

 總獎金: 2000000

最高獎金: 350000

報名時間: 2018-04-20 ~ 2018-09-07

參賽主題 THEME

夏學精神.創意傳承 Xia’s Spirit in Creation




The founder Xia Jing Shan devote himself to painting and calligraphy art and actively promoting the charity through sharing the thoughts of aesthetics, which enables viewers to stay away from chaos and acquire peace.

The Xia Jiushan Foundation of the Arts and Culture aims to promote the “Xia Jing Shan’s philosophy”, which the spirit transforms the beauty of art into philanthropy in order to reward the society by taking actions unselfishly. By self-development, transformation and the comprehension in art creation, those are attached to the meaning of Xia’s philosophy, which means the practice of Altruism through art.

The “ Jing Shan Classic, Culture and Creative Arts Award” ; is expected to inspire the new generation of artists for art creation relates to social humanities through Jing Shan’s art collection of 2018, integrating the ideas of charity and life philosophy, and linking different culture.

評選作業 JURY

評審流程 Judging Schedule

【初選 Preliminary Selection】
The Preliminary selection will be carried out based on the judging criteria to decide the list of candidates who are eligible to move on to the final selection.

【決選Final Selection】
Gift Design and Graphic Design groups will be reviewed regarding their posters and presentations. The Digital Animation group will be reviewed via digital works, posters and presentations.

評審標準 Judging Criteria


The Jury will follow the criteria to reviews if the art works contain the key components:

  • Application and interpretation from the artworks of Artist Xia Jing Shan and the concepts of philanthropic ideas and life philosophy found in his works.
  • Designs that are full of creativity and groundbreaking ideas, and successfully deliver the concept and aesthetics of the theme.

初選 Preliminary Selection

50%【美學創意 Aesthetics and Creativity】

  • 20分︰設計理念與呈現之創意、內涵 The concept of design, creativity and innovation.
  • 20分︰作品造型與構圖表現之美觀、色彩配置適宜性、吸引力 Works module, appropriateness of the color use and attraction.
  • 10分︰教育衍生性 Educational derivatives.

30%【切題性 Applicability】

  • 20分︰夏荊山居士書畫作品及其背後蘊含的慈善理念與人生哲理之應用與詮釋  Application and interpretation of the artworks of Artist Xia Jing Shan and the concepts of “philanthropic ideas” and “life philosophy” found in his works.
  • 10分︰作品名稱、設計理念之落實與展現 Appropriateness of the titles, design practice and its presentation.

20%【圖面表達 Visualization】

  • 20分︰圖文配置安排協調性、易讀性、版面風格與作品主題呼應效果 Content readability, coherence, consistency and the connection with the works title.

決選 Final Selection

  • 40% 整體成果表現與品質(包含理念、創新性與內涵) Overall outcomes and quality, includes notions, innovations and connotation.
  • 40% 與基金會風格高結合之適宜性 Adeptness to the aims to Xia Jing Shan Art and Culture Foundation.
  • 20% 市場開發與產業潛能 Market development and capacities of industries.




The jury will decide candidates from each category depending on their works presentations to award Jing Shang Gold Award x1, Jing Shan Silver Award x1, Jing Shan Bronze Award x1 and Merit Awards x3. Winners will be awarded with prize money, one trophy or a certificate. Souvenirs will be given to all winners.

The organizer reserves the right of making any change into the event program. In addition to the change, the organizer is able to set up additional awards to inspire more candidates with outstanding performance.

