2020 SIDA 新加坡室內設計大獎

2020 SIDA 新加坡室內設計大獎

報名時間: 2019-10-21 ~ 2020-04-20

主辦單位: 新加坡室內設計師協會

主辦單位電話: +65-69567443



SIDA 是由新加坡室內設計師協會主辦, 旨在提升區域乃至全球室內設計師的水平,獎項同時擁有國際室內建築設計師團體聯盟IFI和新加坡設計理事會DSG雙重認證,是亞太區室內設計界的最高殊榮之一。


(GMT+8) 2019年10月21日12:00時至2020年4月20日23:59時







1. SIDA COMPLETED: 招募已完成建築的專業室內設計作品
2. SIDA CONCEPT: 招募具備完整設計概念的專業作品
3. SIDA YOUTH: 招募本地學生/學術作品(僅限新加坡)


編號 類別 Completed Luminary- Completed* Concept Luminary- Concept* Youth
1. 住宅設計
(a) 佔地面積 ≤ 50 sqm
(b) 佔地面積= 51 – 100 sqm
(c) 佔地面積 ≥ 100 sqm
(d) 樣品房
2. 酒店設計
(a) 酒店房間
(b) 酒店公共空間
3. 零售空間設計
(a) 購物中心公共空間
(b) 零售店舖
(a) 佔地面積≤ 100 sqm
(b) 佔地面積 = 101 – 500 sqm
(c) 佔地面積 ≥ 501 sqm
5. 公共空間設計
(a) 公民與文化場所
(b) 教育場所
(c) 休閒娛樂場所
6. 展覽廳設計
(a) 暫時特展(≤ 6個月)
(b) 永久展覽 (≥ 6個月)
(c) 發展商銷售展廳
7. 飲食空間設計
(a) 檔口
(b) 餐館
(c) 咖啡廳
(d) 美食中心
8. 年度最佳設計公司  
9. AkzoNobel ColourFutures 大獎**  

*Luminary Awards 獎項將頒發給最佳新加坡籍/新加坡永久居民設計師

**參賽者必須展示對於 (僅限) AkzoNobel Dulux 油漆或顏料產品的傑出運用,並在提交的作品照片中註明所使用的產品顏色編碼。參賽者在其他類別如住宅、辦公室、公共空間、餐飲空間、酒店、零售和展覽空間所提交的設計作品,也可以在此類別中提交。


1. 本屆賽事不接受2017年1月之前的作品。
2. 須以200 – 300 字敘述設計理念。
3. 以JPG or PDF 格式提交至少5張作品照,其中包括一張平面圖. 所有圖片清晰度必須至少為 1920 x 1080.
4. 所提交文件不大於 5 MB.

SIDA 2020評分標準:

1. 設計影響力

2. 創意

3. 空間運用

4. 美感



報名類別數量 標準報名參賽費
1 案 $500
2 案 $900
3 案 $1,200
4 案 $1,500
5 案 $1,800



大致在所有類別上,SIDA 2020將頒發金、銀、銅和榮譽提名獎。其中金獎得主將獲頒獎盃和獎章,而其他得主將獲頒獎章。

AkzoNobel ColorFuture 大獎則屬例外,該類別將頒發兩個獎項分別予COMPLETED和CONCEPT得獎者。

參考 SIDA 2018/19 得獎名單 here.

International Design Awards Recognition Scheme (IDARS) 排名系統


Terms & Conditions for Participation

Entrants are required to fulfil the following requisites in order to participate in SIDA 2020:

  • Completed entry submissions and paid all necessary fees
  • Provided documentation and/or any related materials as may be requested by the Judging Committee during any stage of the judging process
  • Permit use of images and information and/or provide the same for promotional efforts across all platforms as deemed necessary by the organiser
  • Allow the entry to be exhibited during the stipulated dates as deemed necessary by the organiser

Disclosure of Information

The Singapore Interior Design Award 2020 advocates the engagement of the general public in a purposeful manner in order to deepen their understanding of good interior design. This involves disseminating relevant information about the entries throughout the entire judging process; as well as featuring the projects on our online database, which will be publically accessible.Unless marked with [ND], the organisers will disclose any and all information provided by the Entrants during their online registration. The organisers, Judging Committee and secretariat are obliged to strictly adhere to the code of confidentiality for non-disclosed information, which will be used in consideration for screening purposes only.

Copyright Information

The copyright for all entries, images and information belong to the respective Entrants and shall only be used by the organisers for promotional and marketing activities of SIDA 2020.

