Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2023 年度野生動物攝影師
Wildlife Photographer of the Year uses photography to celebrate the wonderful diversity of life, to inspire and inform and to create advocates for the planet. It champions ethical wildlife photography, rewarding truthful representations of nature that display respect for animals and the environment.
All category winners will be considered for the grand title, including one image from each entry into the multiple image categories
You may submit a total of 25 photos into the competition across the following categories. You can submit the same image into more than one category.
Black and white photos can be entered into any competition category.
Single image categories
Animals in their Environment
Animal Portraits
Behaviour: Amphibians and Reptiles
Behaviour: Birds
Behaviour: Invertebrates
Behaviour: Mammals
Oceans: The Bigger Picture
Plants and Fungi
Natural Artistry
Under Water
Urban Wildlife
Wetlands: The Bigger Picture
Multiple image categories
For the following categories, you will need to submit multiple images. You may provide a minimum of six and maximum of 10 images.
These images count towards your total of 25 images entered into the competition.
Photojournalist Story Award:
Telling a powerful story, these six to ten images should have both individual quality and combined narrative power. Stories can be challenging, uplifting, provocative or revelatory and should illustrate how our attitudes, decisions and actions impact the natural world.
Enter stories of up to 10 images, from which our jury will select a maximum of six.
Rising Star Award (aged 18 to 26):
Demonstrating style and artistic intent, this selection of the photographer’s best images (six to ten images of varying subjects or viewpoints) should show a breadth of skill and vision but with consistent quality.
Portfolio Award (Aged 27 and over):
Displaying a selection of the photographer’s best work, these images (six to ten) should sit well together, whether through a particular style or approach or a focus on a particular topic, but do not need to tell a story.
For Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year
you can submit up to 10 photos into one of the three age group categories.
10 Years and Under
11-14 Years
15-17 Years
Images can cover any aspect of wildlife and the natural world, whether wild plants or animals or their natural environments, or illustrate our interaction with nature, good or bad.
The winner of each age category will be considered for the Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year title.
您可以向以下類別的比賽提交總共 25 張照片。您可以將同一張圖片提交給多個類別。
對於以下類別,您將需要提交多張圖片。您可以提供最少 6 張、最多 10 張圖片。
這些圖像計入您參加比賽的 25 張圖像。
輸入最多 10 張圖片的故事,我們的陪審團將從中選出最多 6 張。
您最多可以提交 10 張照片到三個年齡組類別之一。
10 歲及以下
11-14 歲
15-17 歲
The Adult Competition is open to anyone aged 18 or over on Thursday 8 December 2022 except:
(i) individuals (and their partners and family) involved in its organisation or judging; or
(ii) employees of either the Natural History Museum Trading Company Limited, the Trustees of the Natural History Museum or the Official Sponsor(s).
The Young Competition is open to photographers aged 17 and under.
成人比賽於 2022 年 12 月 8 日星期四對 18 歲或以上的任何人開放,但以下情況除外:
(i) 參與其組織或評判的個人(及其合作夥伴和家庭); 或者
(ii) 自然歷史博物館貿易有限公司的僱員、自然歷史博物館的受託人或官方贊助商。
青年比賽向 17 歲及以下的攝影師開放。
The Wildlife Photographer of the Year 59 competition is now open for entries until 8 December 2022 (11.30am GMT).
第 59 屆野生動物攝影師大賽現已開放報名,截止日期為 2022 年 12 月 8 日(格林威治標準時間上午 11:30)。
(1) Entry must be made via www.wildlifephotographeroftheyear.com no later than 11.30am GMT on Thursday 8 December 2022.
(2) A one-off non-refundable entry fee of £30.00 is required from each entrant up until 11.29am GMT on Thursday 1 December 2022. From 11.30am GMT on Thursday 1 December a one-off non-refundable entry fee of £35.00 is required from each entrant. To enable a wider range of applicants, applicants that live in any of the following countries will not have to pay the entry fees if they can provide evidence on request : Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Yemen, Zambia or Zimbabwe.
(3) The Adult Competition consists of the following categories:
(i) Animals in their Environment;
(ii) Animal Portraits;
(iii) Behaviour: Amphibians and Reptiles;
(iv) Behaviour: Birds;
(v) Behaviour: Invertebrates;
(vi) Behaviour: Mammals;
(vii) Plants and Fungi;
(viii) Under Water;
(ix) Urban Wildlife;
(x) Natural Artistry;
(xi) Oceans: The Bigger Picture;
(xii) Wetlands: The Bigger Picture;
(xiii) Photojournalism;
(xiv) Photojournalist Story Award;
(xv) Rising Star Award (ages 18 to 26); and
(xvi) Portfolio Award (ages 27 and over).
