【Introduction 前言】 The purpose of the 2023 International Residential Architecture Conceptual Design Competition is to improve the quality of the residential environment, break through existing framework in residential design and promote design creativity. This competition is an extension of the traa Taiwan Residential Architecture Award. Through the theme and topics of the design compe ...
2023「多功能永續與健康宅」紙上住宅建築國際競圖 徵件日期:2022年7月1日至2022年11月30日24:00(GMT+08:00 ) 獎勵辦法:頒發獎座及總獎金為美金兩萬元(含稅)。 參賽資格:凡年齡四十歲(含)以下(1982年後出生) 個人或團隊皆可參加,團隊人數不可超過三人