

 總獎金: 242000

最高獎金: 30000

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2025-03-13

主辦單位: 銘傳大學秘書處銘傳大學高教深耕計畫辦公室銘傳大學學務處課外活動指導組

主辦單位電話: 02-2882-4564分機2324


第三十六屆「直白的愛」銘傳文藝獎 影像類 校園攝影組 徵件細則

1. 徵件目的 Purpose:

鼓勵同學用影像定義銘傳人,呈現銘傳人的多元面向與特質。To encourage students to define Ming Chuan Family through images, presenting Ming Chuan Family’s diversity and distinctives.



2. 作品形式 Theme and Specs:

  • • 本屆主題「直白的愛」This year’s theme is “Straightforward Love”
  • • 作品需以直式構圖拍攝。Entries must be captured in vertical composition.
  • • 作品應呈現校園各項誠摯的情感瞬間。例如朋友間的情誼、師生間的默契、對動植物的關懷。透過你的鏡頭,讓這些簡單、直接卻溫暖的愛流露出來,展現出屬於大學生涯中最動人的情感。The entries should capture sincere moments of emotion on campus, such as the friendship between peers, the rapport between teachers and students, or the care for animals and plants.
  • • 作品需在銘傳校園內拍攝,且主角必須與銘傳大學有高度關連(如銘傳學生、師長、校友、職員等)。The work must be set on the campus of Ming Chuan and the protagonist must be highly related to. MCU. (such as Ming Chuan student, faculty member, alumni or staff member).
  • • 作品可就亮度、對比、色調、銳利度、飽和度、裁切、修補雜點入塵等進行適當數位後製。Appropriate post-photography modification is accepted.
  • • 投稿時,需附10-30字主題說明。Brief explanatory statement of 10-30 characters must be attached with the submission.

3. 參賽對象 Participants:


Students who are matriculating toward a degree at MCU (including Work-experience Completion Program Students); each student is limited to five submissions per category.

4. 參賽方式 Submission Procedures:

• 將作品電子檔(限.jpg檔),上傳至官方網站 https://www.week.mcu.edu.tw/submit

Please upload your work as a digital file (jpg format only) to the dedicated website https://www.week.mcu.edu.tw/submit.

5. 評審方式 Review:

主辦單位將聘請校內外、相關領域專家學者擔任評審委員,並擇期公開評審。評審日期及地點另行公告。The submissions are reviewed publicly; the responsible unit will engage on- or off-campus judges related to the field in accordance with the number of the submissions. The date and venue of the review will be announced separately.

6. 獎項 Prizes:


1st Prize: 7,000NTD with a certificate; 2nd Prize: 4,000NTD with a certificate; 3rd Prize: 3,000NTD with a certificate; 2 Honorable Mentions: 2,000NTD with a certificate for each winner. Top Five Entries: 1,000 NTD with a certificate. Persons who submit multiple winning entries in a given section will receive no more than two prizes. If no works reach the award standards, the reviewers may suggest to adjusting the prizes awarded.

7. 美感力認證 Aesthetics Certification:

作品經評審委員審定具創作水準晉級複審者,主辦單位將頒發「入圍證書」,可做為銘傳大學十力教育-美感力基本檢核證明!前三名另申請卓越美感力。This is a certified event for Ming Chuan University 10 Pillars Education –Aesthetics. The works approved to enter the 2nd round review by the judges as exhibiting a certain level of creativity will be issued a “Nomination Certificate” that can be used as evidence for Aesthetics pillar basic review. The top 3 winners may use their awards for the evidence for Excellent Aesthetics.

8. 版權聲明 Copyright:

  • • 作品若以人物為主體,作者務必徵詢被攝者同意,避免後續個人肖像權爭議!主辦單位將不承擔包括(不限於)肖像權、名譽權、隱私權等糾紛而產生的法律責任。Please affirm that the person/people included in your image give their permission for this photo to be submitted in order to avoid any portraiture rights issues. The host unit will not take any legal responsibility for the right of portraiture, reputation, privacy, etc.
  • • 作品須為參賽者本人原創作品,且不得同時參加其他競賽。Submissions must be submitted under the student’s own name, and must not be submitted for other competitions.
  • • 作品著作權如有爭議,或侵害智慧財產權情形,參賽者應自負法律責任,主辦單位亦將取消參賽或得獎資格,追回獎項與獎金。If there is any report or complaint that the work was created by another party, stolen from another party or copied from another work, the participant(s) shall bear the legal responsibility; should the report prove true, the entry will be disqualified. If such a work is awarded a prize, the award and the prize shall be returned.

9. 本細則如有未盡事宜,得經修正後公布。 All matters not specified above will be announced separately.





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