組別Category 獎項Award 名額Quota 獎金Prize money 獎勵內容Prizes
平面設計組Graphic Design Category 荊山獎Jing Shan Gold Award 1 NTD 250,000 獎金與獎座、獎狀各一只Prize money, one trophy and a certificate.
荊銀獎Jing Shan Sliver Award 1 NTD 160,000 獎金與獎座、獎狀各一只Prize money, one trophy and a certificate.
荊銅獎Jing Shan Bronze Award 1 NTD 120,000 獎金與獎座、獎狀各一只Prize money, one trophy and a certificate.
優選獎Merit Award 3 NTD 60,000 獎金與獎座、獎狀各一只Prize money, one trophy and a certificate.
獎金得者,共計:6名,總計新臺幣:71萬元整Total numbers of Winners: 6; Total Amount of Prize: NTD 710,000
組別Category 獎項Award 名額Quota 獎金Prize money 獎勵內容Prizes
禮品設計組Gift Design Category 荊山獎Jing Shan Gold Award 1 NTD 250,000 獎金與獎座、獎狀各一只Prize money, one trophy and a certificate.
荊銀獎Jing Shan Sliver Award 1 NTD 160,000 獎金與獎座、獎狀各一只Prize money, one trophy and a certificate.
荊銅獎Jing Shan Bronze Award 1 NTD 120,000 獎金與獎座、獎狀各一只Prize money, one trophy and a certificate.
優選獎Merit Award 3 NTD 60,000 獎金與獎座、獎狀各一只Prize money, one trophy and a certificate.
獎金得者,共計:6名,總計新臺幣:71萬元整Total numbers of Winners: 6; Total Amount of Prize: NTD 710,000
組別Category 獎項Award 名額Quota 獎金Prize money 獎勵內容Prizes
數位動畫組Digital Animation Category 荊山獎Jing Shan Gold Award 1 NTD 350,000 獎金與獎座、獎狀各一只Prize money, one trophy and a certificate.
荊銀獎Jing Shan Sliver Award 1 NTD 210,000 獎金與獎座、獎狀各一只Prize money, one trophy and a certificate.
荊銅獎Jing Shan Bronze Award 1 NTD 160,000 獎金與獎座、獎狀各一只Prize money, one trophy and a certificate.
優選獎Merit Award 3 NTD 120,000 獎金與獎座、獎狀各一只Prize money, one trophy and a certificate.
獎金得者,共計:6名,總計新臺幣:108萬元整Total numbers of Winners: 6; Total Amount of Prize: NTD 1080,000
獎金總得獎者共計:18名,特別獎另計Total prize winners: 18, Special Prize is excluded 獎金總計:新臺幣250萬元整,特別獎另計Total prize money: NTD 2,500,000, Special Prize is excluded

※ 稅額扣繳 Tax Deduction

Award winners will be deducted 10% income tax complying with the Tax Law of Taiwan. Foreign award winners will be deducted 20% income tax.

※ 獎項調整 Awards Adjustment

The prize may not be awarded or be adjusted based on the jury’s resolution.

※ 作品所有權 Intellectual Property

The property and ownership of all awarded works belong to the Xia Jing Shan Arts & Culture Foundation.

※報名注意事項 Registration Notice

In order to safeguard the interests of participants, please fill in the email address that you use regularly on the application form. The Organizing Committee will send important information, including a shortlist and award winners list, to this email address.

The Organizing Committee will send a competition journal and a certificate to all winners and nominees. Please fill in your accurate address on the form when applying.

Titles for the artworks and the name of the participant cannot be altered after the entry deadline.

※ 活動參與 Participation

The participation of Awardees for the Award Ceremony is required. 15% off the prize will be charged under the circumstances when any replacement is arranged or absence.



The works of art should be produced based on the notion of Xia’s or life philosophy, that connects with culture and innovation. It aims to inspire the pieces of works that pay attention to society and humanitarian issues in the depth. Three categories are available: Graphic Design Category, Gift Design Category and Digital Animation Category.

平面設計組 Graphic Design Category


Graphic design works or applied designs by visual art such as illustrations, books, printings, package designs and contains the materials such as images, symbols or scripts. Design materials and method are not limited, which refers to the computer graphics or hand creations; either a single image or a series of works are welcomed.

禮品設計組 Gift Design Category


Gift design works can be created by any daily necessities, such as stationery, toys, ornaments, lamps, storages, dolls, furniture, bedding, accessories, etc. Materials are not limited and it can be made as a single set or a series of sets, but those should be available for mass production.

數位動畫組 Digital Animation Category


2D or 3D animation or digital effects works should be limited within 10 minutes. Scripts, soundtracks, images, animations or other possible materials are available to use for creating any innovative or industrial- oriented art works.

  • 每位/組參賽者可參加其他組別,也可重複參加同組別。
    Each participant / team can submit works more than one category and also allows for multiple submission in one category.
  • 每件作品只能參加一個組別。
    Each piece of art work is only able to submit once in each category.



No registration fee. No restriction on individuals or groups (Max. 5) of nationalities and age. Applicants at any age are welcome for works submission.


