

 總獎金: 242000

最高獎金: 30000

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2025-03-13

主辦單位: 銘傳大學秘書處銘傳大學高教深耕計畫辦公室銘傳大學學務處課外活動指導組

主辦單位電話: 02-2882-4564分機2324


第三十六屆「變」銘傳文藝獎 影像類 微電影組 徵件細則

1. 徵件目的 Purpose:


To encourage students to discover the beauty of MCU campuses via images and to tell a story about MCU people via short film.



2. 徵件主題 Subject:「變Transformation」


“Transformation,” reflects moments of inner metamorphosis, the deepening of friendships, or the evolving sense of self. Through the camera lens, capture the profound yet subtle shifts that shape your experience, and reflect on the growth, challenges, and connections made along the way. Let your film bring to life the transformative essence of youth that defines Ming Chuan students.

The name of the Short Film should be customized, and the word ” Transformation” can be included in the title at your discretion, but the content of the film should be closely related to the meaning of ” Transformation”.

3. 參賽對象 Participants:


This group is limited to team registration (each group has at most 8 people, and the representative must be an official student of Ming Chuan University. The Overseas Youth Vocational Training School, and exchange students can participate in group creation).

4. 作品形式 Limitations:

  • • 5-7分鐘短片,任何影像器材拍攝皆可。Short film with 5-7 minute maximum, produced using by any equipment.
  • • 原始長寬比上傳 16:9 的影片(建議使用 1280×720)。Upload the film with original widescreen formatting 16:9 (Suggest to use 1280 X 720)
  • • 影片場景50%以上需取景於銘傳校園內。At least 50% filmed on a MCU campus.

5. 參賽方式 Submission Procedures:

  • • 參賽作品依要求格式上傳至YouTube,並設定公開。 Follow the format described above; upload your submission to YouTube as required and choose “Public” as your video visibility.
  • • 上傳影片標題:「(作品名稱)- 35屆銘傳文藝獎」。Upload the film as “(film title)—35th MCU Literary and Arts Awards”
  • • 至官方網站,登錄參賽資料及競賽短片網址。Register on MCU Literary and Arts Awards website and upload the YouTube URL.

6. 評審項目 Review Items:

  • • 影片創意Creativity 40%
  • • 故事敘事方式Storytelling methods 40%
  • • 拍攝與剪輯技巧Filming and editing techniques 20%

7. 評審方式 Review:

• 採匿名審稿制,主辦單位將聘校內外、相關領域專家學者擔任評審委員。

The submissions are reviewed anonymously; the responsible unit will engage 2 to 3 on- or off-campus judges related to the field in accordance with the number of submissions.

8. 獎項 Prizes:


1st Prize: 30,000NTD with a certificate; 2nd Prize: 15,000NTD with a certificate; 3rd Prize: 10,000NTD with a certificate; 3 Honorable Mentions: 5,000NTD with a certificate for each winner.

9. Aesthetics Evaluation 美感力認證:

作品經評審委員審定具創作水準晉級複審者,主辦單位將頒發「入圍證書」(電子證書),可做為銘傳大學十力教育-美感力基本檢核證明!前三名另可申請卓越美感力。This is a certified event for Ming Chuan University 10 Pillars Education –Aesthetics. The works approved to enter the 2nd round review by the judges as exhibiting a certain level of creativity will be issued a “Nomination Certificate” that can be used as evidence for Aesthetics pillar basic review. The top 3 winners may use their awards for the evidence for Excellent Aesthetics.

10. 注意事項 Note:

  • • 作品須為參賽團隊自行創作作品,經所有團隊成員同意參賽。Submissions must be produced by the participant or the team and approved by the author or the team for participation in this competition.
  • • 作品內容須符合本校相關法令規定。The content of the submission must abide by the relevant MCU regulations.
  • • 參賽者應確認擁有作品著作權,不得使用侵權之疑的圖像、影像或音樂,禁止抄襲或複製他人作品。主辦單位不承擔包括(不限於)肖像權、名譽權、隱私權、著作權、商標權等糾紛而產生的法律責任。All participants must possess the copyright of their submission. It is not permissible to use any picture, image or music that infringes upon or violates copyright, or is plagiarized. The host unit will not take any legal responsibility for any infringement of portraiture rights, reputation, privacy, copyright or trademark.
  • • 參賽作品如有著作權爭議,或侵害智慧財產權情形,參賽者應自負法律責任,主辦單位亦將取消參賽或得獎資格,追回獎項與獎金。If there is any report or complaint that the work was created by another party, stolen from another party or copied from another work, the participant(s) shall bear the legal responsibility; should the report prove true, the entry will be disqualified. If such a work is awarded a prize, the award and the prize shall be returned.

11. 本細則如有未盡事宜,得經修正後公布。 All matters not specified above will be announced separately.




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