

 總獎金: 20000(USD)

最高獎金: 20000(USD)

報名時間: 2022-07-01 ~ 2022-11-30

主辦單位: 台灣建築報導雜誌社上圓聯合建築師事務所

主辦單位電話: +886-2-2966-4366


【Introduction 前言】

The purpose of the 2023 International Residential Architecture Conceptual Design Competition is to improve the quality of the residential environment, break through existing framework in residential design and promote design creativity. This competition is an extension of the traa Taiwan Residential Architecture Award. Through the theme and topics of the design competition, young architects and students are encouraged to note the needs and development of our living environment and propose forward-looking proposals or designs to solve residential problems of today and tomorrow, and thereby enhance the well-being of everyone.


「2023 IRACDC」

Registration and information link:



【Competition Declaration 競圖宣言】 The Multifunctional Sustainable and Healthy Home


The current global climate crisis and COVID-19 have confronted us with significant changes in how we live together in cities and the countryside. We can’t rely on the social and economic structures of the past anymore. On top on this, real changes need to be bottom up, as governments and large corporations seem to have no interest in taking the lead.


Lockdowns all around the world have illuminated that we need to rely more and more on our homes for our daily, weekly, and monthly routines. We sleep, work, recreate, eat, produce and consume here. Technology is playing an important role to allow this. At the same time, space, sustainability, and health measures have become important topics to consider. Does our internet allow us to have the contact – with our families, friends, colleagues and resources suppliers – that we need? Do we have enough indoor and outdoor space for all the different routine activities that we want to do? Are we able to minimize our impact on the world environment by reducing waste, and by self-production of food and energy? How can we bring changes to our surroundings when constantly being at home, so that we stay psychologically sound and remain inspired?


How can we make a difference to our home environment to answer to all these changes, and to set an example for the leaders in our society about how willingness can lead to something new? Design a multifunctional sustainable and healthy home in the urban or countryside context, which can change the way we live with our families, friends and neighbors. Consider social, economic, sustainability, health, and phycological aspects. Is it possible to give an answer that works globally, or is the cultural and geographical context important to the solutions of tomorrow? What effect will this have on the architectural community at large, and how should it be organized to answer the question?


【Topic contributor and judge 評審簡介】


OMA is an international practice operating within the traditional boundaries of architecture and urbanism. AMO, a research and design studio, applies architectural thinking to domains beyond.

大都會建築事務所OMA(Office for Metropolitan Architecture)是一家國際事務所,在傳統的建築和城市化研究框架內運作,而AMO則是一個研究和設計工作室,將建築思想應用於傳統領域之外。

OMA is led by eight partners – Rem Koolhaas, Reinier de Graaf, Ellen van Loon, Shohei Shigematsu, Iyad Alsaka, Chris van Duijn, Jason Long, and Managing Partner-Architect David Gianotten – and maintains offices in Rotterdam, New York, Hong Kong, Doha, and Australia.

OMA由八位合夥人領導,包括雷姆•庫哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)、賴納•德•格拉夫(Reinier de Graaf)、艾侖•凡•盧恩(Ellen van Loon)、重松象平(Shohei Shigematsu)、阿薩卡(Iyad Alsaka)、克里斯•範杜恩(Chris van Duijn)、Jason Long及管理合夥人—建築師大衛•希艾萊特(David Gianotten),在鹿特丹、紐約、香港、多哈、迪拜和澳大利亞均設有事務所。

OMA-designed buildings currently under construction are the renovation of Kaufhaus des Westens (KaDeWe) in Berlin, The Factory in Manchester, Hangzhou Prism, the CMG Times Center in Shenzhen and the Simone Veil Bridge in Bordeaux.

目前施工中的OMA設計項目有:德國柏林卡迪威百貨改造項目(Kaufhaus des Westens (KaDeWe))、英國曼徹斯特「工廠」藝術館(The Factory)、中國杭州光棱、美國休斯敦舊郵局改造、中國深圳自貿時代中心及法國波爾多Simone Veil大橋等。

OMA’s completed projects include Taipei Performing Arts Center (2022), Norra Tornen in Stockholm (2020), Axel Springer Campus in Berlin (2020), MEETT Toulouse Exhibition and Convention Centre (2020), Galleria in Gwanggyo (2020), nhow RAI Hotel in Amsterdam (2020), a new building for Brighton College (2020), and Potato Head Studios in Bali (2020). Earlier buildings include Fondazione Prada in Milan (2018), Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow (2015), De Rotterdam (2013), CCTV Headquarters in Beijing (2012), Casa da Música in Porto (2005), and the Seattle Central Library (2004).