First submission
2018/4/20-2018/09/07 17:00 止
April 20- September 7 by 5pm (EST)
Preliminary selection
End of September
Result of Preliminary selection/ Information on Second Submission
End of September
Deadline of second submission
More details are not to be advised until Mid October
Final selection and Award Announcement
Beginning of November
Award ceremony and more activities
Mid December

※ 主辦單位保留活動變動之權利,實際日期將以網站上公佈為準
The organizer reserves the right at any time to make such alternations in event program and the date. Please refer to the website for the latest information.


注意事項 Notice

  1. 繳交的作品、簡報、海報、影片中不得有個人姓名,或是可能影響評審的個人識別資訊或符號,若經查證將取消資格。
    All submissions are anonymous; if any identical symbol or individual information found in submissions, the eligibility is dismissed.
  2. 進入決選之作品,不得隨意更改作品內容,但容許原作品做10%內的些許微調修正,惟須保持「設計方向、風格、標題」不變。
    The works of finalists shall not be modified randomly, only fine-tuning, less than 10% of the work, is allowed.
  3. 通過初選,以及最後的獲獎名單將於活動官網 ( www.jingshanaward.com )、FB粉絲團 ( www.facebook.com/xjsacf/ )公布。
    The result will be posted on our official website and Facebook Fan Page.

(一)初選送件Preliminary Selection Submissions

  1. 註冊Register

    請至官方網站 www.jingshanaward.com 線上註冊、填妥個人資訊。
    Please register at our official website: www.jingshanaward.com

  2. 下載以下文件並上傳、繳交參賽文件Download the following documents and submit

    • (1)個人國籍的「身分證明文件」掃描檔(所有創作者皆需具備證明文件)上傳。
      Scanned personal national ID. (All creators need to provide certified document).
    • (2)到「檔案下載」下載檔案,填妥並簽名後上傳到網站:
      Please download the following forms from the web listed above ‘Download’ page and upload them to the website after signing:

      • -未滿20歲參賽同意書 Consent letter for participants under 20 years old
      • -團體成員名單與授權同意書 List of group members and license agreement

    ※ 每件作品務必填寫以上各一份表單。若為團體報名,由一人代表填寫即可。Fill in a form for each work. If it’s a group registration, choose one person to fill in the forms.

  3. 繳交項目Work submission

    Sign in with individual account; upload your works.

    • (1)平面設計組、禮品設計組Graphic Design Category & Gift Design Category請依序上傳作品電子檔(以單一或系列稿呈現於畫面中皆可)最多3張,每個檔案為3-10MB內之清晰可供評審作線上評選之檔案,檔案格式:A3、300dpi、JPG檔。
      Please upload at least three digital files (single picture or image series). Every file is 3-10 MB. File format: A3, 300 dpi, JPG files.
    • (2)數位動畫組Digital Animation Category上傳10分鐘內正片到個人Youtube帳號,並設為「不公開」,提供影片網址給主辦單位。並上傳作品海報電子檔1張(內容不限):A3、300dpi、3-10MB以內,JPG檔。
      Upload the animation unto personal Youtube account and set its ‘privacy’ . Provide the video link to the organizer and upload one animation poster file (no content limit): A3, 300dpi, 3-10 MB, JPG file.

    ※ 參賽者於報名完成後至報名截止日前,可利用個人帳號密碼登入,進行新增作品上傳、修改作品資料、修改個人資料等動作。Before submission deadline, you can sign in with your account and password to upload your works or to edit the works and your personal information.

(二)決選送件Final Selection Submissions

  1. 下載以下文件並上傳、繳交決選參賽文件Download the following documents and submit for final selection

    Please download the following forms from the web listed above ‘Download’ page and upload them to the website after signing:

    • -著作權聲明同意書 Consent and Copyright License Agreement

    ※每件作品務必填寫以上各一份表單。若為團體報名,由一人代表填寫即可。Fill in a form for each work. If it’s a group registration, choose one person to fill in the forms.

