活動宗旨 Purpose
The Renaissance of the 14th century originates from the Italian “Rinascimento,” which means “rebirth.” After the long darkness of the Middle Ages, classical art had a splendid revival. In the turmoil of the pandemic in the 21st century, it is expected that the artists of the biennial awards this year will light the torch of the new century, gallop in the torrent of art with the lexicons of sculpture, and anchor the mind so that the rebirth of the world will recreate the classics and eternal life!
活動說明 Requirements
年齡條件 Age Eligibility
年滿 18 歲以上者。
Above 18.
材質條件 Material Applicability
The work materials should be appropriate for permanent display.
作品條件 Entry Qualification
The works should be the personal independent creation. Each participant can submit at most 2 pieces of works.
評審團 Judges
- 尼古拉.貝杜 Nicolas Bertoux
雕塑家 Sculptor - 波多野泉 Izumi Hatano
日本沖繩縣立藝術大學校長、雕塑家 President of Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts, Sculptor - 傑森.德卡雷斯.泰勒 Jason deCaires Taylor
雕塑家 Sculptor - 黎志文 Chi-Man LAI
雕塑家 Sculptor - 韓旭東 Hsu-Tung HAN
雕塑家 Sculptor
(依姓氏筆畫排序 Alphabetized by Last Name)
評選說明 Judging Descriptions
初審 Preliminary Review
以數位檔案審查,選出 30 件入圍複審。
After the digital files are reviewed, 30 works will be shortlisted for the secondary review.
複審 Secondary Review
以數位檔案審查,選出 8 件入圍決選。
After the digital files are reviewed, 8 works will be shortlisted for the final.
以現場實作審查,選出前三名及優選五名。長、寬、高總和不得小於 240 公分,每件作品最長邊不得超過 200 公分 ( 不含底座 ),重量不得超過 1000 公斤。
The actual works will be examined to select the top three awards and five outstanding work awards. The total of the length, width, and height should not be less than 240 cm, with the longest side of each work not exceeding 200 cm (base excluded) and the weight not exceeding 1,000 kilograms.
獎項及獎勵 Awards and Prizes
金 獎 1 名
美金 30,000 元、獎盃乙座、獎狀乙張。
Golden Award x 1
30,000 USD, a trophy and a certificate of merit.
銀 獎 1 名
美金 15,000 元、獎盃乙座、獎狀乙張。
Silver Award x 1
15,000 USD, a trophy and a certificate of merit.
銅 獎 1 名
美金 10,000 元、獎盃乙座、獎狀乙張。
Bronze Award x 1
10,000 USD, a trophy and a certificate of merit.
優 選 5 名
美金 5,000 元、獎牌乙座、獎狀乙張。
Prize for Excellence x 5
5,000 USD, a medal and a certificate of merit.
The winners will be invited to attend the awarding ceremony. The subsidy program is as follows:
住宿補助美金 400 元。另機票補助:亞洲區補助美金500 元,其他地區補助美金 1,000 元。
國內得獎者:住宿及交通最高補助新台幣 8,000 元 ( 憑單據實報實銷 )。
The foreign winner:
The accommodation subsidy is USD 400. The flight ticket subsidy: Asia USD 500; other areas USD 1,000.
The domestic winner: The accommodation and traffic subsidy is NTD 8,000 at most. (Reimbursement of actual expenses)
註:依中華民國稅法規定,國內得獎者依法代扣 10% 稅款及 2.11% 二代健保補充保費;非中華民國籍者,依法代扣 20% 稅款。匯款手續費由獎金扣除,主辦單位得視實際狀況增減或從缺獎項。
Note: According to the tax laws of the ROC, a 10% tax and 2.11% supplementary health insurance premium will be deducted from the domestic winners’ prize. For the noncitizens, a 20% tax will be deducted based on the law. The remittance fee will be deducted from the prize. The organizer will add, subtract, or leave vacant the award based on the actual conditions.
