2017 Open Call|MoNTUE作夢計畫徵件

2017 Open Call|MoNTUE作夢計畫徵件

報名時間: 2015-07-01 ~ 2016-06-30

主辦單位: MoNTUE北師美術館

主辦單位電話: 02-27360316



2017年MoNTUE Open Call作夢計畫徵件開始,國內外新銳創作者與策展人不要錯過囉!




(二)所有資料請於2016年6月30日(星期四)前提出申請,以掛號郵遞(郵戳為憑)或專人(含快遞)於當日下午5:00前送達北師美術館(106臺北市大安區和平東路二段134號)一樓櫃台(請先於網站上查詢展覽開放時間),並於信封明顯處加註「2017 MoNTUE作夢計畫」,恕不接受電子郵寄送件。

(三)如有疑問,請以E-mail至 montue.press@gmail.com 或於上班時間電洽:02-27360316。



Do you want to dream in MoNTUE?

2017 Open Call For Dreamin’ MoNTUE Project has started!


  1. To inspire more experimental and multidisciplinary art creations, exploring the potentiality of the museum’s future.
  2. To intensify the connections between the museum, campus, community and city, realizing the true value of art education through exhibitions and educational activities.
  3. To encourage both local and foreign emerging artists and curators to participate in this project, establishing a platform for the international exchange of arts and culture.

How to Apply

  1. There is no limit on mediums or forms.
  2. The application deadline for the open call is June 30, 2016 (23:59:59 CCT). Kindly mail the application via registered mail to MoNTUE北師美術館 at No.134, Sec. 2, Heping E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.). Postal submissions must be postmarked by June 30, 2016; please clearly note “2017 Dreamin’ MoNTUE Open Call” on the envelope. Submissions by e-mail are not accepted.
  3. For any further questions, please contact us by email at montue.press@gmail.com or contact us during working hours at +886-2-27360316.
  4. MoNTUE reserves the right to supplement and amend the content and has the right of final interpretation.



作夢計畫 DREAMIN' MoNTUE相關競賽

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