

 總獎金: 50000(USD)

最高獎金: 8000(USD)

報名時間: 2021-04-01 ~ 2021-06-15

主辦單位電話: +886-7-5511-211#3024






國際組 International Section

  1. 需為2020年6月1日至2021年6月15日( 報名截止日 )之間完成的作品。不接受報名截止日前尚未完成之作品。
  2. 不限類型,片長( 含演職人員表 )應在25分鐘零秒( 含 )內,且未以任何版本報名過本競賽( 即不得以其它版本或替換片名之方式重複報名 )。
  3. 首映資格無特定限制。
  4. 欲角逐「亞洲新浪潮獎」者,參賽影片之導演須為亞洲國籍或影片出品國為亞洲國家。( 亞洲國家請參考此處。 )
  5. 欲角逐「兒童評審團獎」者,參賽作品需適合9至12歲兒童觀賞。
  6. 不可同時報名台灣組。台灣作品請投至台灣組,惟跨國製作之作品,得由參賽者自行決定報名組別。
  • ▪ Films completed between June 1st, 2020 and June 15th, 2021 ( submission deadline ). Works-in-progress will not be accepted.
  • ▪ Any type of film ( fiction, documentary, experimental, animation, etc. ) can be submitted to the selection committee. Film length should be under 25 minutes ( include 25 minutes 0 second ), including all credits. Films already submitted to previous editions are not accepted, even in a new version or title.
  • ▪ No premiere status is required.
  • ▪ To be eligible for Asian New Wave Award, the film should be directed by Asian nationality holders or produced mainly in Asian countries ( please click here for Asian countries list ).
  • ▪ To be eligible for Children’s Jury Award, the film should be suitable for 9 to 12-year-old children.
  • ▪ Films cannot be submitted to more than one section. Taiwanese productions can only be submitted to Taiwan Section. International co-productions with Taiwan can be applied to either International Section or Taiwan Section depending on the participants’decision.

台灣組 Taiwan Section

  1. 需為2020年6月1日至2021年6月15日( 報名截止日 )之間完成的作品。不接受報名截止日前尚未完成之作品。
  2. 不限類型,片長( 含演職人員表 )應在25分鐘零秒( 含 )內,且未以任何版本報名過本競賽( 即不得以其它版本或替換片名之方式重複報名 )。
  3. 首映資格無特定限制。
  4. 參賽影片之導演需具有中華民國國籍或居留證,或影片出品國為台灣。
  5. 欲角逐「台灣學生獎」者,參賽作品需為參賽影片之導演具學生身分時期完成之作品。
  6. 欲角逐「兒童評審團獎」者,參賽作品需適合 9 至 12 歲兒童觀賞。
  7. 不可同時報名國際組,台灣作品請投至台灣組,惟跨國製作之作品,得由參賽者自行決定報名組別。


  • ▪ Films completed between June 1st, 2020 and June 15th, 2021 ( submission deadline ). Works-in-progress will not be accepted.
  • ▪ Any type of film ( fiction, documentary, experimental, animation, etc. ) can be submitted to the selection committee. Film length should be under 25 minutes ( include 25 minutes 0 second ), including all credits. Films already submitted to previous editions are not accepted, even in a new version or title.
  • ▪ No premiere status is required.
  • ▪ Submitted works should be directed by Taiwan nationality holders or produced in Taiwan.
  • ▪ To be eligible for Taiwan Student Award, the film should be completed while the director is enrolled in school.
  • ▪ To be eligible for Children’s Jury Award, the film should be suitable for 9 to 12-year-old children.
  • ▪ Films cannot be submitted to more than one section. Taiwanese productions can only be submitted to Taiwan Section. International co-productions with Taiwan can be applied to either International Section or Taiwan Section depending on the participants’decision.

VR組 VR Section

  1. 需為2020年1月1日至2021年6月15日( 報名截止日 )之間完成的VR360、互動、裝置體驗或其他形式的VR作品。
  2. 不限類型,片長不限,且未以任何版本報名過本競賽( 即不得以其它版本或替換片名之方式重複報名 )。
  3. 非英語發音作品,須具備英文字幕或以英語配音版本報名參賽,始具競賽資格。
  4. 首映資格無特定限制,惟世界首映、國際首映與亞洲首映作品具優先考量資格。


  • ▪ Works completed between January 1st, 2020 and June 15th, 2021 ( submission deadline ).
  • ▪ Any type of VR work in any length can be submitted to the selection committee. Works already submitted to previous editions are not accepted, even in a new version or title.
  • ▪ Non-English language projects must have English subtitles or English dubbed version at the time submitted.
  • ▪ No premiere status is required, but World premiere, International premiere and Asian premiere projects will be given priority.

2021 高雄電影節國際短片競賽組

聯絡信箱: shorts@kfa.gov.tw
電話:+886 7 551 1211,分機 3024
高雄電影節官方網站: https://www.kff.tw
高雄電影節國際短片競賽徵件簡章網頁: https://www.kff.tw/TW/shortfilm





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