

Ca Photography Competition 2023 Ca攝影比賽


Ca Photography Competition 2023 Ca攝影比賽

For 64 years, Communication Arts has honored the craft of talented photographers from around the world. In support of these hardworking artists, we will not be accepting AI text-to-image generated submissions in our Photography competition.
Enter one of the most prestigious competitions for creativity in photography, the Communication Arts Photography Competition. Any photograph first published or produced from March 2022 through March 2023 is eligible. Selected by an international jury of distinguished creative directors and photographers, the winning entries will be distributed worldwide in the Communication Arts Photography Annual, in print and digital editions, and on commarts.com, assuring important exposure to the creators of this outstanding work. As a service to art directors, designers and art buyers, a comprehensive index will carry contact information of the photographers represented.
Each winning entrant will receive a personalized Award of Excellence, milled from solid aluminum, and award certificates issued for firms, individuals and clients.
CA’s Award of Excellence is one of the most-coveted awards in the industry. If chosen, winning places you in the highest ranks of your profession.
64 年來,Communication Arts 一直在表彰世界各地才華橫溢的攝影師的技藝。為了支持這些辛勤工作的藝術家,我們將不會在我們的攝影比賽中接受 AI 文本到圖像生成的提交。

參加最負盛名的攝影創意比賽之一,傳播藝術攝影比賽。任何從 2022 年 3 月到 2023 年 3 月首次發布或製作的照片都有資格參賽。由傑出創意總監和攝影師組成的國際評審團選出的獲獎作品將在《傳播藝術攝影年鑑》、印刷版和數字版以及 commarts.com 上在全球範圍內分發,確保這一傑出作品的創作者獲得重要曝光。作為對藝術總監、設計師和藝術買家的服務,綜合索引將載有所代表的攝影師的聯繫信息。


CA 的卓越獎是業內最令人垂涎的獎項之一。如果被選中,獲勝將使您躋身職業的最高行列。

Advertising: ads, posters, music and product packaging, etc.
Books: covers, jackets, interiors, etc.
Editorial: consumer or trade magazines, newspapers, etc.
For Sale: posters, prints, greeting cards, licensing/stock, gallery sale, online store, etc.
Institutional: company/association publications, annual reports, catalogs, client websites, blogs, etc.
Motion/Cinematography: time-based media for film, television, video or web, etc.
Self-Promotion: promotion for illustrators, design firms, ad agencies, art schools, printers, paper companies, etc.
Unpublished: experimental/personal work not published.
Student Work: illustration or animation created for school assignments.



Any photograph first published or produced from March 2022 through March 2023 is eligible. Entries may originate from any country.
任何從 2022 年 3 月到 2023 年 3 月首次發布或製作的照片都有資格參賽。參賽作品可能來自任何國家
Deadline: March 03, 2023
截止日期:2023 年 3 月 3 日
Digital Images: Must be RGB in JPG format with a maximum file size of 2MB.
Motion/Animation Entries: Must be in MOV, MP4 or MPG format, with a maximum file size of 500MB.
數字圖像: 必須是 JPG 格式的 RGB,最大文件大小為 2MB。

動作/動畫參賽作品: 必須為 MOV、MP4 或 MPG 格式,文件大小不得超過 500MB。

Judges are not permitted to vote on work they were directly involved in. Each juror views a portion of all the entries independently, choosing “in” or “out” for each piece. A majority vote is required for a project to move from the screening round into the finals round. For finals, the judges view each project that was voted into the finals round independently, choosing “in” or “out” for each piece. After the judges make their selections, their votes are tallied. A simple majority is usually the minimum requirement for a finalist to be selected a winner.

The winners are featured in one of our annuals distributed worldwide, in both print and digital editions, and on commarts.com, assuring important exposure to the creators of this outstanding work. Each winning entrant will also receive one personalized Award of Excellence, milled from solid aluminum, and printed award certificates for all creative contributors.
獲獎者出現在我們在世界範圍內發行的年度報告中,包括印刷版和數字版,以及 commarts.com,確保這一傑出作品的創作者獲得重要曝光。每位獲獎參賽者還將獲得一份個性化的卓越獎,由實心鋁製成,並為所有創意貢獻者打印獲獎證書。

主辦單位:Communication Arts
聯絡人:Communication Arts
聯絡電話:(650) 326-6040
