

International Street Photography Contest MXSPF 2023 MXSPF 國際街頭攝影大賽


International Street Photography Contest MXSPF 2023 MXSPF 國際街頭攝影大賽

To capture, as the main topic, the human condition in public spaces and spontaneously .
以捕捉公共場所和自發的人類狀況為主要主題 。

The contest is open to photographers who are 18 years old or older (by the time of entry), of any nationality, regardless of their experience in street photography.
The photographs must be captured spontaneously and in public spaces.
The photographs must be originals, of the photographer’s authorship and can not be generated by AI: AI programs, digital edition, etc. Metadata will be verified.
Photographs can be in color or black an white.
Photos that contain sexually explicit, nude, obscene, violent or other objectionable or inappropriate content, as determined by the Festivals curatorship in its sole discretion, are ineligible for this contest.
There are no restrictions on the model or type of camera used.
The time period of the photographs is irrelevant, but recently captured photographs are encouraged.
Photographs with watermarks, signatures, frames, etc. will not be accepted.
該競賽向年滿 18 歲(報名時)、任何國籍的攝影師開放,無論其街頭攝影經驗如何。








Submission deadline: September 10, 2023.
Winners will be officially announced onFriday, October 27, 2023 at the contest exhibition opening at the “Centro Queretano de la Imagen”, as well as through our website, social media and the opening’s livestream.
提交截止日期:2023 年 9 月 10 日。

獲獎者名單將於 2023 年 10 月 27 日星期五在“Centro Queretano de la Imagen”競賽展覽開幕式上以及通過我們的網站、社交媒體和開幕式直播正式公佈。

Format: .jpeg, web page optimized, RGB color space.
Dimensions and file size: at least 1500 pixels and no more than 2000 pixels on the widest side. No larger than 1.5 MB per photo.
File name: Each photograph file shall be named as follows:
格式:.jpeg,網頁優化,RGB 色彩空間。

尺寸和文件大小:最寬邊至少 1500 像素且不超過 2000 像素。 每張照片不超過 1.5 MB。



1.- Fill in the submission form.
2.- Agree to Terms and Conditions.
3.- Select the corresponding package depending on the number of photographs to submit.
Package 1: 1 photo x $2 USD
Package 2: 3 photos x $5.50 USD
Package 3: 5 photos x $10 USD + 1 complimentary photo
4.- Complete the submission process.
5.- Make your payment.
1.- 填寫提交表格。

2.- 同意條款和條件。

3.- 根據要提交的照片數量選擇相應的套餐。

套餐 1: 1 張照片 x 2 美元
套餐 2: 3 張照片 x 5.50 美元
套餐 3: 5 張照片 x 10 美元 + 1 張免費照片
4.- 完成提交過程。

5.- 付款。

Photographs will be selected by a street photography specialized jury panel which will be published on our website. The panel will be composed of two internationally recognized photographers and two photographers of the organizing committee.
照片將由街頭攝影專業評審團選出,並將在我們的網站上發布。 評審團將由兩名國際知名攝影師和兩名組委會攝影師組成。

20 finalist photographs will be selected, including the top three places. All of them will be exhibited for the duration of the MX Street Photo Fest 2023 at the Main gallery of the “Centro Queretano de la Imagen.”
1st Place:Camera Ricoh GR III
2nd Place:Credit in Online Store $12,000 mxn
3rd Place:Gimbal Zhiyun Crane M3
將選出 20 張入圍照片,其中包括前三名。 所有這些作品都將在 2023 年 MX 街頭攝影節期間在“Centro Queretano de la Imagen”的主畫廊展出。

第一名:Ricoh GR III相機
第二名:在線商店積分 $12,000 mxn
第三名:Gimbal Zhiyun Crane M3
主辦單位:MX Street Photo Fest
聯絡人:MX Street Photo Fest
比賽網站 : https://mxstreetphotofest.com/en/call-for-entry/
