Berlinale Talents 2024
Berlinale Talents is the talent development program of the Berlin International Film Festival, with project development labs taking place digitally in late January and an onsite summit with panels, discussions and networking opportunities during the Berlinale each February.
柏林影展新星計畫(Berlinale Talents)是柏林國際電影節的人才培育計畫,其中的專案開發實驗室於每年1月底以數位形式舉行,而在每年2月的柏林影展期間,則會有現場的峰會,包括座談會、討論會和交流機會。
Talent comes with the responsibility to share, and our entire programme, from the Summit events to the Studios and project development labs, is focused not just on what the experts have to offer, but what our Talents can bring to the group too. Each and everyone’s input and the interaction among the participants drive the sessions forward and are a valuable addition to the tapestry of the six days.
Berlinale Talents is aimed at film and television professionals with an existing track record of work and who are willing to share their experiences with others. To be eligible, you need to have made at least one feature-length film OR two short films OR a high-quality drama series or TV movie that have screened in festivals or been widely streamed. Students are only admitted in very exceptional cases, e.g. if they have previously worked in the film business. If you don’t fulfill these criteria yet, don’t worry – simply apply for a future edition! If you wish to apply as a distributor, sales agent or audience designer, you should have been involved in either the distribution or sale of at least two feature-length films or be responsible for a cinema space or festival, e.g. as a curator. If you're applying as a critic, you should be publishing film-related articles, interviews or essays on a regular and professional basis.
柏林影展新星計畫(Berlinale Talents)旨在面向具有現有工作記錄並願意與他人分享經驗的電影和電視專業人士。要符合資格,您需要至少製作過一部長片電影,或兩部短片,或一部在影展上放映或被廣泛流傳的高質量劇情系列或電視電影。學生只在非常特殊的情況下被錄取,例如他們之前已在電影業工作過。如果您尚未滿足這些條件,請不要擔心 – 可以申請參加未來的版本!如果您希望以分銷商、銷售代理商或觀眾設計師的身份申請,您應該曾參與過至少兩部長片電影的分銷或銷售,或者負責電影院場所或電影節,例如擔任策展人。如果您以評論家的身份申請,您應該定期以專業的方式發表與電影相關的文章、訪談或論文。
Application Deadline: September 4, 2023 at 12:00 noon CEST
Summit of Berlinale Talents is a six-day onsite event in presence of everyone invited (2024: 17-22 Feb).
The project development labs are composed of two steps: the group meetings and individual mentorship sessions take place online prior to the festival period, in late January or early February. During the Berlinale, the lab participants also attend the Berlinale Talents Summit and present their projects at the European Film Market.
Apply here. (從這裡報名)
A jury is considered independent when its members are not selected by the Berlinale. A number of independent juries award prizes at the Berlinale. The high level of quality and diversity of the films are an invitation for critical examination and discerning judgment that opens up new directions. Accordingly the independent juries award their prizes along different criteria, in accordance to the special intention linked to each award.
Prizes of the Ecumenical Jury
Since 1992, the international film organisations of the Protestant and Catholic Churches – INTERFILM and SIGNIS – have been represented by the Ecumenical Jury. It consists of six members and awards its main prize to a film entered in the Competition. It also awards two other prizes, both worth 2,500 Euros, one to a film from the Panorama and one to a film in the Forum.
The prizes go to directors who have succeeded in portraying actions or human experiences that are in keeping with the Gospels, or in sensitising viewers to spiritual, human or social values.
Caligari Film Prize
A three-person jury awards the Caligari Film Prize to a film in the Forum. The prize is sponsored by the "German Federal Association of Communal Film Work" and The winning film is honoured with 4,000 Euros, half of which is given to the director, the other half is meant to fund distribution.
Peace Film Prize
The independent Peace Film Prize is awarded annually to films that distinguish themselves through a powerful message of peace and the skilful aesthetic execution of their themes. The jury for the award is composed of seven members, who view films from all sections. The Peace Film Prize is endowed with 5,000 Euros in prize money and is presented in the form of a bronze sculpture designed by Otmar Alt.
The award is made possible with the support of the Zehlendorf Peace Intiative, the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Weltfriedensdienst e.V.
Amnesty International Film Award
The German branch of Amnesty International has presented the Amnesty International Film Award for the first time at the Berlinale 2005. The prize is worth 5,000 Euros. The jury will view films entered into the Competition, Encounters, Panorama, Forum, Generation and Perspektive Deutsches Kino sections. The aim of the prize is to draw the attention of audiences and representatives of the film industry to the theme of human rights and encourage filmmakers to tackle this topic.
Heiner Carow Prize
The Heiner Carow Prize for the promotion of German cinema art honors a talent from the Perspektive Deutsches Kino who has had a particular impact on a documentary or feature film in the section. The prize, endowed with 5,000 Euros, is sponsored by the DEFA Foundation, and awarded by a three-person jury that changes every year.
自1992年以來,基督教的國際電影組織 – INTERFILM 和 SIGNIS – 由宗教合一評審團代表。該評審團由六名成員組成,並將其主要獎項授予參加競賽的一部電影。它還授予其他兩個獎項,每個獎項價值2500歐元,一個頒發給Panorama部分的電影,另一個頒發給Forum部分的電影。
獨立的和平電影獎每年頒發給通過強大的和平信息和巧妙的美學處理其主題而脫穎而出的電影。該獎項的評審團由七名成員組成,他們會查看來自所有部分的電影。和平電影獎設有5000歐元的獎金,以Otmar Alt設計的銅像形式呈現。
該獎項得以通過Zehlendorf和平倡議、Heinrich Böll基金會和Weltfriedensdienst e.V.的支持。
國際特赦組織的德國分部於柏林影展2005年首次頒發了國際特赦組織電影獎。該獎項價值5000歐元。評審團將審查參加競賽、Encounters、Panorama、Forum、Generation和Perspektive Deutsches Kino部分的電影。該獎項的目的是引起觀眾和電影業代表對人權主題的關注,並鼓勵電影製片人探討這個主題。
Heiner Carow獎
Heiner Carow獎是用於促進德國電影藝術的獎項,表彰在Perspektive Deutsches Kino部分的紀錄片或劇情片中取得特殊影響的新星。該獎項由DEFA基金會贊助,價值5000歐元,由每年更換的三名評審組成的評審團頒發。
主辦單位:Minister of State for Culture and the Media, Creative Europe
聯絡人:Berlinale Talents 2024 contest group
聯絡電話:+49 30 259 20 515
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