須上傳 5 張實體作品照片,含正視圖、後視角圖、左側視角圖、右側視角圖、俯視,以及 3 張近五年參考作品圖檔。每張 2-3MB,檔名請加註參賽作品名稱及拍攝角度。手繪草稿、電腦 3D 模擬圖等不符合參賽規定,不予接受報名。
5 photos of the actual works must be uploaded, including the front, back, left, right, and top views and 3 image files of the reference works in the recent five years. Each photo is 2-3MB. The work title and shooting angle should be included in the file name. The hand drawn drafts and 3D simulation diagrams that do not meet the standard will not be accepted.
提供 150 字之創作理念。
Provide the creative concept in 150 words.
After the registration is completed successfully, a registration number will be given.
採網路報名 ( 麗寶國際雕塑雙年獎活動網站 )
報名網址: http://www.lihpao.org.tw/sculpture
Please register online. (The website of Lih Pao International Sculpture Biennial Award: http://www.lihpao.org.tw/sculpture)
徵件作業時程 Submission Schedule
2022 年 5 月 5 日至 2022 年 12 月 30 日止
( 以臺灣時間為準 )
Registration Time
May 5 to December 30, 2022
( UTC / GMT : + 8 : 00 )
2023 年 3 月
Preliminary Review Result Announcement
March, 2023
2023 年 5 月
Secondary Review Result Announcement
May, 2023
2023 年 8 月 31 日前
Exhibition Duration
November to December, 2023
2023 年 10 月
Awarding Ceremony
October, 2023
2023 年 11 月至 2023 年 12 月
The delivery of the original piece of Finalist
Before August 31, 2023.
決選作品寄、退件 The delivery and return of Finalist Works
決選實作送達:2023 年 8 月 31 日前作品若未能於指定時間內寄達,以棄權論。
The finalist works that are unable to be delivered before the designated time of August 31, 2023 will be regarded as waiver.
作品取回時間及地址:將以 email 另行通知得獎者。
The winners will be notified of the time and address of retrieving the works through email.
The packaging, delivery, and insurance of the round-trip shipping should be paid by the participants. The tax of the round-trip shipping should be paid by the participants. The advance payment of the foundation will be deducted from the prize.
To authorize the foundation to return the works by freight, please arrange the freight company to pick up the works at the designated place at the designated time. The overdue case will be regarded as waiver and destroyed by compulsory enforcement without further notice.
The participants can prepare the base of thework, or the organizer will provide it.
作品箱子將重複使用 ( 限用木箱、螺絲及螺栓 ),如未依規定造成作品損傷或箱子需重新製作將由作者自行負責。
The box of the work will be reused (wood box, screws, and bolts). The participants should be responsible for any damage to the works or the re-making of the box as a result of the failure to comply with the regulations.
其他事項 Other Matters
The organizer has the right of free use of the photography, exhibition, digitalization, edition, publication, printing, research, promotion, publicity, online posting, public use, advertising of all the winning works.
If the participating works are involved in the infringement of intellectual property and the copy, imitation, and imposters, according to the final judgment of the court, the winners shall return the prize.
曾參加國內外公開徵件之得獎作品,主辦單位得逕予取消其資格 ( 校內展覽不在此限 )。
The organizer has the right to cancel the qualification of the works which used to win in the domestic or foreign competitions. (The school exhibitions are excluded.)
得獎資訊等事項公告於「麗寶國際雕塑雙年獎活動網站」網址: http://www.lihpao.org.tw/sculpture
The winners’ information will be announced on the website of Lih Pao International Sculpture Biennial Award: http://www.lihpao.org.tw/sculpture
如有未盡事宜,悉以主辦單位公告為準。諮詢請洽: art@mail.lihpao.com.tw
Any matters not provided shall be handled in accordance with the organizer’s notices. Please contact: art@mail.lihpao.com.tw

指導單位 Adviser
主辦單位 Organizers
合辦單位 Co-organizer
協辦單位 Co-sponsors
沖繩縣立藝術大學 Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts、國立臺灣藝術大學雕塑學系 Department of Sculpture of National Taiwan University of Arts、國立臺北藝術大學美術學院 School of Fine Arts of Taipei National University of the Arts、國家交響樂團 National Symphony Orchestra、今藝術 & 投資 Artco Monthly & Investment、名緯廣告媒體集團 Pilot Media Group