(4) You can submit a maximum of twenty five (25) images in total regardless of how many of the above categories you submit entries for. This includes:
(i) between six (6) and ten (10) images for the Photojournalist Story Award per story. You may submit up to two (2) stories only to this category. A maximum of six (6) images will be selected by the Jury per story.
(ii) between six (6) and ten (10) images to the Rising Star Award from which a maximum of six (6) images will be selected by the Jury. You may submit one (1) portfolio only to this category; and
(iii) between six (6) and ten (10) images to the Portfolio Award from which a maximum of six (6) images will be selected by the Jury. You may submit one (1) portfolio only to this category.
Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year
You can submit up to 10 images into your age category.
There is no time limit on when a photo had to be taken to enter it, and photos can have been previously published.
Colour and black and white images can be entered into all of the categories.
Preparing an image for submission
Follow these step-by-step instructions to ensure your files meet the entry requirements.
1. Make a duplicate of your image. Keep the original file as it will be needed later for authentication.
In the duplicate, clear tags such as ratings and labels.
2. In your editing software, insert image information into the caption metadata field. You must include:
a description: the background story, a description setting out the behaviour observed, the exact location, any use of bait and of what nature (see rule 4.5), and whether the species is of scientific interest. Photographers are encouraged to keep captions concise – a maximum of 2,500 characters.
Do not include:
your name in the image caption, title or on the image itself. You must not include your name in the file data i.e. owner, copyright or creator fields. If you are not able to remove your name from these fields we will do this.
3. Set the Colour Space to Adobe RGB (1998). Preferably use a calibrated monitor – allowances will not be made for poor colour managed or corrected images.
4. Make any digital adjustments required and permitted within the competition rules.
5. Save as a TIFF. This should be 8-bit, Adobe RGB (1998) at full resolution and a sufficient file size to be reproduced in all media and exhibitions if successful.
6. Open the TIFF above and make a copy. Resize the copy to 1920 pixels on the longest dimension.
7. Save the file as a JPEG at a high-quality setting of at least 8 in Photoshop. This is the image that will be judged – there is no set requirement for how to name your file.
You may find helpful tips for following these steps in your software's help pages. Some popular software past entrants have used include:
Adobe Photoshop
Photoshop Elements
Adobe Lightroom
Phase One Capture One
(1) 參賽作品必須在 2022 年 12 月 8 日星期四格林威治標準時間上午 11:30 之前通過 www.wildlifephotographeroftheyear.com 進行。
(2) 在格林威治標準時間 2022 年 12 月 1 日星期四上午 11 點 29 分之前,每位參賽者需要支付 30.00 英鎊的一次性不可退還的報名費。從 12 月 1 日星期四格林尼治標準時間上午 11 點 30 分開始,一次性不可退還的報名費為 3 英鎊每個參賽者需要 35.00。為使申請者範圍更廣,居住在以下任何國家的申請者如果可以按要求提供證據,則無需支付報名費:阿富汗、安哥拉、貝寧、布基納法索、布隆迪、喀麥隆、佛得角、中部非洲共和國、乍得、科摩羅、剛果、剛果民主共和國、厄立特里亞、埃塞俄比亞、岡比亞、加納、幾內亞、幾內亞比紹、海地、洪都拉斯、萊索托、利比里亞、馬達加斯加、馬拉維、馬里、毛里塔尼亞、莫桑比克、尼加拉瓜、尼日爾、尼日利亞、朝鮮、巴布亞新幾內亞、菲律賓、科特迪瓦共和國、盧旺達、聖多美和普林西比、塞內加爾、塞拉利昂、索馬里、南蘇丹、蘇丹、斯威士蘭、敘利亞、塔吉克斯坦、坦桑尼亞、多哥、烏干達、也門、贊比亞或津巴布韋。
(3) 成人比賽分為以下幾類:
(i) 環境中的動物;
(ii) 動物肖像;
(iii) 行為:兩棲動物和爬行動物;
(iv) 行為:鳥類;
(v) 行為:無脊椎動物;
(vi) 行為:哺乳動物;
(vii) 植物和真菌;
(viii) 在水下;
(ix) 城市野生動物;
(x) 自然藝術;
(xi) 海洋:大局;
(xii) 濕地:大局;
(十三) 新聞攝影;
(xiv) 攝影記者故事獎;
(xv) 新星獎(18 至 26 歲);和
(xvi) 投資組合獎(27 歲及以上)。
(4) 無論您提交多少個上述類別的參賽作品,您總共最多可以提交二十五 (25) 張圖片。這包括:
