TITICACA CHAPEL Architecture Competition

TITICACA CHAPEL Architecture Competition

 總獎金: 800(USD)

最高獎金: 500(USD)

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2021-02-26

主辦單位: Quechua Architecture Competition









 TITICACA CHAPEL Architecture Competition

報名費用/Entry Fee:

  • 2020年12月1日—2021年1月11日報名:20美元;
  • 2021年1月12日—2021年2月8日報名:25美元;
  • 2021年2月9日—2021年2月26日期間報名:30美元。

競賽背景 / Competition background

QAC的Quechua建築競賽歡迎所有參與者參加這一挑戰,其中包括提出和開發一個探索思維和設計各個領域的項目。這次挑戰是“ TITICACA CHAPEL”。


TITICACA CHAPEL是一個神聖的地方,旨在自由表達世界的信仰。一個可以吸引來自世界各地的遊客的地方,並通過它的能量為反思和沉思提供了一個私密的地方。阿多崇拜空間能夠理解該網站的條件和定義神聖的特性。


競賽內容 / Competition content

QAC的Quechua建築競賽歡迎所有參與者參加這一挑戰,其中包括提出和開發一個探索思維和設計各個領域的項目。這次挑戰是“ TITICACA CHAPEL”。

參賽資格 / Competition background


評委 / JURY

Hideaki KuboAbraham Cota Paredes:Cotaparedes Arquitectos,Mexico;

atrica Llosa:Llosa Cortegana Arquitectos,Peru;

Felipe Muller:Diez+Muller Arquitectos,Ecuador.

Yumi Tsushima

Shuhei Aoyama


  • 報名截止:2021年2月26日;
  • 成果提交截止:2021年2月28日;
  • 結果公佈:2021年3月21日。

獎項設置 / AWARDS

  • 第一名:500美元+ 免費參加下一次Quechua 建築設計競賽的資格+線上作品發表;
  • 第二名:200美元+ 線上作品發表;
  • 第三名:100美元+ 線上作品發表;
  • 榮譽提名( 5組 ),入圍( 10組 ):線上作品發表。


Quechua Architecture Competition, Q.A.C., welcomes all participants to take part of this challenge which consists in presenting and developing a project that explores diverse fields of thinking and design. The challenge for this occasion is “TITICACA CHAPEL”.

​In any corner of the world where there is a civilization, you can find a sacred place related to the expression of its faith. Further to the various forms of expression of each culture, its identity is defined by its constructions. Temples, Pyramids, Cathedrals, Mosques, Synagogues, Pagodas, Basilicas, Chapels, etc., are some of the masterpieces that express something beyond humanity, the divine.

TITICACA CHAPEL is a sacred place, designed for the faith of the world to be freely expressed. A place that can welcome visitors from all over the planet and through its energy provide an intimate place for reflection and meditation. A multi-cult space that understands the conditions of the site and defines the characteristics of the divine.

The island of the sun, located on Lake Titicaca, has been a place of settlement for numerous cultures. In this sacred place exists more than 180 Inca ruins, and it is considered the birthplace of the Inca culture. Currently, the Island of the Sun is visited by travelers from all over the world who seek to find in its history a place of encounter, meditation, reflection, and faith for humanity.

Q.A.C. thanks and admires all designers who are willing to take the challenge.

First Prize – “Premio ANDES”

500$ + Free registration for the next Q.A.C. competition + Publication in Q.A.C. website and social media + Publication in QAC Magazine + Publication in Competitions Archi Web.

Second Prize

200$ + Publication in Q.A.C. website and social media + Publication in QAC Magazine + Publication in Competitions Archi Web.

Third Prize

100$ + Publication in Q.A.C. website and social media + Publication in QAC Magazine + Publication in Competitions Archi Web.

6 Horonable Mentions

Publication in Q.A.C. website and social media + Publication in QAC Magazine + Publication in Competitions Archi Web.

12 Finalists

Publication in Q.A.C. website and social media + Publication in QAC Magazine + Publication in Competitions Archi Web.

Q.A.C. will push forwardto find new opportunities for media support.


Where is the exact location of the Project?

The coordinates of the specific site are 15 ° 59’20.7 “S 69 ° 11’24.7” W. However, the specific site of the project is irrelevant for each proposal.

Is it possible to make an intervention in the existing ruins of Island of the Sun?

No, the proposal must consider the ruins of the place, but it cannot make an intervention in existing constructions.

​*FAQs will be uploaded during the competition period




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