比賽規則 Rules of Competition
- 參賽者可以同時參加景物組及家庭組比賽
- 每位參加者最多可提交共 2 份作品(不論組別),如同一名參加者遞交超過 2 份作品,主辦單位只會根據收件時間的先後次序,處理最初收取的兩份
- 家庭組成員之間必須有親屬關係
- 必須為原創作品,並且未曾在其他攝影比賽中獲取任何獎項或公開展示
- 拍攝作品所使用的器材不設限制
- 拍攝地點必須為香港境內
- 作品必須以數碼檔案提交,並符合以下要求
- 格式須為 2MB 至 15MB 之 JPEG 或JPG 檔案
- 不可含有簽名或水印
- 作品可以作輕微修飾,例如剪裁、除塵、曝光調整、色彩及對比度及白平衡等
- 接受 HDR 及長曝光合成之作品
- 經剪貼及其他過度後製之相片,恕不接受
- 如作品以菲林拍攝,亦應提供 JPG 格式檔案,大小要求同上
- 作品拍攝必須以愛護郊野為先,尊重自然生態,也尊重其他山徑使用者
- 參加者不得以不良手法攝影:如餌誘、捕捉、飼養、驚嚇等,並遵守《香港郊野公園條例》、《野生動物保護條例》等相關條例
- 如使用航拍機,應以自然為先,避免干擾自然生態,必須避開鳥群,切勿主動靠近野生動物,也需顧及其他山徑使用者的安全及感受
- 參加者同意授權予主辦機構,將作品於本項目(但不限於)於任何場合以非牟利形式作展示、展覽、出版或宣傳用途
- 參加者須擁有參賽作品的版權
- 參賽作品如有抵觸法例,一切法律責任將由參賽者承擔,主辦機構一概不負責
- 如有違反比賽規則,將一律被取消參與資格
- 所有評審結果以評審團的決定為準,如有任何爭議,主辦單位擁有最終決定權
- Entrants may submit for both categories of Landscape and Family.
- Entrants may submit at most two entries (regardless the category). In case of submission of more than two entries by one entrant, organization will only accept the first-submitted two entries with reference to the receiving time.
- Members in Family category must have family relationship.
- Entries must be the original photography of entrants; and prior to the submission, were not published and awarded in any other competition.
- No limits on equipment of photography.
- Photos must be taken in Hong Kong.
- Submission must be in digital files in the following required format:
- Photo must be 2 MB to 15 MB and in JPEG or JPG format.
- Signatures or watermarks are not acceptable.
- Minor adjustments such as frame cropping, dedusting, exposure adjustment, optimization of colour saturation, contrast and white balance is allowed.
- Synthesis photography of HDR and long exposure is accepted.
- Collaterals and excessive synthetic modification entries are not accepted.
- Film photography should be submitted in digital format as specified.
- Any phototaking must value nature first and respect both ecology and other users of trails.
- Entrants must not involve in unfair practices such as baiting, catching, feeding, threatening and must observe laws and regulations such as Country Parks Ordinance and Wild Animals Protection Ordinance.
- Any use of drones must avoid disturbing of natural ecology or flock of birds and must not aggressively approach wild animals or ignoring trails safety.
- By entering the contest, entrants grant to the organization the right to displaying, exhibiting, publishing and promotion in any non-profit occasions.
- Entrants possess copyright of the entries.
- Entrants will be solely liable to any breach of laws of the entries.
- Entrants will be disqualified for any violation of rules of competition.
- Assessment decision of the judging panels will be binding. For any disputes, the organizer reserves the right to make final decisions.