2018 Bristol Short Story Prize
Please read the rules carefully before entering.
- Closing date for receipt of entries is May 1st 2018 at midnight BST (‘midnight’ meaning the very last second of May 1st 2018).
- Entrants must be over 16 years old on the closing date, May 1st 2018.
- The maximum length of submissions is 4,000 words (does not include title), there is no minimum length. Stories can be on any theme or subject and are welcome in any style including graphic, verse or genre-based (Crime, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Historical, Romance, Children’s etc..) .
- The 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize is open to all published and unpublished writers. There is no geographical restriction on entry- the 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize is open to everyone, whether they are based in the UK or outside the UK. Entries can be made online or by post. All entries must be in English. Online entries should be submitted via the online entry facility, usually in Word document, pdf or equivalent. Postal entries will only be accepted as printed typescripts. There are no specific formatting requirements – font type, font size, line spacing etc. Writers may format their work in the way they feel is most appropriate – we do not specify any particular format for submissions. Please send postal entry/entries to: Bristol Short Story Prize, Unit 5.16, Paintworks, Bath Road Bristol BS4 3EH
- Authors may enter as many stories as they like. There is an entry fee of £8 for each story submitted to the 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize. Payment for online entries to the 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize should be made via the website online entry facility.Payment for postal entries to the 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize should be made by cheque. Cheque payments must be in pounds sterling and cheques should be made payable to ‘Bristol Short Story Prize Ltd.’. Each postal submission must be accompanied by a signed entry form confirming an entrant has read the rules of the 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize and accepts the rules of the 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize.
- Entries will not be returned. Please keep a copy. No corrections or alterations can be made after receipt of an entry.
- Entries must be entirely the work of the entrant and must never have been previously published, in print or online (including self-published, ebook, magazines, journals, websites, blogs, social network sites), or broadcast or won a prize in another writing competition on or before October 13th 2018. Any entry found to have been plagiarised will be disqualified. Simultaneous submissions are welcome – but please let us know as soon as possible if a story is to be published elsewhere, in print or online (including self-published, ebook, magazines, journals, websites, blogs, social network sites), or broadcast or has won a prize in another writing competition on or before October 13th 2018.
- Entries will be read and judged anonymously; entrants’ names and contact details should only appear on the entry form and not anywhere on their stories/manuscripts. The stories/manuscripts must be free of all personal information about the author. This includes age and address.
- If entrants require acknowledgement of receipt of a postal entry they must enclose a stamped addressed postcard marked ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Online entries will be acknowledged by email. If an entrant does not receive an email acknowledgement for an online entry they are very welcome to contact Bristol Short Story Prize to confirm their entry has been received. Contact via email in the first instance is preferable.
- No entrant to the 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize may win more than one prize. Entries will be read by a panel of publishers, booksellers, reviewers and writers. They will select a longlist of 40 stories for the judging panel. The judging panel will select the 20 stories to be published in the Bristol Short Story Prize Anthology Volume 11 and the top 3 prize winning stories for the 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize. The judges’ decision is final and no individual correspondence will be entered into. Judges or readers will not comment on individual stories or give feedback on individual stories.
- All entrants must agree to have their work published in the Bristol Short Story Prize Anthology Volume 11, in both print and ebook formats, should they be the author of one of the 20 stories that are shortlisted for the 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize. Authors will retain worldwide copyright on their work (including film and dramatic rights) but Bristol Short Story Prize has first publication rights to publish the 20 shortlisted stories in the Bristol Short Story Prize Anthology Volume 11. Bristol Short Story Prize will publish the 20 shortlisted stories in both print and ebook formats in association with Tangent Books on October 13th 2018. Each of the shortlisted stories must never have been previously published, in print or online (including self-published, ebook, magazines, journals, websites, blogs, social network sites), or broadcast or won a prize in another writing competition on or before October 13th 2018. Please email Bristol Short Story Prize on enquiries@bristolprize.co.uk if clarification of this is needed.
- Once notified that they have been selected for the 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize shortlist and will be published in Bristol Short Story Prize Anthology Volume 11(paperback and ebook), all shortlisted writers must confirm and verify that their shortlisted story has not been published in print or online (including self-published, ebook, magazines, journals, websites, blogs, social network sites), or broadcast or won a prize in another writing competition on or before October 13th 2018. All shortlisted writers must, also, confirm and verify that their shortlisted story will not be published or is not due to be published in print or online (including self-published, ebook, magazines, journals, websites, blogs, social network sites), or due to be broadcast or due to win a prize in another writing competition on or before October 13th 2018.
- Each of the 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize shortlisted authors will receive 2 free copies of the paperback version of Bristol Short Story Prize Anthology Volume 11 and will be able to purchase further copies at a discount of 50%. All 2018 Bristol Short Story prize shortlisted writers will be able to purchase any number of copies of any volume of Bristol Short Story Prize Anthologies at a discount of 50%.
- Prizes for 2018 are: 1st prize-£1000, 2nd prize -£700, 3rd prize -£400. Each of the 17 remaining shortlisted writers will receive £100.
- Prizes will be awarded at the 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize Awards Ceremony on October 13th 2018 and will be sent to any of the 20 shortlisted writers who are unable to attend the awards ceremony on October 13th 2018. Prizes, including free copies of the Bristol Short Story Prize Anthology Volume 11 as well as cash prizes, are not dependent on winners attending the 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize Awards Ceremony. Entrants will not be contacted individually about the competition results unless they are selected for the shortlist. The 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize longlist and shortlist will be announced on the Bristol Short Story Prize website. The 2017 Bristol Short Story Prize longlist will be posted on the Bristol Short Story Prize website on Wednesday July 11th 2018 at 2pm (BST) and the 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize shortlist will be posted on the Bristol Short Story Prize website on Wednesday July 25th 2018 at 2pm (BST). The top 3 prize winners of the 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize will be displayed on the website within one week after the awards ceremony.
- Any entrant wishing to withdraw a story from the 2018 Bristol Short Story Prize before the closing date and time of midnight (BST) May 1st 2018 will receive a full refund. Please contact us by email. We will not be able to refund any withdrawn stories after the closing date and time of midnight (BST) May 1st 2018.
- Entry implies an acceptance of all the Bristol Short Story Prize rules. Entries that fail to comply with the entry rules and requirements may be disqualified.