而你需要的,只是創意、顏色筆 或是 一部電腦。
活動日期 :2021年6月7日( 日 ) 至7月25日 ( 日 )
1. 下載海洋填色紙 ( JPG or PDF )
- JPG 圖檔 http://doc.greenearth.org.hk/project/colouring_rethinkplastic.jpg
- PDF 檔 http://doc.greenearth.org.hk/project/colouring_rethinkplastic.pdf
2. 運用你嘅創意令畫中的海底的塑膠垃圾消失,例如將塑膠垃圾繪畫成可愛的海洋生物
3. 繪畫形式:可以利用電腦繪畫,或打印出來用顏色筆繪畫
4. 完成後將作品於此上傳於此表格,提交作品時,分享一個減少海洋塑膠廢物的方法 或 分享個人對海洋污染的感受
- – 綠惜地球會選出50張最優秀的作品– 各人可獲得得「海洋限量版 Don’t feed me plastic可重用三文治袋」乙個
- – 頭三名更可獲額外獎勵
- – 得獎名單將於7月30日公佈,得獎者將透過電郵收到領獎通知。
- – 得獎者需提供郵寄地址,禮物預計在8月寄出。
- – 綠惜地球有最終決定權。
Sunday 7th June, 2021 to Sunday 25th July, 2021
1. Download the Ocean coloring page ( JPG or PDF )
JPG: http://doc.greenearth.org.hk/project/colouring_rethinkplastic.jpg
PDF: http://doc.greenearth.org.hk/project/colouring_rethinkplastic.pdf
2. Use your creativity and make the plastic waste at the ocean bottom disappear. For example, painting the plastic waste into cute ocean creatures.
3. Form of painting: Use computer to paint / crayons to paint on printouts
4. Upload your work on this Google Form after completion. Along with submission, share an idea on how to reduce ocean plastic waste / your personal thoughts on ocean pollution.
-The Green Earth will select top 50 outstanding works, where every of them will receive a ‘Ocean Limited Edition of Don’t feed me plastic reusable sandwich bag’.
-Top 3 will have extra rewards.
Points to note:
-Winner list will be announced on 30th July, where winners will receive notification of award acceptance via email.
-Winners need to provide their mailing address, the gifts are expected to be sent in August.
-The Green Earth reserves the rights of final interpretation.
查詢 Enquiry:綠惜地球 The Green Earth 3708 8380
電郵 Email: info@greenearth.org.hk
網站 Website: www.greenearth.org.hk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/greenearthhk/