Amazing Wildlife Photo Contest I Our World In Focus

Amazing Wildlife Photo Contest I Our World In Focus

 總獎金: 3000(USD)

最高獎金: 2000(USD)

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2019-07-31

$6,000+ Total Prize Package!

The Amazing Wildlife photo contest is all about the incredible wildlife that inhabits the earth. Top 5 images awarded.

Open to Applicants Worldwide, Ages 18+, $10 per Image Entry

Our World In Focus is proud to present the 2019 Amazing Wildlife Photo Contest! This premier contest is focused on the incredible wildlife that inhabits planet earth. We want to see images that tell a unique story, capture a perfect moment and convey emotion. We have over $6,000 in cash & prizes up for grabs and the top 5 images will be awarded!

Wildlife surrounds us, no matter where we live. Whether it is an urban dwelling monkey, reclusive mountain cat or a deer family in your own backyard, we want to see your favorite wildlife images! 10% of our net proceeds will be donated to Conservation International.

We have teamed up with our amazing sponsors and judges to reward your hard work with great prizes and recognition!  The Amazing Wildlife Contest is judged by international award winning wildlife photographers Ami Vitale & Mogens Trolle!

Wildlife photography can be extremely difficult to shoot; it takes persistence and determination. You need to act fast and be in the right place at the right time to capture a great image. Submit your best wildlife shots between May 1st and July 31st, 2019. 



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