已落成的OMA項目包括:台北表演藝術中心(2022)、美國洛杉磯奧黛麗•厄瑪斯館(2022)、瑞典斯德哥爾摩Norra Tornen雙塔式住宅樓(2020)、德國柏林Axel Springer園區(2020)、法國MEETT圖盧茲會展中心(2020)、韓國首爾光教Galleria百貨大樓(2020)、阿姆斯特丹RAI nhow 酒店(2020)、英國布萊頓學校新大樓(2020)及印尼巴厘島Potato Head Studios度假酒店(2020)。早期知名建築作品包括意大利米蘭普拉達基金會(2018)、俄羅斯莫斯科格拉吉當代藝術博物館(2015)、荷蘭De Rotterdam大型綜合塔樓(2013)、中國北京CCTV總部大樓(2012)、葡萄牙波爾圖市立音樂廳(2005)及美國西雅圖中央圖書館(2004)。


Rem Koolhaas/Founding Partner


Rem Koolhaas (Rotterdam, 1944) founded OMA in 1975 together with Elia and Zoe Zenghelis and Madelon Vriesendorp. He graduated from the Architectural Association in London and in 1978 published Delirious New York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan. In 1995, his book S,M,L,XL summarized the work of OMA in “a novel about architecture”. He co-heads the work of both OMA and AMO, the research branch of OMA, operating in areas beyond the realm of architecture.

1944年生於荷蘭鹿特丹,於1975年與Elia Zenghelis、Zoe Zenghelis及Madelon Vriesendorp共同創立大都會建築事務所(OMA)。他畢業於倫敦建築聯盟學院,並早於1978年出版了《瘋狂的紐約——曼哈頓的回溯性宣言》。1995年,他也在其著作《S, M, L, XL》中以「建築小說」的形式總結了OMA多年的工作。庫哈斯目前是OMA和AMO(與OMA互補的研究工作室)的領導者,他們涉足的領域超越建築既有的界限。

His built work includes the Taipei Performing Arts Center (2022), the Axel Springer Campus in Berlin (2020), the Qatar National Library and the Qatar Foundation Headquarters (2018), Fondazione Prada in Milan (2015/2018), the headquarters for China Central Television (CCTV) in Beijing (2012), Casa da Musica in Porto (2005), Seattle Central Library (2004), and the Netherlands Embassy in Berlin (2003). Koolhaas directed the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale, is a professor at Harvard University, and curated Countryside: The Future (2020), an exhibition about the non-urban areas around the globe that opened in February 2020 at the Guggenheim Museum in New York.

庫哈斯已完成的作品包括台北表演藝術中心(2022)、柏林的 Axel Springer總部(2020)、意大利米蘭的普拉達基金會中心(2015/2018)、卡塔爾國立圖書館及卡塔爾基金會總部(2018)、北京的中央電視台總部大樓(2012)、葡萄牙的波爾圖音樂廳(2005)、西雅圖中央圖書館(2004)以及德國柏林的荷蘭大使館(2003)等。2014年,庫哈斯更擔任第十四屆威尼斯國際建築雙年展的總監,策劃名為「本源(Fundamentals)」的展覽。同時為哈佛大學教授,並策展「Countryside:The Future」展覽,該展覽有關全球並未發展成都市的地帶,2020年在紐約古根漢美術館展出。

Rem Koolhaas/Founding Partner 雷姆.庫哈斯/始創合夥人

雷姆.庫哈斯/攝影版權歸屬:Fred Ernst

David Gianotten/Managing Partner – Architect


David Gianotten is the Managing Partner – Architect of OMA. He oversees the overall organizational and financial management, business strategy, and growth of OMA in all markets, in addition to his own architectural portfolio. David currently leads the design and construction of projects in different regions, including Amsterdam’s Bajes Kwartier – the conversion of a large 1960s prison complex into a new neighborhood with 1,350 apartments; and VDMA – the transformation of an unused site with industrial heritage in Eindhoven into a mixed-use urban hub. He has led the Taipei Performing Arts Center project since the competition phase in 2008 until building completion in 2022. He is also responsible for the design and realization of the Potato Head Studios—a resort in Bali (2020), WA Museum Boola Bardip in Perth (2020), Prince Plaza in Shenzhen (2020), White Cube LIRCAEI in Lusanga (2018), and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange headquarters (2013).