  2. 繳交項目Work submission

    請將以下資料準備好寄到 xiajingshanacf@gmail.com
    Please send the following documents required to our mailbox: xiajingshanacf@gmail.com.
    Subject of the email:“AAA(Submission number)-XXXXX(Title)-1(Sequentially numbered if you have more than 1 email)”

平面設計組、禮品設計組  Graphic Design and Product Design Category

  • (1)作品檔案至多5張 Artworks Content No more than 5 Pieces若為手繪作品請先自行數位化。不包含文字、排版等資訊。每張3-10MB內的JPG檔案格式,300dpi,CMYK模式。
    檔案命名:「AAA(請參閱通過初審名單上的作品編號)-XXXXX(中文作品主題名稱)-作品檔案1(依序編號)」Please digitalized if they’re drawings. No words and layouts. Every jpg file is 3-10MB, 300 dip, CMYK.
    Name the file‘AAA (please see the given number on the preliminary selection) – XXXXX(Title) – File No.1 (sequentially numbered)
  • (2)決選簡報1份 Final Selection Presentation文字內容為中英文雙語,內容需含作品名稱、設計概念說明、作品特色功能、量產分析(平面設計組免量產分析,但請提交建議開發商品項之打稿)等….有助於決選評審審察之資料,請以pdf格式繳交,頁數限20頁內,大小限20MB內的16:9寬螢幕尺寸。
    檔案命名:「AAA(請參閱通過初審名單上的作品編號)-XXXXX(中文作品主題名稱)-決選簡報」Bilingual texts in the description, including the artwork title, the concept, characteristics, functions and product analysis (graphic design needs no product analysis, but to submit first draft of suggested developing items, etc. Any material is recommended for juries to review and submit in pdf format. Pages are limited to 20 and the size is within 20 MB in a 16:9 widescreen type of format.
    Name the file ‘AAA (please see the given number on the preliminary selection) – XXXXX (Title) – Final Selection Presentation
  • (3)直式A1彩色說明海報1張 One Straight A1 Color PosterA1海報(594×841mm),檔案請到上方欄位「檔案下載」網頁中下載:海報格式排版。文字內容為中英文雙語,須包含作品名稱與創作理念;手繪作品請加註原作尺寸與媒材工具,但不能包含可識別之創作者資訊。檔案大小為50MB內,格式為pdf,若檔案大小超過電子信箱容量限制,請自行上傳到網路空間讓主辦單位下載即可。
    檔案命名:「AAA(請參閱通過初審名單上的作品編號)-XXXXX(中文作品主題名稱)-海報輸出檔案」A1 poster (594x841mm), please download from the web listed above ‘Download’ page : Poster format. Bilingual texts in the description, including the artwork title and the concept. Drawing artworks please mention the size and the media, not including identical personal information. The file is within 50 MB and the format is pdf. If the file exceeds mail box capacity, please upload unto cloud space so that the organizer may download.
    Name the file: ‘AAA (please see the given number on the preliminary selection) – XXXXX(Title) – Poster File
  • (4)繳交「著作權聲明同意書」 Summit ‘Consent and Copyright License Agreement’到「檔案下載」下載檔案,填妥並簽名後夾帶在email附件寄出︰
    Please download the following forms from the web listed above‘Download’page and attach it to the email after signing:

    • -著作權聲明同意書 Consent and Copyright License Agreement

    ※ 每件作品務必填寫以上各一份表單。若為團體報名,由一人代表填寫即可。Fill in a form for each work. If it’s a group registration, choose one person to fill in the forms.