(i) 每個故事的攝影記者故事獎在六 (6) 到十 (10) 張圖像之間。您最多只能向該類別提交兩 (2) 篇報導。每個故事評審團最多將選擇六 (6) 張圖片。
(ii) 六 (6) 至十 (10) 張圖片提交新星獎,評審團將從中選出最多六 (6) 張圖片。您只能向該類別提交一 (1) 個作品集;和
(iii) 六 (6) 至十 (10) 幅圖像提交作品集獎,評審團將從中選出最多六 (6) 幅圖像。您只能向該類別提交一 (1) 個作品集。
您最多可以將 10 張圖片提交到您的年齡類別。
1. 複製您的圖像。保留原始文件,因為稍後將需要它進行身份驗證。
2. 在您的編輯軟件中,將圖像信息插入字幕元數據字段。您必須包括:
描述:背景故事、描述觀察到的行為、確切位置、誘餌的使用和性質(見規則 4.5),以及該物種是否具有科學意義。鼓勵攝影師保持字幕簡潔——最多 2,500 個字符。
3. 將色彩空間設置為 Adobe RGB (1998)。最好使用經過校準的顯示器 – 對於色彩管理或校正不佳的圖像,將不予考慮。
4. 進行比賽規則要求和允許的任何數字調整。
5. 另存為 TIFF。這應該是 8 位、Adobe RGB (1998) 全分辨率和足夠的文件大小,如果成功,可以在所有媒體和展覽中復制。
6. 打開上面的 TIFF 並製作一份副本。將副本的最長尺寸調整為 1920 像素。
7. 在 Photoshop 中以至少 8 的高質量設置將文件另存為 JPEG。這是將要判斷的圖像 – 對於如何命名文件沒有固定要求。
Adobe Photoshop
Photoshop 元素
Adobe Lightroom
We appoint a panel of judges and a chair to evaluate all entries. Each submission is reviewed anonymously. Judging comprises two rounds. During the final round, images will undergo an authenticity check to ensure the entry complies with our rules and ethics.
The panel will be looking for originality, narrative and ethical practice and will favour images that have not already been awarded (winner, runner-up, commended, honourable mention etc) in other international competitions.
All Category Winners are considered for the Wildlife Photographer of the Year grand title.
The Jury will also include for consideration one (1) image selected by them from the Category Winner of each of the following multiple image categories:
Photojournalist Story Award
Rising Star Award (ages 18 to 26)
Portfolio Award (ages 27 and over)
Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year
We appoint a panel of judges and a chair to evaluate all entries. Each submission is reviewed anonymously. Judging comprises two rounds. During the second round, images will undergo an authenticity check to ensure the entry complies with our rules and ethics.
The panel will be looking for photographic excellence, artistic merit, relevance to themes of biodiversity and sustainability, freshness of composition, technical proficiency, innovation, narrative form and ethical practice – so these should be reflected in all submissions.
The jury will favour images that have not already been awarded (winner, runner-up, commended, honourable mention etc) in other international competitions.
評審團還將包括他們從以下多個圖像類別的類別獲勝者中選出的一 (1) 幅圖像供考慮:
投資組合獎(27 歲及以上)
Wildlife Photographer of the Year
£10,000, trophy and personalised certificate
Portfolio Award
£2,500 and personalised certificate
trip to London to attend the awards ceremony
Photojournalist Story Award
£2,500 and personalised certificate
trip to London to attend the awards ceremony
Rising Star Portfolio Award
£1,500 and personalised certificate
trip to London to attend the awards ceremony
Adult category winners
£1,250 and personalised certificate
trip to London to attend the awards ceremony
Adult category highly commended
personalised certificate
invitation to the awards ceremony in London
All prizes are subject to the disclaimer below.
Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year
£1,000, trophy and personalised certificate
a feature article in the Natural History Museum's WILD WORLD magazine (February 2023 issue)
Young category winners
£500 and a personalised certificate
trip to London for awards ceremony
your image published in the WPY Portfolio book
Young category highly commended
a personalised certificate
your image published in the WPY Portfolio book
invitation to the awards ceremony in London
10,000 英鎊、獎杯和個性化證書
£2,500 和個性化證書
£2,500 和個性化證書
£1,500 和個性化證書
£1,250 和個性化證書
1,000 英鎊,獎杯和個性化證書
自然歷史博物館 WILD WORLD 雜誌(2023 年 2 月號)的專題文章
500 英鎊和個性化證書
你的形象發表在 WPY Portfolio 書中
你的形象發表在 WPY Portfolio 書中
主辦單位:Wildlife Photographer of the Year
聯絡人:Wildlife Photographer of the Year