

 總獎金: 540(USD)

最高獎金: 80(USD)

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2022-01-30

主辦單位: 北加州中文學校聯合會


主辦宗旨 Purpose of Contest


The Association of Northern California Chinese Schools (ANCCS) is sponsoring the 2022 The Year of Tiger Lantern Design Contest to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year. The Chinese Lunar New Year theme and hands-on activity are an excellent way to celebrate with traditional festivities. Participants are encouraged to integrate every shred of knowledge they have acquired of this festive event into the lanterns they design, whether it be teachings from their teachers or parents, sounds and senses from movies, video clips, or whatever seen or heard. We hope that by participating in this activity, our students will learn more about and identify more with the Chinese culture. Not only will they know more about the Chinese lunar new year, they will also have a chance to apply skills in arts, crafts, and design.

一、參賽資格 Entry Requirements

The contest is open to all students under 18 years old.

二、比賽組別 Groups:

幼童組:八歲以下 (1/31/2014 以後出生者)
Youth:Under 8 years old (Born after 1/31/2014)

兒童組: 八至十二歲 (1/31/2010-1/30/2014 出生者)
Preteen:8 to 12 years old (Born between 1/31/2009-1/30/2013)

青少年組:十二歲至十八歲(1/31/2004-1/30/2010 出生者)
Teenager:12 to 18 years old (Born between 1/31/2003-1/30/2009)

三、報名日期 Entry Date:

即日起至2022年1月30日(星期日)止 (逾期恕不受理 )
Enter from now till Sunday, January 30, 2022 (late entry will not be accepted)

四、報名辦法 Entry Information:

1. 填寫網上報名表 Fill out the online entry form

2. 郵寄報名費Mail-in entry fee: (no later than 1/30/2022)

聯合會會員學校:每件$3。 ANCCS member school:$3/each

非會員學校:每件$5。Non-member school: $5/each
支票抬頭Check payable to ANCCS
寄送地址 Mailing Address: Emilie Ho
4415 Norwalk Drive, Apt. 22
San Jose, CA 95129
Zelle: 408-595-3368, Emilie Ho
PayPal: 408-595-3368, Emilie Ho

3. 繳件 Turn in your lantern
請於1/29-1/30/202, 10am-3pm之間,將你的作品繳交至南灣華僑文教中心, 100 S. Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035
Please turn in your lantern between 10am-3pm, 1/29-1/30/2022 to
Culture Center Of Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in San Francisco (Milpitas)
100 S. Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035

Print and fill out the following entry form, affix it to the inside of the lantern. Please do not write your name or any identifying marks on the outside of the lantern.
作品報名表 Entry Form (please print/fill out and affix to the inside of your lantern)

五、參賽規則 Rules:

a. 燈籠可以購買現成空白燈籠 (Daiso 和 Amazon 皆有出售),或自行設計製作,作品體積不得小於6”x6”x6” (或者216立方英寸)。You can design your own lantern from scratch or purchase blank lantern from Daiso or Amazon. The minimum size of the lantern is 6”x6”x6” (or 216 cubic inches).

b. 手繪或剪貼皆可,但不接受電腦合成。
Entry can be an original drawing, collage, computer edited artworks are not allowed.

c. 為配合【正體漢字文化節】,作品上請使用正體中文。Please use traditional Chinese on your design.

d. 如果設計選擇點燈,請用電子蠟燭代替傳統蠟燭。Lantern lighting is optional, please use electronic candles instead.

e. 主辦單位有權保留得獎作品作爲展覽用,展覽完畢後會另行通知領回作品。逾期不領取者,主辦單位將予以回收。
ANCCS reserves the right to use entries for exhibitions. Participants will be informed when and where their lanterns are
available for pick up. Entries that fail to be picked up in time will be recycled.

六、評審方式 Judging Criteria

An art review panel will determine all entries to select the top three in each group based on scoring standards.
The result of the review is the resolution of the organizer and no objection.



The entries will be a score with the following criteria:
Subject (30%)
Creativity (35%)
Skills (35%)
The artwork must be original. The plagiarized entry will be disqualified

七、公佈日期 Results publishing date:

獲獎學生名單將於2/6/2022以後,公佈於北加州中文學校 聯合會網站( www.anccs.org

The winners will be announced on the ANCCS website after February 6, 2022.

八、獎勵辦法 Awards and Prizes:

Finalists of each group will be awarded at the “New Year Calligraphy Event” on February 6, 2022

  • 第一名:80元禮卡及獎狀一張
    The First place of each group will be awarded a $80 gift card and a certificate.
  • 第二名: 50元禮卡及獎狀一張
    The Second place of each group will be awarded a $50 gift card and a certificate.
  • 第三名: 30元禮卡及獎狀一張
    The Third place of each group will be awarded a $30 gift card and a certificate.
  • 佳 作: 10元禮卡及獎狀一張 (視報名情形決定錄取名額)
    The Honorable mention will be awarded a $10 gift card and a certificate (if applicable).

All participants will receive a participation gift which will be available at the “New Year Calligraphy Event” on 2/6/2022 at Culture Center Of Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in San Francisco (Milpitas), 100 S. Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035. The gift can only be claimed in person.

九、任何問題請電郵 ANCCS Contact Info


戴慧靖 Josephine Tai
王婉君 Lisa Wang

2022虎年燈籠創意設計比賽 EDM

2022虎年燈籠創意設計比賽 EDM



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