around the globe each year. If chosen as a finalist you must travel to Dunedin to meet other designers from around the world, be part of judging – where your collection receives a critique by a prestigious judging panel – and have your collection showcased at the Awards runway show.

Past international judges include; Martin Grant, Stephen Jones, Emilia Wickstead, Lutz Huelle, Akira Isogawa and Hilary Alexander – to name a few. A special international guest judge for 2020 will be announced shortly. As well as receiving feedback from the iD Judging Panel, and building networks with other emerging designers from around the world there are prizes on offer including; cash, special opportunities and experiences and high profile internships.

Applications for the iD International Emerging Designer Awards 2020 are open until Friday 31 January 2020. Finalists will be notified by Friday 14 February 2020. Finalists must arrive in Dunedin by Tuesday 16 June 2020 for judging on Thursday 18 June and iD International Emerging Designer Awards Runway Show and awards announcement on Friday 19 June 2020.

Associated Events

Exhibitions, runway shows, talks, fashionable installations and films are some of the extraordinary associated events on our iD calendar.

If you have a fashion event you’d like to hold as part of the official iD Fashion Week calendar, contact  info@idfashion.co.nz


iD Dunedin Fashion 2020 offers multiple opportunities for businesses to align their brand in partnership with our unique experiences. If your business or organisation is interested in partnering with us, please get in touch.


Ushers, interns, runners, drivers, we’re always on the look out for extra assistance for this incredible event. If you’re interested in being part of the iD Dunedin Fashion team, please get in touch.


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