

報名時間: 2019-07-01 ~ 2019-11-15

2019「閃耀比利時」攝影比賽 | “Sparkles of Belgium” Photo Contest

In November 2019, the Consulate General in Guangzhou celebrates Belgium in all its diversity.

比利時駐廣州總領事館誠意邀請每一位喜歡比利時,熱愛旅行和美食的你參加將於7月1日至11月15日與 “The Happy Monk”共同舉辦的比利時攝影比賽。如何參與?只需完成以下步驟參與:
You are cordially invited to an exciting photography competition that the Consulate is organizing in partnership with “The Happy Monk” restaurant in Guangzhou which will run during the period 1st July – 15th November 2019. To enter the competition, you simply have to do the following steps:

步驟一 | Step One

Extract the QR-code and follow the Consulate’s WeChat account;


步驟二 | Step Two

Take an original photo of Belgium (or related to a Belgian theme) and send it to the Consulate’s Wechat account;

步驟三 | Step Three

Don’t forget to mention your contact details (so the Consulate can contact you if you win);

步驟四 | Step Four

Follow the Consulate on Wechat to find out more about the competition.

獲獎名單將於11月28日在廣州 The Happy Monk 舉行的“閃耀比利時”活動中公佈。
The winners of the exclusive prizes will be announced at the “Sparkling Belgium” Evening Event to be held on 28th November 2019 at The Happy Monk in Guangzhou.


The submitted photo must be your own work. By participating, you confirm that you possess all the copyright and intellectual property rights to the submitted photo, and that you are its sole author. You protect the Consulate General against appeals of any kind relating to the exploitation, reproduction and use of the photos you submit. Through your participation, you also declare that if one or more people appear in the photos you submit, these people have authorized you to reproduce their portrait. In the event of publication, the consulate cannot be held liable for any claims or complaints from people appearing in the photos. This liability is assumed by the participant.

The copyright to the photo is transferred to the Consulate. The submitted photos may be used in communication by and about the Consulate General of Belgium in Guangzhou, both during and after the contest. Through their participation, each participant automatically and irrevocably authorizes the publication of his name.



  • 主辦單位 : 比利時駐廣州總領事館

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