數位動畫組 Animation Category

  • (1)作品檔案 File10分鐘內正片,正片為100MB內的MOV/MP4檔案。(若檔案太大,可用雲端傳,讓主辦單位下載。)
    檔案命名:「AAA(請參閱通過初審名單上的作品編號)-XXXXX(中文作品主題名稱)-正片」10 min video in MOV/MP4 format within 100 MP. (Upload the file unto Cloud if the file is too large)
    Name the file:‘AAA (please see the given number on the preliminary selection) – XXXXX(Title) – Video
  • (2)至多五張動畫精彩重點截圖 At Least 5 of Screenshots of Animation Selection每張限10MB內的JPG檔案格式,300dpi, CMYK模式。
    檔案命名:「AAA(請參閱通過初審名單上的作品編號)-XXXXX(中文作品主題名稱)-精彩截圖1(依序編號)」Every JPG file is within 10 MB, 300 dpi, CMYK.
    Name the file: ‘AAA (please see the given number on the preliminary selection) – XXXXX(Title) – Selected Screenshot No.1 (sequentially numbered)
  • (3)決選簡報1份 Final Selection Presentation文字內容為中英文雙語,內容需含作品名稱、設計概念說明、作品特色功能等有助於決選評審審察之資料,請以pdf格式繳交,頁數限20頁內,大小限20MB內的16:9寬螢幕尺寸。
    檔案命名:「AAA(請參閱通過初審名單上的作品編號)-XXXXX(中文作品主題名稱)-決選簡報」Bilingual texts in the description, including the artwork title, the concept, characteristics, etc. Any material is recommended for juries to review and submit in pdf format. Pages are limited to 20 and the size is within 20 MB in a 16:9 widescreen type of format.
    Name the file ‘AAA (please see the given number on the preliminary selection) – XXXXX (Title) – Final Selection Presentation
  • (4)直式A1彩色說明海報1張 One Straight A1 Color PosterA1海報(594×841mm),檔案請到上方欄位「檔案下載」網頁中下載:海報格式排版。文字內容為中英文雙語,須包含作品名稱與創作理念;手繪作品請加註原作尺寸與媒材工具,但不能包含可識別之創作者資訊。檔案大小為50MB內,格式為pdf,若檔案大小超過電子信箱容量限制,請自行上傳到網路空間讓主辦單位下載即可。
    檔案命名:「AAA(請參閱通過初審名單上的作品編號)-XXXXX(中文作品主題名稱)-海報輸出檔案」A1 poster (594x841mm), please download from the web listed above ‘Download’page : Poster format. Bilingual texts in the description, including the artwork title and the concept. Drawing artworks please mention the size and the media, not including identical personal information. The file is within 50 MB and the format is pdf. If the file exceeds mail box capacity, please upload unto cloud space so that the organizer may download.
    Name the file: ‘AAA (please see the given number on the preliminary selection) – XXXXX(Title) – Poster File
  • (5)繳交「著作權聲明同意書」 Summit ‘Consent and Copyright License Agreement’到「檔案下載」下載檔案,填妥並簽名後夾帶在email附件寄出︰
    Please download the following forms from the web listed above‘Download’page and attach it to the email after signing:

    • -著作權聲明同意書 Consent and Copyright License Agreement

    ※ 每件作品務必填寫以上各一份表單。若為團體報名,由一人代表填寫即可。Fill in a form for each work. If it’s a group registration, choose one person to fill in the forms.


財團法人夏荊山文化藝術基金會保留所有比賽辦法之異動權利,若有任何異動、公告、入圍、得獎結果將於活動官網 ( www.jingshanaward.com )、FB粉絲團 ( www.facebook.com/xjsacf/ ) 公布,不另行通知。
The Foundation reserves the rights to change the rules of the award submission. If there are any changes, please refer to the event’s official website and Facebook page only. The organizer will not send any further notices.

