

 總獎金: 65000(CNY)

最高獎金: 30000(CNY)

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2017-12-20


Waterfront Residential Architecture in UA City








哈爾濱工業大學建築設計研究院 www.hitadri.cn

支持機構:寒地建築國際協作研究協會(ICCHA) www.iccha.net



支持媒體:城市中國 城市‧環境‧設計(UED) 景觀設計學 南方建築 建築學報 建築創作 建築技藝 世界建築 時代建築 華建築 新建築 雲南建築 築龍網 建築學院 秀設計 設計競賽


  • 一等獎1名,獎金參萬元人民幣與獲獎證書
  • 二等獎2名,獎金壹萬元人民幣與獲獎證書
  • 三等獎3名,獎金伍千元人民幣與獲獎證書
  • 佳作獎若干,獎品為2018年《城市建築》全年雜誌與獲獎證書
  • 指導教師獎若干,獎品為2018年《城市建築》全年雜誌與獲獎證書


  1. 交納註冊費:交納註冊費(100元人民幣/組)至競賽組委會;交納方式為支付寶轉賬,支付寶賬號為:uajs@vip.sina.com
  2. 競賽註冊:截止日期為2017年12月20日,關注《城市建築》官方微信(微信號為UA_2004或直接搜索「城市建築」)進行在線註冊並填寫詳細信息,包括參賽者姓名、指導教師姓名、學校(或單位)名稱、電子郵箱、聯繫電話、郵寄地址及郵政編碼,並填寫支付寶轉賬訂單號
  3. 獲取註冊號:競賽組委會將於2017年12月22日在《城市建築》官方微信等平台公佈參賽註冊號;為確保競賽組織工作的高效,主辦方在發放註冊號後不提供參賽團隊人員、指導教師姓名的更改及補充工作
  4. 作品提交:截止日期為2018年1月15日12:00a.m.,請在此之前將參賽作品以附件形式發送至郵箱uajs@vip.sina.com,競賽組委會安排統一打印
  5. 現場評審、網絡投票及結果公示
  6. 競賽結果公佈:競賽結果公佈後於《城市建築》公眾號進行相關作品報導,並在《城市建築》(建築版)2018年4月上刊「特別報導」欄目詳細報導


  1. 參賽方案應完整呈現於2張圖紙內,圖紙分辨率為200dpi(像素/英吋),尺寸為800mm×800mm;圖中文字須中、英雙語對照,漢字不小於20pt(點),圖面表達方式不限
  2. 作品提交截止日期為2018年1月15日12:00a.m.,請在此之前將參賽作品圖紙以jpg格式通過附件形式發送至郵箱uajs@vip.sina.com,圖紙分別以「註冊號-A」「註冊號-B」命名;競賽組委會安排統一打印;郵件名稱以註冊號命名,其他文件名將不作提交作品之郵件考慮
  3. 連同圖紙電子文件一併提交150-200字的作品簡介(中文,doc格式),並以註冊號命名;獲取註冊號時的聯絡電話或電子郵箱若有更改,須特別註明,以免獲獎後主辦方無法及時聯絡
  4. 圖紙及文檔發送郵件時切勿打包壓縮,以免解壓縮失敗


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  2. 個人或小組(不超過3人)均可參賽,指導教師人數不多於參賽小組人數
  3. 圖紙中不得出現任何有關作者姓名和所在單位的文字或圖案,不得出現參賽註冊號,不符合規定者取消參賽資格
  4. 參賽作品(包括圖片、文字)均不退回;參賽者擁有參賽作品的版權,但無條件允許競賽組織者行使參賽作品署名權以外的其他版權權利
  5. 參加過其他競賽的作品,或使用他人曾經在公開場合發表過的創意的作品不允許參加競賽



2017 UA Creation Award & International Concept Design Competition (UACA & ICDC)|Waterfront Residential Architecture in UA City


Waterfront Residential Architecture in UA City


「The highest good is like that of water. Water benefits everything without evoking conflicts or resistance.」 Water not only is the physical need upon which mankind depends, but also has the supreme philosophical effect. For thousands of years, mankind always has the living instinct of migrating to wherever water is available, which works in concert with the human longing for life. Since the Industrial Revolution, cities have been expanded rapidly, with more demand in land for housing and transportation, and the evolution of cities has also changed the relationship between mankind and water. Nowadays, people pay increasing attention to environmental problems, especially to the resurrection and conservation of water, and our demand for water environment has also completed the transformation from the survival needs to the needs of life quality. The demand for waterfront architecture and symbiosis with water has become even more prominent in the highly urbanized contemporary society. Waterfront residential architecture often enjoys the best environmental resources in a city and a region, representing the high quality of living. This competition, which is entitled 「Waterfront Residential Architecture in UA City」, encourages participants to explore the relationship between people, residential architecture and water, and to create a poetic living environment with waterfront architecture and harmonious symbiosis.


