2020 Sydney Design Awards

2020 Sydney Design Awards

報名時間: 2020-02-12 ~ 2020-07-09


主辦單位電話: +1-347-416-6355;+44-20-0333-1511;+61-3-90204453








2020 Sydney Design Awards.

We’re in exciting times, where tech and innovation are creating an infinite realm of possibilities. The key to making those possibilities reality is extraordinary design. The Sydney Design Awards program provides marketplace recognition across an extensive range of categories and celebrates the creativity and courage of those who are leading the way.

Key Dates

12 February – Launch Event
11 June – Standard Deadline
9 July – Late Deadline
27 August – Judging
3 September – Winners Announced
20 October – Awards Presentation

The Award Programs

The DRIVENxDESIGN Award Programs are a unique way to recognise the courage, diversity and excellence of the commissioners and creators for design projects. The Award Programs offer a distinct competitive advantage to those offering products and services, and help you stand out in a competitive global market. The Award Program also offers a unique platform for brands to reach a highly specialised audience through the Awards communication streams.

The Awards are open to anyone with an interest in developing products and services that are designed to have both, a commercial and market impact.
DRIVENxDESIGN Award Programs are marketplace-based: the project work must be commissioned, marketed or created in the same marketplace as the Award Program( s ) you are entering. We want to recognise projects in the markets where they are relevant, not just where they are created. There is no limit to the number of Award Programs and/or categories you can nominate, as long as your project is eligible.

Why nominate?

  • Tangibly showcase your competitive edge to investors, clients and customers, and industry collaborators and partners.
  • Boost team morale and demonstrate company pride in their work
  • Improve confidence in your products and services
  • Demonstrate that your business is listening and adapting to your clients’ and customers’ needs
  • Stand out from your competitors by being recognise as an Award winner
  • Network with fellow Award winners in the industry at the Awards Presentation evening

According to a study by the University of Leicester*, award winning companies experience:

  • Higher growth in sales over non-award winning companies by an average of 77%
  • Higher increase in operating income over non-award winning companies by an average of 18%
  • Higher growth in assets over non-award winning companies by an average of 44%

How do I nominate my project in the Awards

Nominating your project in a DRIVENxDESIGN Awards Program is straightforward. All you need to do is login to the site, select a category and fill in the nomination form. For an overview of the process and tips to improve the nomination check out the information in the Award FAQs



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