國際青年設計周2020雙年展徵稿 International Young Design Week
價值主張alue proposition
國際青年設計周(International Young Design Week)是各個國家的美術館聯合發起的一項長期的藝術設計項目。International Young Design Week is a long-term art design project jointly sponsored by art galleries of various countries
我們致力於打造國際青年設計師、藝術家、藝術設計愛好者交流與發展的公共藝術平台。We are committed to the creation of International Youth designers, artists, art lovers design and exchange of public art platform.
年度主題Annual theme
When the impact of globalization on the region is more in-depth, when various fields and generations are more penetrated and blended, when the frequency and energy diffusion of science and technology and humanity are gradually showing an exponential growth trend, we find the power of “radiation”. Cultural radiation, economic radiation and even energy radiation all make us happy and sad in the dark forest. In 2020 International Youth Design Week, let’s use the power of design to discuss all kinds of phenomena and future possibilities of “radiation”. With the deepening of global problems, it has become a problem that we must face carefully.
FUNSPACE ART文化藝術協會(意大利)
參賽細則 Rules of entry
1 .作品類別: Works category
A. 平面招貼設計Graphic poster design
B. 數字媒體設計Digital media design
C. 產品裝置設計Product device design
D. 建築園林設計Architecture and landscape design
E. 服裝服飾設計Costume design
2 .獎項設立:Awards
IYDA國際青年設計獎,International Young Design Award,獎項數量1項、1000$(美元)、獎盃Trophy、參展證書Exhibitor certificate。
IYD未來之星stars of the future,獎項數量5項、300$(美元)、獎盃Trophy、參展證書Exhibitor certificate。
組織獎Organization Award 5項、200$(美元)、組織獎證書Organization award certificate。
The Exhibited Works,獎項數量若干、參展證書。
3 .徵集作品及要求 Soliciting works and requirements:
Candidates: Designers, art teachers and students and design enthusiasts from around the world, who are under the age of 45. All individuals, groups and institutions may participate in the recruitment activities in accordance with these rules.
The collection of works shall not violate national cultural or moral norms. The work shall not be violated human rights, copyright, etc. or involved in violation of international laws and regulations of the phenomenon. Entries must be an art design work that meets this year’s theme.
(3)每件參展作品的電子文檔技術參數:Technical parameters of electronic documentation for each piece of exhibits:作品幅面60×90cm,像素精度150dpi以上,印刷模式CMYK,文件格式為PDF格式Works format 60 × 90cm, pixel accuracy 150dpi above, printing mode CMYK, file format for the PDF format.。非平面類作品需在規定尺寸內進行排版與說明。Non-planar works must be arranged within the specified size and description.電子文檔名稱按照“作品類別·姓名·作品名稱”規範命名。The electronic document name is named according to the “Product category • Name • Work name” specification.
(4)徵集時間為2019年12月1日,投稿截止日為2020年6月30日。The solicitation period is December 1, 2019, and the deadline for submission is June 30, 2020.投稿郵件: iyd21st@yeah.net.
(5)參展作品名單將在2020年8月15日後在官方網頁和相關媒體相繼公佈。The list of participating works will be published on the official website and related media after August 15, 2020.入選作品將在不同國家的藝術場館進行巡迴展覽。Selected works will be held in different countries of the art venues roving exhibition.屆時將會提前通知作者,作者同意後將會進行具體的展事安排。The author will be informed in advance, and specific arrangements will be made after the author agrees.
(6)展覽時間為2020年10月至12月。The exhibition is from October to December in 2020.
(7)國際青年設計周不收取初評報名費用。International Youth Design Week does not charge the initial registration fee.
作品版權:Works copyright
- 參賽者的參賽作品必須是參賽者本人(或團體)創作的作品,如作品發生知識產權或版權糾紛等,組委會將取消其參展資格,並由參展者承擔相應後果。The entries of the contestants must be the works created by the contestants(or groups) themselves. If the work is subject to intellectual property rights or copyright disputes, the Organizing Committee will cancel the exhibitor’s qualification and the participants shall bear the consequences.因參展者的參展作品引發的版權或知識產權糾紛一概與組委會無關。The copyright or intellectual property disputes caused by the exhibitors’ entries are irrelevant to the Organizing Committee.
- 本年度入選的作品,組委會將享有該作品的印刷、出版(含電子出版)、推廣及收藏的相應權利。The Organizing Committee will enjoy the right to print and publish (including electronic publishing), promotion and collection of the selected works.
註:本次展覽中所有入選作者將獲得組委會頒發的相應證書,請慎重留好郵寄地址與聯繫方式。Note: All the selected authors in this exhibition will receive the corresponding certificate issued by the organizing committee, please leave the mailing address and contact information carefully. - 國際青年設計周委員會對本年度活動擁有最終解釋權。The International Youth Design Week Committee has the final interpretation of this year’s event.聯合策展人募集Joint curator raising
Now we are recruiting joint curators of 2020 International Youth Design Week from all over the world. We sincerely hope that we can give full play to the design power of youth in every region and city, and build an art life without borders and fields through the design power. We are looking forward to meeting with every curator. We believe that this meeting and cooperation will provide a kind of vitality and vitality from art for our location.
有意向的聯合策展人請將填寫好的2020年國際青年設計周聯合策展人信息登記表發至郵箱 iyd21st@yeah.net ,募集時間截止至2020年2月29日。
Interested joint curators please send the completed joint curator information registration form of International Youth Design Week 2020 to iyd21st@year.net, and the raising time is up to February 29, 2020.