2019 TMU-MIT Healthcare Datathon 醫療數據松
⚡2019 TMU-MIT Healthcare Datathon 醫療數據松⚡
- 風險預測(Risk Prediction)
- 病程發展預測(Disease Progression Prediction)
- 預後預測(Prognosis Prediction)
- 死亡預測(Mortality Prediction)
【 時間/地點 】
◆Pre-Datathon 2019/09/07
臺北醫學大學-大安校區 (台北市大安區基隆路二段172-1號)
◆Healthcare Datathon 2019/09/27-29
臺北醫學大學-校本部-杏春樓 (臺北市信義區吳興街250號)
※Participants are required to attend for both Pre-Datathon and 3-day Healthcare Datathon.
※Note: Agenda may be subject to change.
9/7 Taipei Medical University- Daan Campus B2
Time | Content |
0900 – 0930 | Registration |
0930 – 0935 | Opening Remark |
0935 – 0940 | Introduction to Pre-Datathon |
0940 – 1000 | How to Download Dataset Through GCP(Google Cloud Platform) |
1000 – 1015 | Workshop 1 Topic: Introduction of DermAI Dataset Speaker: TBC |
1015 – 1030 | Workshop 2 Topic: Introduction of AESOP Dataset Speaker: Christine Yang, Taipei Medical University |
1030 – 1130 | Physicians Pitch (3 min/person) |
1130 – 1200 | Discussion |
Day1. 9/27
Time | Content |
0900 - 0930 | Registration |
0930 - 1000 | Opening Ceremony |
1000 - 1030 | Introduction to TMU-MIT Datathon and Mentors |
1030 - 1050 | [ Keynote Speech 1 ] (20min) Topic: Building Systems of Innovation Speaker: Kenneth Eugene Paik |
1050 - 1110 | Tea Break |
1110 - 1130 | [ Keynote Speech 2 ] (20min) Topic: The Intersection of AI & Ethics – Managing the Life Cycle of Predictive Applications to Reduce Risk Speaker: Jennifer Jordan |
1130 - 1150 | [ Keynote Speech 3 ] (20min) Topic: How to Conduct a Machine Learning Project for Clinical Medicine Speaker: Wei-Hung Weng |
1150 - 1300 | Lunch |
1300 - 1400 | Team Meeting / Brainstorm Time |
1400 - 1500 | Mentor-Team Meeting/Discussion |
1500 - 1530 | Workshop 3: Topic: MIMIC Speaker: Han Wang, National University of Singapore |
1530 - 1540 | Tea Break |
1540 - 1610 | Workshop 4: Topic: The eICU Collaborative Research Database Speaker: TBC |
1610 - 1830 | Hacking |
1830 - 1930 | Dinner |
1930 - | Hacking |
2100 - | Midnight Snack |
DAY2. 9/28
Time | Content |
0830 - 0900 | Breakfast / Registration |
0900 - 0920 | [ Keynote Speech 4 ] (20min) Topic: AI in Healthcare: Enhancing the Efficacy and Efficiency of Interactions To The Rural World Speaker: Rani Shifron |
0920 - 0940 | [ Keynote Speech 5 ] (20min) Topic: Time-Limited Trials for Critically Ill Cancer Patients Speaker: Peggy Lai |
0940 - 1000 | [ Keynote Speech 6 ] (20min) Topic: When Machine Learning Meets Healthcare Speaker: Mengling ‘Mornin’ Feng |
1000 - 1020 | Tea Break |
1020 - 1230 | Pre-Pitch & Feedback |
1230 - 1330 | Lunch |
1330- 1800 | Hacking |
1800 - 1900 | Dinner |
1900 - | Hacking |
2100 - | Midnight Snack |
DAY 3. 9/29
Time | Content |
0700 - 0800 | Breakfast / Registration |
0800 - 0820 | Mentors Meeting / Refresh on Evaluation Standard |
0820 - 1050 | Pitch (5 min Pitch + 3 min Q&A) |
1050 - 1110 | Evaluation + Questionnaire |
1110 - 1125 | Results Announcement + Final Comments |
1125 - 1135 | Award Ceremony |
1135 - 1145 | Closing Ceremony |
1145 - 1200 | Photo Time |
【 票價】
•學生 NT$400 •非學生 NT$1,600
<一般票種(~8/31) >
•學生 NT$500 •非學生 NT$2,000
•悠久大學聯盟、臺北聯合大學系統的學生:NT$500 (可於全程參與活動後領回報名費NT$500)
受推薦之醫師報名費核銷請於報名頁填寫醫院收據抬頭及統一編號。 如未受推薦之醫院醫師欲報名活動請洽Howard (dd23245@tmu.edu.tw)
【 評選標準】
- Value
- Innovation
- Feasibility
- Presentation Skills
【 獎項】
- 第一名 NT$80,000(未稅)
- 第二名 NT$60,000(未稅)
- 第三名 NT$40,000(未稅)
- 第四名 NT$20,000(未稅)
- 第五名 NT$10,000(未稅)
- 人氣獎
- 創新獎
- WOW獎
或追蹤FB: HIot Hackathon掌握最新消息!
【 官網 】 http://hack.tmu.edu.tw/2019.php
【Facebook】HIoT Hackathon:https://www.facebook.com/hackt…
Susan Hsu
02-6638-2736 #1559
- 主辦單位 : 臺北醫學大學
- 主辦單位電話 : 0989-315-671
- 主辦單位 Email : wei_3@tmu.edu.tw