Disclosure of Screening Results

Screening results will be released through the SIDA website, along with the Judging Committee’s rationale for awarding the respective entries. Any requests for the disclosure of individual screening results before the official announcement is made will be denied. The organizer may delay the announcement of the results due to at their own discretion.

Protection of Intellectual Property (IP) Rights

(a) Usage of Personal and Corporate Information
The utilisation of both private and corporate information provided by the Entrant shall be limited to what is necessary in order to operate SIDA 2020 awarding system. It is hereby stipulated and agreed upon by and between the organiser and the Entrants that this information has received the consent of Entrants and all concerned parties for this purpose.

(b) Usage of Information of Successful Applications
All Entrants retain full copyright to the information and related materials provided for the entries submitted, of which usage by the organisers shall be limited to the extent necessary for the judging process, screening process and public release for marketing and promotional purposes. It is hereby stipulated and agreed upon by and between the organiser and the Entrants that this information has received the consent of the Entrants and all concerned parties for this purpose. With regard to entries awarded by SIDA 2020, the organiser is hereby granted permission to use the information provided for publication on the website, to the extent necessary for promotional activities of the Award. This shall include reasonable modifications made to the information provided to suit formatting requirements as needed. Please refer to the website of the Intellectual Property of Singapore (IPOS) for more information regarding IP rights.

Declaration of Intellectual Property Rights Indemnity Clause

Entrants covenants and agrees to hold Society of Interior Designers (Singapore) or (SIDS); the organisers, operators, and managers of SIDA 2020 and the respective officers, agents, and employees of each (hereafter collectively referred to as “SIDA 2020 Management “) harmless from any and all claims of liability, damage, intellectual property infringement or expense arising from any injury to or death of any person, including the Entrant’s employees, agents, or contractors or any loss of, damage to, or theft of any property, including the Entrant’s. An omission of Entrant shall include any failure of the Entrant to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement; any rules and regulations of SIDA 2020; and any laws of the Republic of Singapore. Entrants agree to indemnify all members of the SIDA 2020 Management of any and all expenses, attorneys’ fees, and any judgments awarded or settlement amounts agreed to. Entrants also agree that SIDA 2020 Management is not responsible for any loss, damage, or theft of or to any property of anyone, including the Entrants and its employees, agents or contractors, while in transit.The organiser shall bear no liability concerning any disputes and conflict arising between the Entrants and other third parties in connection with application for or receipt of SIDA 2020.

Disqualification, Revocation and Suspension

SIDA 2020 Management has the right to disqualify and revoke the Award from an entry under consideration and/or awarded entry should the following occur:

  • The entry is deemed socially detrimental due to its functional defectiveness
  • The entry is publicly recognised as having infringed the intellectual property rights of another party
  • The entry has not adhered to the specifications stipulated in the SIDA Competition / Concept 2020 Usage Guidelines without the written consent of the organiser
  • Fees for the entry have not been duly paid (prior to submission of the entry)

Disqualification and revocation will result in a public renouncement of the entry and its subsequent removal from the website and all future collateral and promotional materials.

SIDA 2020 Application for Withdrawal of Entry

Entrants who wish to pull their entries out of SIDA 2020 may do so 1 week before the stipulated submission deadline, i.e. by 13 February 2020 at 23:59 hours (closing date 20 April 2020 at 23:59 hours). Entrants are required to notify the organiser either via email, along with the reason of withdrawal. All Entry Fee(s) paid is(are) non-refundable. Please note that after 20 April 2020 at 23:59 hours, any requests for withdrawal will not be accepted.

Rights of Usage

Only Award Winners are eligible to apply for the usage of SIDA 2020 material for their own use. All representatives associated with the award winners (i.e. sales and marketing agencies, media partners) and other third parties may only apply to use SIDA 2020 materials as the official representatives of the Award Winners and with their explicit consent. In this instance, the Permission for SIDA 2020 Material Usage certificate will be issued directly to the award winners and no further application procedures will be necessary. Consultation with the organiser is advised in cases where:

  • A distributor or sales agent not affiliated with the award winner (or its representatives as described above) wishes to use the SIDA 2020 logo as part of its sales and marketing campaign.
  • A media organisation not affiliated with the award winner (or its representatives as described above) wishes to use the SIDA 2020 logo in a description of an award-winning product.


Singapore Interior Design Awards 新加坡室內設計大獎相關競賽

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