Participants shall choose the real sites; interpret the competition goal with the architecture language; and prepare the concept design specifically.


Urbanism and Architecture


  • The Architectural Design and Research Institute of HIT www.hitadri.cn
  • Supporting Organization:
  • International Cold Climate Housing Association (ICCHA) www.iccha.net
  • Cold Region Architecture Academic Committee of Architectural Society of China
  • Academic Working Committee of the Architectural Society of China

Supporting Media:

Urban China, Urban‧ Environment‧ Design(UED) , Landscape Architecture Frontiers, South Architecture, Architectural Journal, Architectural Creation, Architecture Technique, World Architecture, Time+Architecture, Hua Architecture, New Architecture, Yunnan Architecture, zhulong.com, School of Architecture, Show Design, Design Competition


  • first prize: RMB 30,000 and award certificate
  • second prizes: RMB 10,000 and award certificate
  • third prizes: RMB 5,000 and award certificate
  • norable mention prizes: A whole year of Urbanism and Architecture journal in 2018 and award certificate
  • pervisor awards: A whole year of Urbanism and Architecture journal in 2018 and award certificate

Process (Beijing time):

  1. Pay the registration fee: Pay the registration fee (RMB100/team) to the organizing committee by Alipay. Alipay account: uajs@vip.sina.com
  2. Registration: Please follow Urbanism and Architecture journal official WeChat (WeChat ID: UA_2004) to finish the online registration before December 20, 2017. Fill in the detail information, including the name of participant, name of supervisor, name of school (or organization), email, telephone, mailing address, zip code and fill in the transaction number in the Alipay payment receipt.
  3. Get the registration number: The organizing committee will announce the registration number on December 22, 2017 on official WeChat of Urbanism and Architecture journal and other official platforms. To ensure the competition efficiently organized, the name of participant and supervisor will not be allowed to change or supplement once the organizer completes issuing the registration number.
  4. Submit the design: Please email the design as an attachment to uajs@vip.sina.com before 12:00 a.m. January 15, 2018. The organizing committee will be responsible for the printing.
  5. Site review, online voting and publicity the results
  6. Announce the results: The official WeChat of Urbanism and Architecture journal will report the related works after the announcement of the results. The Urbanism and Architecture journal will make a special report on the competition in April Issue 2018.

Design Submission:

  1. The design should be fully presented in 2 drawings with the resolution of 200dpi (pixel/inch) and the size of 800mm * 800mm. The text must be in Chinese and English. The Chinese characters should be not less than 20pt. The way of expression is not limited.
  2. Please send the drawings as an attachment in jpg format to uajs@vip.sina.com before 12:00 a.m. January 15, 2018, which are named respectively as “Registration No.-A” and “Registration No.-B”. The organizing committee will be responsible for the printing. The subject of the email should be the registration number. Any email with the subject except the registration number will not be considered as the design submission.
  3. 150-200 words of design introduction (in Chinese, doc format) with the registration number as the subject should be submitted along with the drawings. To get the registration number, please make a special note if the contact phone or email is changed so that the organizer can contact you in time if you win.
  4. Please do not send zip files in case that they fail to be unzipped.

Competition Rules:

  1. Participants agree to abide by the content and rules of the competition.
    All rights reserved at competition organizing committee for the rules of the contest.
  2. Both the individual and team (no more than 3 persons) can participate in the competition. The supervisors should not be more than the team members.
  3. The designers’ names and the organization names or logo as well as the registration number should not appear in the drawings. Otherwise, the qualifications will be cancelled.
  4. The submitted documents (including images and texts) will not returned to the participants who have the copyright of their design. However, the organizers unconditionally execute other copyrights other than the rights of authorship.
  5. The design that has ever participated in other competitions or the one containing others’ creation that has been publicly released before is not allowed to participate in this competition.

Special Note:

The supervisor (only one) of the first-prize winner this year will be invited to be the judge of UACA & ICDC next year.

Secretary of Competition: CUI Yuanyuan


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