報名參賽與評審 Registration and Selection Notice

  1. 參賽者需確保參賽作品為其原創、擁有所有權,且未違反著作權、未曾在國內外競賽得獎。若違反此條款,獲獎作品如涉及抄襲,或經檢舉發現並查證屬實為其他活動競賽中得獎作品者,主辦單位保有取消得獎或入選資格、追回獎金、獎座及證書等之權利。若造成第三者之權益損失,參賽者/團隊應自負法律責任。
  2. 參賽者需提供其創作之詳細資料,作為日後公開報導與展示之用,並同意不收取任何版權費用。
  3. 報名文件及送審影像資料做為執行單位研究記錄用,恕不退還。
  4. 評審及展示期間不得要求退還、移動或替換入選作品;參賽作品於評審結果公布前不得參與其他競賽或展覽。
  5. 參賽者之報名行為,視同賦予本會於必要範圍內無償使用參賽者個人資料之許可。適用範圍限於展覽、推廣及大賽相關配合活動,包含蒐集、處理及利用個資。授權項目包括得對得獎及入選作品進行展示、攝影、複製、翻譯、出版品、紀念品之製作及宣傳等。
  6. 參賽作品與文件須於規定期限前上傳或寄送給主辦單位之指定收件處(網站、email),若繳交參賽作品不齊全,或不符規定者,主辦單位有權不予收件,亦無告知義務。
  7. 為保障參賽者權益,報名時請填入經常使用的E-mail信箱,執行單位將會以此信箱傳送比賽重要訊息,包含入圍與得獎通知。
  8. 報名截止後,將無法再修改作品名稱及參賽者姓名,請妥為填寫。
  9. 凡報名送件參賽者,視為同意遵循本簡章各項規範。
  1. All participants must guarantee that any work submitted to the competition is their own original work, that they have the ownership of the work, that their work has not received prizes in any prior competition, and that the work does not violate any copyright. If the winning work is reported or informed to be unoriginal or plagiarized work, once confirmed the organizer reserves the right to rescind a winner’s prize and claim restitution of the monetary award in addition to the return of the trophy and certificate of award. The participants / group participants shall assume legal liability without objection if causing losses to a third party.
  2. Participants have to provide detailed information of their creation for the purpose of public reports and exhibition in the future and participants have to agree not to claim any copyright fee.
  3. The registration documents and photographic materials submitted shall be retained by the organizer for research and recording purposes; they are not to be returned.
  4. Any request of return, removal, non- Jing Shan related events, or replacement of any selected work is not acceptable during the process of review and exhibition.
  5. By completing the registration, a participant shall be deemed as having given consent to authorize the foundation to use his or her work without any reimbursement within the scope required for exhibition and relevant activities. The scope of authorization includes exhibition, photography, replication, and translation of the award-winning and selected works, creation and sale of the publication and souvenirs, and promotional activities.
  6. All submissions by deadline are strictly regulated. The organizer reserves the right to decline any incomplete submission, including rules violators without any notice.
  7. In order to secure participants’ rights, please make sure that you fill out the complete information, including the correct email address for any important notice and information.
  8. Any amendment such as names or work titles is not acceptable after submission deadline.
  9. Once submission is completed, it is also regarded the consent has been automatically made by the applicants.

得獎與獎金 Award and Prize

  1. 各獎項經決選評審小組決議,得從缺或調整。
  2. 獲獎者之作品所有權歸屬於財團法人夏荊山文化藝術基金會。
  3. 獲獎者應親自至活動現場領獎;若未到場之獲獎者獎項價值以原先公布之85%支付。
  4. 獲獎所得獎金須依照中華民國所得稅法規定(超過新台幣2萬元以上),預扣10%所得稅。外籍人士獲獎之扣繳稅率則以20%計算(不論金額)。
  5. 主辦單位對投件作品均有攝影與公開展示權,得運用投件作品之說明文字與照片,作為展覽、宣傳及出版用途。得奬者須配合進行作品後續產製手冊之撰寫,無故違反規定者,主辦單位得追回頒發之獎金,不得異議。
  6. 得獎者同意所有獲獎作品著作權、商標、專利權及其他財產權皆授權給財團法人夏荊山文化藝術基金會(以下簡稱本會),並同意對本會及本會所授權之人,不行使著作人格權且不主張任何其他權利;本會有無償重製、公開使用與量產等相關權利,不另支付日後使用酬勞或權利金。設計師若有任何損及作品,或未告知主辦單位而將設計相關權利讓與第三者之情事,主辦單位有權取消其獲獎資格,追回頒發之獎金與獎狀並保留法律追訴權。
  1. The awards may remain no prize awarded according to the decisions by the juries.
  2. The copyrights of the works of the awardees belongs to the Xia Jing Shan Arts & Culture Foundation.
  3. Winners must participate in the award ceremony in person or 15% of the prize money will be deducted regarding the absence.
  4. Award winners will be taxed 10% income tax in accordance with the Tax Law of Taiwan. Foreign award winners will be taxed 20% income tax.
  5. The organizer has the right to take photographs and publicly displays the submitted works, description and photos for the purpose of exhibition, promotion and publication. Winners are required to co-work with the foundation for future manual editing. Any violation against the rules by the winners, the organizer reserves the right to request the Prize money refund.
  6. All Participants grant to suspend the intellectual rights of their works to the Foundation. No moral rights should be claimed by any participants and the Foundation should be authorized the free duplications of art works and the use of public purpose. If a designer put the works into disrepute or transfers related intellectual rights to a third party, the organizer has the right to disqualify the winning title and take back the prize money and certificate already presented, and reserve the right to take legal action.





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