領導OMA環球事務所的總體架構、財政、以及業務策劃和拓展,同時帶領全球多個建築項目的設計和建設,包括阿姆斯特丹的Bajes Kwartier以及燕豪芬的VDMA。Bajes Kwartier及VDMA都是改造項目,前者將1960年代的監獄建築群發展成設有1,350個單位的新社區、後者則將空置的工業建築建設成多用途都會中心。他自2008年競賽階段起率領台北表演藝術中心項目,直至項目竣工。他率領建成的項目還包括位於峇里島的渡假酒店Potato Head Studios (2020)、珀斯的西澳博物館Boola Bardip(2020)、深圳太子廣場(2020)、剛果盧桑加的白盒子LIRCAEI(2018)、墨爾本的MPavilio 2017展亭和深圳証券交易所總部大樓(2013)。

David joined OMA in 2008, launched OMA’s Hong Kong office in 2009, and became partner in 2010. He led OMA’s portfolio in the Asia-Pacific region for seven years.


David Gianotten/Managing Partner – Architect 大衛.希艾萊特/管理合夥人─建築師

大衛.希艾萊特/攝影版權歸屬:Vincent van den Hoogen

【Competition Rule競圖辦法】

1.Affiliated Units:

Taiwan Residential Architecture Award Association




Taiwan Architecture Magazine、Sun-Yuan Architects & Associates



3.Topic contributor and judge:

Rem Koolhaas/OMA Founder Partner

David Gianotten/OMA Managing Partner – Architect


雷姆.庫哈斯/OMA大都會建築事務所 始創合夥人

大衛.希艾萊特/OMA大都會建築事務所 管理合夥人-建築師


The Multifunctional Sustainable and Healthy Home




a. Total prize of US$20,000 and trophies(tax included)

b. All of selection standard, award category and prize distribution are decided by the Judge.

c. Works of winners will be published in《Taiwan Architecture Magazine》and Taiwan Residential Architecture Awards official website

d. No registration fee.







The age of applicants for the competition must be 40 and under(born after 1982), and any 1 of 2 qualifications as follow is required:

a. Society in general or students in architecture or related industry.

b. Individual or a team are both acceptable to apply for the competition.

The number of a team must be under 3 and all fit in with the qualification.




(二)個人或團隊皆可參加,團隊人數不可超過三人,團隊成員皆須符合參 賽資格。

7. Application and requirement:

a. Registration, declaration and work content forms(word and PDF both)

b. Work drawings can clearly present the idea of designer in English only.

c. Both electronic files must be deposited in the same document file and uploaded to the cloud drive.

(a) Send the file link to「traa@sunyuan.com.tw」.

(b) The name of file and e-mail title must be named as 「Title of Entry_2023 IRACDC Entry」.

d. Size of drawing papers is A3 and no more than 4 pages. Format of electronic files is PDF ≥ 300 dpi and ≤ 40 MB in size

e. Applicant’s name, school and related information of applicant cannot be mentioned on drawing paper of work.





1.上傳完畢後請將檔案下載連結寄至「 traa@sunyuan.com.tw

2.資料夾名稱及主旨請統一命名為:Title of Entry_2023 IRACDC Entry。



8. Date of submission: 2022/07/01~2022/11/30 24:00(GMT+08:00)

捌、徵件日期:2022年7月1日至2022年11月30日24:00(GMT+08:00 )

9. Selection procedure:

a. Selection procedure will be conducted from January to February in 2023, followed awards ceremony in March.

b. The whole process is in English video conference




10. Contact:

Taiwan Residential Architecture Award Association

Sun-Yuan Architects & Associates

「2023 International Residential Architecture Conceptual Design

Competition Team」


WeChat ID:suzuki125sd













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